James Sawyer Ford
How does electrifying enemies yield blue orbs? All I get are red orbs
I'm stuck:
I'm an hour in. I was just introduced to the L3+R3 fire attack. They locked me an area with goat-enemies. I keep killing them every which way, but they keep respawning. What gives?
I refilled the rage/fire meter a few times. The goats keep respawning.
I am in this specific sextion: https://www.youtube.com/watch?feature=player_detailpage&v=gOb8-5A0f2c#t=199s
Well, they did have to sacrifice a goat to get GoW II to run on the PS2...
The theatrical dramatization, which according to reports, also featured topless women feeding grapes to partygoers
I am pretty sure you could get the God of War III costumes by drinking enough Mountain Dew or something stupid like that.
Same thing happened to me. I forget exactly what it is, but there's 2 things the right of the screen tell you to do. After you do the first it changes to something else. You have to do that before they'll stop spawning.
How does electrifying enemies yield blue orbs? All I get are red orbs
So, final thoughts, game is a disgrace to the franchise and it shows that while santa monica was helping sony make shitty indie games like Journey, that they had no time, or forgot, or something, on how to make a videogame of their own. My full thoughts are a few pages back but this entire game was a chore to get through with no pay off. I came in just expectating a good, god of war game, I wasn't expecting titans fighting titans and gods, just a straight good game, I didn't get that.
It is optional. I completely missed the room the first time through, after the bridge breaks you are able to pull the column down and the camera pans up to the door there.
R2 for magic attack?
How does electrifying enemies yield blue orbs? All I get are red orbs
So, final thoughts, game is a disgrace to the franchise and it shows that while santa monica was helping sony make shitty indie games like Journey
Wow whoever said everything in the multiplayer mode is muffled wasn't lying. I'm doing the tutorial and it sounds like I turned my TV down almost all the way.
[quote="Forceatowulf, post: 50073339"]
Now I think about it they were similar, pretty games with no story or substance, mere 'experiences'.
Beat the trials and the game itself.
I honestly wasn't expecting the story to be good since it's a prequel, but never did I think they would practically cut it out of the game. You are basically just adventuring through the game until a fury gets in your way...
Oh well, final boss looked cool but was still lame in the end. Ending sucked ass because of the non-existent story.
About the costumes:I was very happy to read that the game had a lot of costumes, I was hoping Santa Monica would finally get it through their heads that costumes are really cool and add replayability. What do they do? They give you shitty ass fucking armour sets that do nothing. I can just play the fucking multiplayer for that, don't the costumes for 3 still cost money in the store? Fucking embarrassing.
So, final thoughts, game is a disgrace to the franchise and it shows that while santa monica was helping sony make shitty indie games like Journey, that they had no time, or forgot, or something, on how to make a videogame of their own. My full thoughts are a few pages back but this entire game was a chore to get through with no pay off. I came in just expectating a good, god of war game, I wasn't expecting titans fighting titans and gods, just a straight good game, I didn't get that.
The vitriol this game is receiving is ridiculous. I hope SSM can filter out the legitimate concerns from the noise. Ascension is a really solid game, and probably in the top two for the series.
Most of the vitriol GAF displays on most games are unwarranted. I just ignore them.
These days, I sometime even doubt whether certain gaffers even enjoy playing games.
So true just see the Tomb Raider and DmC threads (Both good games).
Amen to that. DmC was fantastic, just fanatastic. Haven't played tomb raider yet, but I don't expect to be disappointed.
So true just see the Tomb Raider and DmC threads (Both good games).
Is the consensus that the visuals are significant upgrade from GOW3? If so that itself is impressive.
Good thing you're asking now before hitting the trials. I'll spoiler a trick I found just in case
Use your fire Rage element against them to get them stunned. When you grapple them while they're stunned you make them shriek and it stuns every enemy nearby. You'll get a situation in the first wave where there's usually 2 out there at once with other enemies. So once you stun one you can keep using the sirens to stun everyone else and just keep grappling sirens to constantly stun everyone. You'll kill them eventually by doing this, even if it takes a while. But you won't get hit from them at all that way.
And there were a lot of comments, not just from me, that explained in incredible detail why it was bad (can't comment on the DmC thread since I didn't follow it). It was not "unwarranted hate", and I really don't like when valid criticism like that is just discarded immediately because someone just saw "this game is bad" and blacked out in a fanboy rage before reading the rest.
If someone thinks this game is terrible and can back it up I won't hold it against them even though I would disagree with the notion that it's terrible.
Oh please. There's a difference between a bad game and a game that just isn't for you. And in your case it seems like no game is for you.
Me about 30 minutes ago said:If someone thinks this game is terrible and can back it up I won't hold it against them even though I would disagree with the notion that it's terrible.
someone just saw "this game is bad" and blacked out in a fanboy rage before reading the rest
And there were a lot of comments, not just from me, that explained in incredible detail why it was bad (can't comment on the DmC thread since I didn't follow it). It was not "unwarranted hate", and I really don't like when valid criticism like that is just discarded immediately because someone just saw "this game is bad" and blacked out in a fanboy rage before reading the rest.
If someone thinks this game is terrible and can back it up I won't hold it against them even though I would disagree with the notion that it's terrible.
I thought most people liked Tomb Raider, for me it isn't your classic Tomb Raider and not as good as Uncharted 2 but it still is a great game. I know people here don't like anecdotal "evidence" but almost everyone that I asked on my friend list liked it.
Oh please. There's a difference between a bad game and a game that just isn't for you. And in your case it seems like no game is for you.
You say this in a thread Derrick's been pretty positive about, with fair criticisms shared by several posters here.
Not understanding the complaints about the combat (so far).
The game makes you make use of the R1 grapple and combo attacks for certain scenarios, which makes the combat feel more fluid.
Not understanding the complaints about the combat (so far).
The game makes you make use of the R1 grapple and combo attacks for certain scenarios, which makes the combat feel more fluid.
You feel like an ultimate badass in this game. The animations are simply spectacular. The more active QTEs feel much better, too.
Not understanding the complaints about the combat (so far).
The game makes you make use of the R1 grapple and combo attacks for certain scenarios, which makes the combat feel more fluid.
You feel like an ultimate badass in this game. The animations are simply spectacular. The more active QTEs feel much better, too.
No you don't, all your combos feel weak as enemies don't flinch and if your rage meter isn't full you can't deal significant damage. Grapples are typical affair like all the other GOW games.
What point are you at? Also, hard or normal?
I do think when the rage meter is maxed kratos feels incredibly good and super powerful, but it could use some tweaks.
Also this might be a stupid question. But how the hell do I switch back to the blades of chaos??
Why are we riding Derrick's dick again?
This couldn't really be further from the truth.
Even if my rage meter isn't full, I'm slinging baddies all over the map and dolling out combo damage.
Grapples are not typical affair like all other GOW games, the grapple system is completely different.
I'm playing on normaljust reached the point where some guys are building statues
The amount of puzzles in Ascension blew me away. I think it might have triple the amount of GoW3, if not more. Most of them are pretty fun too.
Anyone saying my concerns and frustrations about the lack of enemy reaction to my hits in the first moments of the game aren't legitimate, can not be taken seriously. That is not how you create an action game. Mind you, I was playing on Hard.
Anyone saying my concerns and frustrations about the lack of enemy reaction to my hits in the first moments of the game aren't legitimate, can not be taken seriously. That is not how you create an action game. Mind you, I was playing on Hard.
Of course, and it has always sucked, but the opening fodder at least had their animations interrupted after certain attacks.Have you played a god of war game before?