New table for GBWest too! Looking forward to the pictures.
Nibel's response is perfect
Can we rub the fan translators' faces to build our bond with them and empower them to finish the translation?
I really hope the Coming Soon window fills out a bit.
I still need to watch Game Tapes 2
also that BvS review thread is fucking great with all the schadenfreude.
It's all the salt I love about game review threads where the public hasn't had a chance to play the game yet and thus almost no one on the thread can actually make a convincing argument that their favorite thing is actually any good, just fanboy dribble about how reviews dont matter and such.That BvS thread is spawning pages at an ungodly rate. I try skipping five pages, there are seven new ones.
Not at all, people are having a tough time trying to rationalize these reviews among people chuckling and enjoying the saltNevermind, no need to talk about other threads.
Trackmania Turbo looks refreshingly crazy. Glad to see that most of Jeff's concerns didn't end up ruining the game.
Trackmania Turbo looks refreshingly crazy. Glad to see that most of Jeff's concerns didn't end up ruining the game.
Yeah, I would like some of the old craziness but the game looks really cool for what it is.
Gonna have to be honest here: Not going to miss the music from Trackmania servers.
Disagree, even if there was a lot of terrible music choices out there.
But that's kind of what you want.
Watch them start up work on Bravely Second.
Trackmania Turbo looks adorable in all it's craziness.
It's not as batshit crazy as Trackmania 2, but it'll do.
You mean retranslating a whole game in a completely lifeless manner just to add back a weird face rubbing mini game that wasn't even liked in the original territory and some dumb swimsuits was a colossal waste of time? Who knew?
I'm still with Jeff on this one. If you can't bear the thought of anything but the pure and unsullied original text, learn the fucking language and experience it in its original form. And then be massively, horribly defeated when you realize that the original writing wasn't very good either.
I miss the Tumblr questions.
exprience so far
also japanese relies so much on contextual clues to convey information that a straight translation of the text is ridiculously stupid. like, holy shit.
I thought they were going to go there but they only teased it.I miss the Tumblr questions.
I have nothing but massive respect for people who can translate Japanese media and have the end product have some kind of flavor. I was never particularly good at creative writing, and that's what it boils down to. It's like someone handing you a piece of paper that says "A man eats an apple." and tells you to rewrite it into something that is both interesting but accurate. You can't make up what shirt the man is wearing, you can't even say if he likes the apple, but you need to describe what he's doing. It's mind-bendingly difficult for me, and presumably most people.
it's okay to not like the way the writer describes the man eating the apple, but it doesn't mean it was done "wrong." anyone who says the writer should take that piece of paper and write below the original text, "A man eats an apple," is wrong and their opinion should not be taken seriously.
I'm still with Jeff on this one. If you can't bear the thought of anything but the pure and unsullied original text, learn the fucking language and experience it in its original form. And then be massively, horribly defeated when you realize that the original writing wasn't very good either.
"I can't wait for the first AR murder."
Man, once you start skipping VR shit on a podcast, it becomes super easy to skip over the games you don't care about, too.
Man, once you start skipping VR shit on a podcast, it becomes super easy to skip over the games you don't care about, too.
I was actually pretty OK with the VR talk these week. It felt real and substantive for once.
Only thing I didn't like was Dan's comment about people not caring to hear VR talk being because 'it's hard to describe'. The reason I typically dislike it, and most others I've seen complain about it, isn't because you're doing a poor job describing why we should care. It's because the talk is extremely repetitive. I understand what you're saying, it's just you've all said it 10 billion times.
Doesn't help that they follow up a shitload of VR talk (which is shaping up to be 2016's "they talk about Destiny too much") with Urban Destiny.
Tbf that is a common complaint about VR talk, so Dan isn't wrong there in general.
Doesn't help that they follow up a shitload of VR talk (which is shaping up to be 2016's "they talk about Destiny too much") with Urban Destiny.
But these are the kinds of people that would want honorifics included in a work that has zero to do with Japanese culture for the sake of 'accuracy'. They can't be appeased.
Is anyone really bitching because they don't get it? I feel like Dan's comment is just an extension of the 'you have to try it' defense many people already sold on the tech use against anyone who complains.
Is anyone really bitching because they don't get it? I feel like Dan's comment is just an extension of the 'you have to try it' defense many people already sold on the tech use against anyone who complains.
that's such a tough one, and while I lean about 80% towards "cut them," there are times where I feel like you lose too much by trying to work around that limitation. Yakuza 3 was kind of a mess because they tried too hard to extract all the japanese language quirks from the script. Majima calls Kiryu "Kiryu-chan" (in a friendly way), and they localized it to "Kazzy," which is both awkward and doesn't convey the same feeling. for later games, they kind of split the difference and took out honorifics in any situation where they're kind of perfunctory and left them in where they'd have some kind of impact.
but in pretty much any other situation where you're not dealing with subject matter that is intrinsically japanese (and where interactions are fundamentally colored by specifically japanese sociolinguistic structures), there's no reason short of one's own writing limitations to not excise them entirely
Yes, people complain that it's difficult to grasp because they haven't had a chance to try it themselves.
Division and VR talk on Bombcast, eh?
"you have to try it!" is such an infeasable situation for many, many people. it's a relatively small percentage of the gaming population that can even afford to buy any of the VR sets, and most of us don't even have the occasion to try it in a demo situation.
What do you even want them to talk about?
People complained about The Division in talk in release week and now VR talk is too much when they've just returned from multiple showings of retail versions of headsets, new games and a press conference where Sony have finally finalised their VR plans.
It's like complaining about talking about new console launches because you don't have one yet.