Hey man, not everyone wants a video game podcast to talk about the newest and biggest video game and the most potentially monumental advance in video games since their invention.
i can kinda see getting sick of vr talk when it was so far away but now that it's almost here that's really exciting and interesting
The problem with VR talk is, like they did with Destiny, they talked way too much about it when they actually had nothing new to add. By the time they actually had new stuff to convey, like this week, people were justifiably burnt out.
FWIW, I've hated the Beastcast VR talk and I thought this week's Bombcast was fine because there was actually some real insights.
I'm not sure if them talking about it before has much to do with it, there's always a lot of loud people who complain about VR every time it's covered at a lot of outlets for various reasons. Look at all the shitposting in pretty much every VR bews thread on GAF for example.
division, destiny, shit's all the same
'the numbers going up' isn't an exciting thing to talk about anymore.
They talk about it for a few minutes the second week after the game is out.
Some people are going to shitpost on things regardless. I kind of find it hard to believe the majority of people complaining about the Beastcast and Bombcast talks are in that group.
I'm just saying that it's probably more than what you're saying, and the shitposting for VR goes way beyond most other subjects because a lot of people aren't interested, think it's too expensive, are fanboys etc.
I do think the GB folks have a tendency to downplay the negatives of VR (Cost, lack of unique content, continual problems of motion sickness for a good number of folks), but that's neither hear nor there. They do touch on some of that this week and I really appreciated that.
I just don't like the idea that some people are bringing up that you should automatically want to hear more VR talk because it's something that has a chance of being really important. I also dislike the idea that tiring of VR talk is purely a function of it being tough to describe. Seems like a real copout.
Like, what do you expect?
For what it's worth I'll never be able to play VR games because of motion sickness, so my interest is purely theoretical.
I mean you shouldn't want to if you don't want to hear it, but is it really that reasonable to expect the GB crew to not talk about a big new gaming technology that is on the brink of being released?
Like, what do you expect?
I expect you to die.
I expect you to die.
I mean, eventually.
The problem with the VR stuff is the way you talk about it is so existential. Like there's always this 'assumed' nature whenever journalists talk about VR when the reality is most people haven't even touched it. It's not like you can go down to the Best Buy and 'lemme lookie at this here occulus thingamabob'
The problem with the VR stuff is the way you talk about it is so existential. Like there's always this 'assumed' nature whenever journalists talk about VR when the reality is most people haven't even touched it. It's not like you can go down to the Best Buy and 'lemme lookie at this here occulus thingamabob'
I remember one of the bombcasts Jeff said so surely that VR was the next thing and that it just was, that there was no doubt about that. And it just made me think how much of his current living situation colored that. Think about the people that are
A) Going to put down this much money for a headset
B) Aren't going to get sick from VR
C) Are going to put down that much money for a VR headset AND have a top of the line computer
D) Are interested in the kinds of experiences VR can offer(because it has a ton of limitations that devs on their show have mentioned a dozen times)
E) Have the space for a device like that.
This ain't a 250 dollar Wii or whatever
OT | "I can't wait for the first AR murder."
It's like when they talk about the digital future and how that's where it's going to go and where it is going.
And it's like, you know other people deal with bandwidth caps as they become more and more of a thing, right?
It's like when they talk about the digital future and how that's where it's going to go and where it is going.
And it's like, you know other people deal with bandwidth caps as they become more and more of a thing, right?
Listening to the Bombcast talk about food when hungry is dangerous. Went down to the kitchen for an evening snack just as they were getting to the chip email. I wasn't intending to have more than 500 calories or so, ended up eating four hot dogs (with buns) and a bowl of ice cream. Damn it all.
You better tell the to the collective video game industry, because it's happening regardless.
The video game digital future isn't some game press echo chamber.
Listening to the Bombcast talk about food when hungry is dangerous. Went down to the kitchen for an evening snack just as they were getting to the chip email. I wasn't intending to have more than 500 calories or so, ended up eating four hot dogs (with buns) and a bowl of ice cream. Damn it all.
Candy?!? For Breakfast!?!?!I took a nap so it's too late for me to go out and buy something to eat. So I'm eating reeses cereal.
Candy?!? For Breakfast!?!?!
I took a nap so it's too late for me to go out and buy something to eat. So I'm eating reeses cereal.
Goddamn millenialsIT TASTES VERY VERY GOOD
You better tell the to the collective video game industry, because it's happening regardless.
The video game digital future isn't some game press echo chamber.
Goddamn millenials
Look man, I've had that entire commercial memorized for twenty years, I finally saw my chance, and you left me hanging.excuse you
I've seen that commercial in my youth
I was just agreeing with you, it's not meme monday.
I don't think I've eaten cereal in years.
Like, my breakfast nowadays is mostly coffee and sushi.
So yeah, I'm tired of them talking about VR. VR is super neat, but it's something that super won't be on my radar for probably a good decade or two. From how Vinny reacted on the Beastcast, I'm not the only one who shares this sentiment. Here's hoping it doesn't implode on itself in the meantime; with so many competing options, I can only imagine the marketplace is a nightmare.
Goddamn millenials
My read on Vinny was more him being concerned about people complaining about VR talk rather than being tired of VR talk himself. He seems the most excited for VR of the beastcrew.
Yes that's what I meant.
Look man, I've had that entire commercial memorized for twenty years, I finally saw my chance, and you left me hanging.
I used to like Oreo O's but my mom would never buy them and when I had the freedom to buy my own cereal, they were discontinued.