I'm really curious what the hell Elder Scrolls VI is gonna be considering the only parts of Fallout 4 that really clicked with me were the shooting and the gun mods.
Whenever Dan gets into something, he REALLY gets into it
You got a link to that, I want to see if I was finally chosenthe scary thing is i'm close to thinking that about all video games sometimes, but then i stick my fingers in my ears and scream until the feeling passes
not actually serious so don't quote me neogaf shitposting twitter account
I'm really curious what the hell Elder Scrolls VI is gonna be considering the only parts of Fallout 4 that really clicked with me were the shooting and the gun mods.
Rutskarn, over on Shamus Young's blog, had a comment I really like in his Elder Scrolls retrospective (emphasis mine)I'm really curious what the hell Elder Scrolls VI is gonna be considering the only parts of Fallout 4 that really clicked with me were the shooting and the gun mods.
Why do I think Bethesdas open-world model is beginning to settle?
It all comes back to one consideration I hadnt even reckoned on bringing up when I began this series. Its an inaccurate buzzword trio coined in spite that accidentally almost came true seven years later, and discussing it is going to mean identifying what the underlying spiritif anyof these games really is.
Oblivion With Guns.
Ill summarize what will for most readers be a tiresomely familiar history: between Oblivion and Skyrim, Bethesda creates a successor to a very old in-depth roleplaying game and adapts what used to be top-down, 2D, character-is-the-size-of-a-penny, very numbers-focused and slow-paced gameplay into a fast-paced first-person game rendered in full 3D. Even this change was enough to frustrate many fans of the originals, and long before anything concrete was known about the games writing or tone people were claiming the upcoming Fallout 3 was going to be Oblivion with Guns.
They were mistaken.
Whatever Fallout 3 is or is not, it bears only very superficial resemblance to Oblivion. Fallout 3 has a variety of dialogue options to suit diverse and specific characterizations. Oblivion has only enough dialogue options to cover functions of exposition and choosing roughly branching paths (I am going to not accept your quest or I am going to accept your quest). Fallout 3s combat is decidedly quick and brutal as compared to Oblivions slow-paced tediously-managed slog. Fallout 3 has a story that starts and finishes (or at least, it was initially supposed to) whereas Oblivion is not constrained to its main narrative, but expanded to a full exploration of all its locations and interests. Small considerations of stats have a drastic effect on how your character in Oblivion moves and interacts with the world and dont affect Fallout 3s motion at all. Fallout 3 is constructed primarily around seamlessly exploring environments laden with visual storytelling while Oblivion condenses all of its points of interests in a narrow range of locations broken up by nothing much. However one feels about Bethesdas approach, theres not much comparison between Fallout 3 and any given TES game.
Then Skyrim came out. It was a smash-hit megasuccess. A few years later, they released Fallout 4.
Fallout 4 is Skyrim with guns.
Rutskarn, over on Shamus Young's blog, had a comment I really like in his Elder Scrolls retrospective (emphasis mine)
I'm way more into Elder Scrolls than Fallout, and i'm legit nervous about how badly Bethesda could fuck it up or over-streamline it.
Can't play Morrowind forever.
I'm way more into Elder Scrolls than Fallout, and i'm legit nervous about how badly Bethesda could fuck it up or over-streamline it.
Can't play Morrowind forever.
I'm curious what the WoW thing is on their schedule, have they mentioned what it's about?
Skyrim is already over streamlined. I'm afraid it's too late for TES.
I think Skyrim being such a breakout success was the worst possible thing to happen to Bethesda. Once you get that kind of success, you aren't going to stop chasing it. When your worst game becomes a huge success, you're going to keep going that direction. When you need every one of your games to be a hyper mega hit, you are going to keep streamlining to appeal to a large audience.
I actually enjoyed Skyrim. It wasn't terribly deep, and the quest design resorting to sending you into a dungeon filled with draugr every single time was lame as fuck, but I enjoyed the world and the mechanics were enough to try out a bunch of different builds.
As a guy that likes rogue characters, the stealth was better in Skyrim than Morrowind or Oblivion.
But yeah, it's definitely all downhill from here in terms of game depth. As you said, a voiced protagonist with a defined personality wouldn't surprise me. At the very least i hope they use an interesting location like Black Marsh or Valenwood.
I want to see Summerset or Elsweyr but I'm worried they would make them less weird. And if they want to make you a predefined characters they should just make another Elder Scrolls: Adventures.I actually enjoyed Skyrim. It wasn't terribly deep, and the quest design resorting to sending you into a dungeon filled with draugr every single time was lame as fuck, but I enjoyed the world and the mechanics were enough to try out a bunch of different builds.
As a guy that likes rogue characters, the stealth was better in Skyrim than Morrowind or Oblivion.
But yeah, it's definitely all downhill from here in terms of game depth. As you said, a voiced protagonist with a defined personality wouldn't surprise me. At the very least i hope they use an interesting location like Black Marsh or Valenwood.
Rorie's recent plan for a Community Endurance Run stream was to tank several raids (which he never tanked before). This didn't happen because he was sick.I'm curious what the WoW thing is on their schedule, have they mentioned what it's about?
Just from the title, safe bet is they're checking out that unofficial vanilla server before it gets shut down.
I thought that he replaced the name of the game with a generic title because he didn't want to inadvertently give it publicity or something.
Googled it, and no, it's really called "Shooting Girl".
Anyone who likes fantasy stuff like that should get decked at least onceit sounds really cool in japanese, i assure you.
I don't know why but I fall for the bethesda trap every fucking time.
i give you permission to deck me if I look like I might buy elder scrolls vi on launch or anything close to launch
You're fantasy stuff like that.Anyone who likes fantasy stuff like that should get decked at least once
I thought Skyrim was a boring, vapid souless fucking mess of a game who's only advantage was it was pretty. Could not stand that game at all. I wish Steam refunds were around back then so I didn't waste $60 on that crap. I wasn't surprised to hear FO4 was even worse. At this point, Bethesda is dead to me until they can prove they can make a real RPG again. At least I have CD Projekt Red to fill the hole in my heart Bethesda left.
Not saying people shouldn't be into that game if that's they're thing. Just saying for me personally, it's one of the least favorite games I've ever had the displeasure of putting time into.
I'm honestly pretty forgiving of games as well. I can think of just a small handful of games I actively hated. Skyrim, Prototype and Dishonored are the only ones I can think of off the top of my head.
It's good to keep in mind that Skyrim can at least be modded to fix problems like Pacific-Sized Kiddie Pool Syndrome, just like mods got the jank out of Morrowind and others of its era. There's at least that.
There is currently no way to watch GB premium content outside of a PC or a Roku, right?
Xbox One browser can play the videos on the website in HTML5.
Just can't live stream because that's all Flash.
That's been down for a couple of weeks so I doubt it's that.Just from the title, safe bet is they're checking out that unofficial vanilla server before it gets shut down.
Giantbomb to start their own vanilla wow server.
Started listening to this weeks bombcast and they were talking about the recent Patrick vs Dan mario maker challenge at pax... I had to turn off the podcast right away. Do they spoil the outcome?
Also will this video be posted on their website anytime soon? I really wanna watch it but only found a horrible youtube quality record.
How Vinny was the Fallout 4 stream?
That's been down for a couple of weeks so I doubt it's that.
I actually enjoyed Skyrim. It wasn't terribly deep, and the quest design resorting to sending you into a dungeon filled with draugr every single time was lame as fuck, but I enjoyed the world and the mechanics were enough to try out a bunch of different builds.
I kind of want Jeff to give Uncharted 2 stars just to see what happens.
(Game will likely be great)
Listening to the Bombcast, why is there no footage of Jeff getting lighttubed
It seems pretty easy to me to guess how they'll go with ESVI.
Even more simplified RPG systems. Would not be shocked to see stats simplified to purely equipment or crap like that.
Same garbage engine since most of that community is still in 'lol. Glitches are funny' mode. Bethesda has zero incentive to improve.
Directed story like FO4, but the writing will somehow be even worse since the Elder Scrolls world lacks the charm inherent to Fallout.
Another building mode. The kids love their building modes, even if they do jack shit in the actual game.
I hate video.
- Vincent caravella.