OK enough of the negativity. Let's talk about performance. The game itself runs alot better than the demo. There is also better texture-work. I know SM said you won't finda difference but have any of you noticed this?
I have to wonder if the combat is borked simply because they wanted Kratos to have less moves/abilities because the game is a prequel. You would think despite that they could come up with a more "raw" Kratos and system that is still fun to play. Im assuming as you move forward in the game and upgrade all you shit/learn new moves and magic that the combat at least gets somewhat better?
Started on Hard, can't lower it without starting over?
This combat is atrocious. Whoever made that thread is absolutely right. I can't see where I am, camera is fucked, enemies take forever to die, the enemies have zero reaction to my hits and the swarm of them just ignore my attacks and lay into me as I'm mid-animation. Fuck the combat designer. Shit sucks. I seriously just sit there holding block waiting for an oppurtunity when they all sync their attacks so I can swing once without being interrupted. Fucking disgusting.
Better than God of War 1 is still good enough for me.As for the series I'm going with GoW 2> 3 > Ascension > 1 > GoS > COO.
Ok, I'm done. This trial bullshit, no, I'm not gonna sit here for 6 hours like shit ass sesslar and try and beat some stupid ass bullshit trial where you take damage and theres nothing you can fucking do about it and you get no health or checkpoints. You have NO MAGIC. You have NO RAGE OF THE GODS. You have NO TOOLS TO FIGHT THIS BULLSHIT.
I get knocked down by a amazonian bitch and then her fucking bitch friend starts JUGGLING ME LIKE SHE'S A FUCKING A CLOWN THEN THE FUCKING HARPIES PICK HER UP THEN THEY START CHUCKING FUCKING SPEARS AT ME. I press square, I press triangle, NOTHINGS WORKS. Ice, fire, souls, lightning, this bitches just fucking take my attacks on the chin like they were fucking zeus and continue on with their animations. The gorgons jump at you when you're kinda far and thats instant damge, they attack FARTHER then you can roll.
And apparently there's 3 parts to this HORESHIT. I have 0 tools to combat this, they took everything out of the game that made you powerful, they took combat progress since 2005 and threw it out the fucking window SO YOU CAN CHAIN SOME PEOPLE WHILE STILL TTACKING, WHICH BY THE WAY DOES SHIT ALL SINCE EVERY ENEMY DOESN'T STUMBLE OR FLINCH WHEN YOU ATTACK SO ATTACKING THEM WHEN YOU HAVE ONE BLADE OCCUPIED IS A PRETTY FUCKING STUPID DECISION.
I don't have enough orbs for fullly upgrade these shit ass elemental powers so I don't know if electricity has a better magic attack or not, Ares explosions seems to kinda do some damage, the ice magic attack fucking blows because it does no damage and it slows them down but the game is broken piece of fucking shit so even if some of them are slow their models will blink from being coated with ice back to normal like I didn't just fucking spin my blades around like an idiot making an icestorm, fucking making me waste meter.
I pre-ordered this fucking game back in December, I was on your forums telling you what was wrong with your multiplayer every single damn day, when in reality you put 0 effort into the fucking single player and I bet the mutliplayer is still gonna have fuckin beta problems when I activiate this stupid online pass EVEN THOUGH THE PS4 IS OUT LATER THIS YEAR NOPE FUCK USED GAMERS.
I don't even know what the fuck I just typed because I am just blinded with rage right now. I can't even do a fucking relief angry fap because there's no sex minigame, not like I can go back to it BECAUSE THEY TOOK OUT FUCKING MANUAL SAVING ASLHIDA;OJFOIASHRBJGISXD;HUFOGJIBS
wait theres no sex minigame in Ascension??! Why haven't I heard about this yet? Theres been a sex mini game in every single GOW! Did the devs ever announce this or explain why? I would of thought months ago they would have announced something like this.
Better than God of War 1 is still good enough for me.
Does it really have the worst intro of the console games though? I find that hard to believe, as GoW1 can't hold a candle to what the series has been doing since in that regard.
Human Kratos doesn't have sex.
Weird... The beta was fine.Personally I think the game is much better than God of War 3. I am not a huge fan of the combat changes but when you do get momentum in battle and start locking down enemies it's a lot of fun. If it was stuck to the elemental effects while the combos where available whenever it would have worked out better. Well, aside from the parry...
Also, seriously, the sound issues are 1014124190 times worse in multiplayer EVERYTHING sounds muted in there. Needs a patch asap.
I don't compare them to each other as it wouldn't be fair due to 3 and Ascension having such a massive tech advantage. I just go off how they wowed me when they first came out.
Does that make his daughter adopted?
I'm stuck:
I'm an hour in. I was just introduced to the L3+R3 fire attack. They locked me an area with goat-enemies. I keep killing them every which way, but they keep respawning. What gives?
I refilled the rage/fire meter a few times. The goats keep respawning.
Just got to keep slaving through them. It's just that area spawns a ton.
Weird... The beta was fine.
Someone must've changed something right before this game went gold that screwed up the sound.
Okay, I could see that. I'll probably disagree since GoW1's intro didn't wow me much even the first time I played it.
n00bCan matchmaking pair low levels with low levels?
I am stuck again in Chapter 13 or 14,the first real puzzle with the Amulet of Urowhatever,the one that you either heal or decay,there's this big wheel in front of a waterfall way in the background,and one of those hooks that you attach to and drag back,it lowers one of the little seat like things on the wheel but not enough to jump on it...am I suppose to decay after or something,can I stop a decay or heal midway or something?...no clue.
Okay, I could see that. I'll probably disagree since GoW1's intro didn't wow me much even the first time I played it.
By backtrack do you mean walking the 15 seconds back to try the other door way?
It sounds more like you are mad that the game tricked you into doing a puzzle that you didn't absolutely have to in your quest to make a straight beeline through the game by not announcing that it was just an optional aside.
Occasionally having more than just one direction to go in is a plus in my book. God of War 1 did it a lot more and it is one of the things that I kinda miss as the series has gotten just a little more linear.
It wasn't optional. The game highlights the next "trigger" AFTER you come out of the alleyway and around the little segment where you just fought the baddies to make your way to the pointless, olbigatory puzzle.
Just got to the infamous trial and I think I'm going to call it a night there. I'm a bit too tired to tackle something like that right now.
Game has been absolutely fantastic for the duration I played today. I think I figured out the game's biggest problem and why the combat feels so off for the first part of the game, you're too underpowered and it takes too long to get the elements maxed out. Once you get their magic abilities and the secondary items combat becomes way more interesting, deep, and strategic than the other games in the series. They did a great job with the new combat system but they didn't build up to it smoothly enough, resulting in a poor initial impression. I love the exploration, puzzles, and environments in this one. They really knocked it out of the park in terms of art design.
BTW anyone got any tips for the electric sirens? Ice seems to knock them about a lot but they're the one enemy I don't have figured out.
It wasn't optional. The game highlights the next "trigger" AFTER you come out of the alleyway and around the little segment where you just fought the baddies to make your way to the pointless, olbigatory puzzle.
I didn't encounter any glitches/huge framerate drops/bad sound like some people in here are claiming. I feel like I dodged a bullet somehow... *phew*
And holy shit balls, what the fuck is GoW4 gonna look like on PS4?! A lot of the shit that went down in this game from a technical standpoint was god damn voodoo...
Someone needs to alert the FBI to check SSM's basements for dead virgins and animal sacrifices.
BTW anyone got any tips for the electric sirens? Ice seems to knock them about a lot but they're the one enemy I don't have figured out.