the holder of the trombone
I keep forgetting FO4 exists and I put 50 hours into it. Still enjoyed it more than FO3 and Skyrim.
We need the Bends!
Eh, I'd rather take OK computer.
I keep forgetting FO4 exists and I put 50 hours into it. Still enjoyed it more than FO3 and Skyrim.
We need the Bends!
We need the D to fuck this tankGiant Bomb 22: WE NEED THE D
I put like 100 hours into FO4 in a week and I can't remember anything about the game.
This, Suicide Club, Love Exposure, Strange Circus & Noriko's Dinner Table are what I have in mind for next.
People really want to fuck Nick Valentine.
I keep forgetting FO4 exists and I put 50 hours into it. Still enjoyed it more than FO3 and Skyrim.
We need the Bends!
It's really creepy on a lot of levels.Search on Tumblr for literally any game that has Source Filmmaker models and you'll see just how badly people want to fuck all of the characters in that game
I don't know what you have or have not seen of his yet so
Suicide Circle is kind of mandatory watching. it's not his best but it really set the tone for what he'd do later. Love Exposure is also mandatory but it's four hours long. Noriko's is good but really low-key, very slow-burn stuff. I loved Tag but I guess it's semi-divisive.
Strange Circus is... it's a movie you've got to be in a particular frame of mind to watch. same with Cold Fish.
I'm in the middle of his adaptation of All ESPer Dayo! and I feel stupid for not watching it sooner. it's great
I haven't seen any of his films actually, Why Don't You Play In Hell? is the first film I've seen of his and I'm a guy that really enjoys foreign movies(watched a ton of Korean/Japanese/Italian/French/Germany/Denmark/Persian/Middle Eastern films). Length is usually not a problem for me when it comes to movies so, yeah. Looking forward to diving in Sion Sono's work, I'm glad that some of his movies are on bluray atleast.
I thought Witcher 3 would be the most boring thing they'd play on stream.
I was wrong.
he's one of my favorite filmmakers, and I thought Why Don't You Play in Hell? is actually in the bottom half of his movies, so you've got some good stuff ahead of you.
Anyone know which channel the dan vs Patrick mario maker pax video will go up on?
Why are we having a title debate again? We already agreed it's 'Drew, Fuck this Tank'.
It has to be. Any other option is an injustice.
Ya fucking beat em gerstmann injustice continues
Search on Tumblr for literally any game that has Source Filmmaker models and you'll see just how badly people want to fuck all of the characters in that game
Having your character mutter something when you skip a line of dialogue (and having that mutter change tone depending on the button you press) might just be my favorite thing about FO4. Made for some very funny, dumb moments.
Giant Bomb 22 | The Dark Souls of Community Threads
I really love the new Ratchet & Clank but I'm 3 brains short of having all of them in that level and I've been flying around in circle around the level for like 25min now... This is killing me
Where greninja at though.
Amiibos are garbage but I like that Kapp'n
The plush one not the Amiibo one.