When you see a little "Saving..." box on the lower right corner of your screen. It happens pretty frequently.So Im about an hour or so in and havent noticed a save point.Are they not in this one?How do you save?
When you see a little "Saving..." box on the lower right corner of your screen. It happens pretty frequently.So Im about an hour or so in and havent noticed a save point.Are they not in this one?How do you save?
This is one of my biggest gripes with this game. As it stands, if you're hit even once while rage capped, you lose all of your rage, and with it your ability to perform your most powerful combos and attacks (effectively locking you out of a really fulfilling, and satisfying aspect of these games). The penalty is just way too steep. It's why I prefer the combat in the previous games. I wasn't penalized, and locked out of performing my biggest attacks because an enemy happened to hit me once.
I totally agree. I think it would be perfect if once you achieved full rage meter, it would continue for a set time, regardless if you got hit or not. Say 1 minute. But each hit before you achieve the full meter would lower it. As it is, a lot of times you don't even get to use and enjoy the mechanic for more than a few seconds.
I just found out that if you get petrified mid air you float for a while and you have enough time to escape. I like the instant death in past games more. You knew that you should never jump. IMO it should work the same way it works for enemies. Freeze faster but need more hits to die. Maybe add a qte that when done quickly is a guaranteed escape.
That one is the only one in the entire game.
Yes and I'll say that it threw me the fuck of seriously. It was awkward as hell since it wasn't n the entire game previously
Just beat the game.
About the trials: The difficult part is the medusas plus sirens. Running away from them while using orkos and ouroboros is what worked for me. Had full magic in the second wave so spammed zeus wrath until everything was dead. The rest was easy.
About the final boss:It's a kraken like monster with a lot of QTEs. You stand on a platform hiting its mouth and when the QTEs come you press the buttons. What's so great about it? Seen people saying it's the best boss fight in the GoW saga. Can't see why.
So... In the end i enjoyed the combat.
Story is weak even by GoW standards. I can't remember most of it. Kratos is more shallow than ever.
FPS dips were common and i don't think this game looks better than GoW3 in any way.
For me:
GoW2 > GoW3 > GoW1 > GoWA
Just beat the game.
About the trials: The difficult part is the medusas plus sirens. Running away from them while using orkos and ouroboros is what worked for me. Had full magic in the second wave so spammed zeus wrath until everything was dead. The rest was easy.
About the final boss:It's a kraken like monster with a lot of QTEs. You stand on a platform hiting its mouth and when the QTEs come you press the buttons. What's so great about it? Seen people saying it's the best boss fight in the GoW saga. Can't see why.
So... In the end i enjoyed the combat.
Story is weak even by GoW standards. I can't remember most of it. Kratos is more shallow than ever.
FPS dips were common and i don't think this game looks better than GoW3 in any way.
For me:
GoW2 > GoW3 > GoW1 > GoWA
I think the only control Ares had over Kratos was his word/the oath. The oath is the entire base of why this story takes place. The Furies punish those who turn their back against honor. Kratos breaking his oath to Ares is an act of betraying his honor, so the Furies come after him.Story
The ending was ridiculous Kratos is in the exact same position as before except now a little gold stone is broken. What did his "oath" force him to do because if it ares had control over him why the hell did he let him spend a week traveling round to kill the enforcers of that oath? Orkos served no other purpose than to push the story along. He is in 3 cutscenes and had 5 lines of dialogue and then you stab him like its some super important sacrifice/event
Like I keep telling people, you need to learn to juggle enemies in the air. Kratos is absolutely devastating mid-air in this game. Most regular enemies can't touch him while he's up there, and lots of bigger enemies will miss their attacks when you're at the right height.
Wow, I'm terrible at the combat. It's not that I'm losing fights, it's just that I never feel like I'm doing well or kicking ass like in the other God of War games. The parry is nearly impossible to time (I still can't even pull it off properly because my instinct is to press L1+x at the same time) and the horrible camera angles and blending colors make it tough to tell when an enemy is going to attack. Sometimes, I don't even realize that I am being attacked.
At the Foot of Apollo, I missed the last Gorgon Eye chest, after completing the game can I just chapter select to get it? I hope I don't have to replay all over again just for that trophy lol
Yeah, I've made a huge post about it a page back.
There are more gorgon eyes.
Oh really? I just got all the feathers too. Do you know if I can go back after I finish or would I need to start over?
Wrote down how I feel in another thread figured id cross post.
God of war 1 did the story better
God of war 2 did the exploration, puzzles and combat better
God of war 3 did the scale and combat better
CoO is equally as bad
GoS i have not played
GoW:A was horrible on virtual all fronts.
Combat moves are locked behind a rage meter that takes too long to build making half the effective moves in the game useless not to mention the removal of many of the better moves from the game. The Elements are useless beyond changing the colour of the weapons and 4 equally effective moves except they have a magic spell locked behind them once you realize the electric spell is the best the others are redundant. World weapons are a step backwards for the series they serve little to no purpose have a very limited move set and only come in 4 variations I can count the times I used them on one hand. No unlockable weapons is horrible especially when the MP has so many of a good design. Hyped fights like the manticore and not only boring and simple but they are reused for seemingly no reason other than "hey we spent time on this you will play it again"
The length of the game is ridiculous its literally on par with a psp title
The "puzzles" are built for simpletons
Its artificially lengthened because they bumped up enemy HP.
Honestly its a huge disappointment. It felt entirely filler. Its the Garlic Junior saga of God of War.
Why not just continue playing the game? There are gorgon eyes up until the end of the game. When you collect all of them, remaining chests that would normally contain them become full of red orbs instead.
I rarely used them myself until I started experimenting late in my first playthrough. Now they're a regular part of my combat. Turns out they are useful, particularly in combination with the blades. Here's some of my favorites moves with the pickup weapons...The only thing I thought was sorta useless were the weapons you pick up. Only in certain situations were they useful. It may of been of an issue of giving the player to much stuff to use. I generally forgot I had them.
GoW:A, in my opinion, is the worst of the console GoW's so far...it seems like they concentrated more on the visual aspects of the game instead of the gameplay itself. The game looks great, probably the best visuals on consoles to date, but the combat feels so slow and unresponsive, it's kind of irritating. I agree with people saying that the parry system is horrible, I can time it fine, but so far in most of the situations I find that even if I successfully parry an enemy, the reward for doing so does not outweigh the risk of trying to parry. MOST of the time after I parry, I will just get hit by another enemy and get staggered and continually get hit until I can roll out. When fighting mobs of enemies, I find the safest way to fight them is to continually grab enemies and throw them since you are invulnerable during the grab animation, which is not really entertaining to me. (Playing on hard currently).
This is the first console god of war since the first game, that I don't feel compelled to finish...
It sounds like you guys are trying to play it like the other games. You've gotta adjust and mix it up more in Ascension.It also feels like it takes forever to kill anything in the game which makes sense canonically with a weaker Kratos but unfortunately is not as fun.
Why did Kratos wanted to break the bond? after playing this,it doesn't seem like it mattered anyway.
Don't forget about the spear which has a very good L1+O attack. Overall I found all the pickup weapons to be very useful. I'm surprised to see many here not use them as often as I did.I rarely used them myself until I started experimenting late in my first playthrough. Now they're a regular part of my combat. Turns out they are useful, particularly in combination with the blades. Here's some of my favorites moves with the pickup weapons...
For the sword,![]()
on the ground performs a little jumping attack with slow motion added. As a bonus, the sword often makes enemies cough up extra red orbs while they're still alive.![]()
The club is slow, but has 2 really useful attacks. The first one is when you hold, Kratos will charge up a powerful ground smash that will launch smaller enemies in the air, and even knock a lot of the large ones off their feet. Use it when there's distance between Kratos and a group of enemies rushing towards him... The second attack I use a lot. When you're putting in some combos mid-air with a group of enemies beneath you, hold
, and Kratos will come crashing down, clearing out the crowd.![]()
The javelin and the sling release some powerful projectiles, but you have a set amount.
Overall, the shield might be the best secondary weapon to hold onto. It has an awesome rush attack when you hold. It does a lot of damage, relentlessly knocks back smaller enemies, and Kratos is very mobile during this move... Hold
while mid-air, and he'll perform a similar stomp to the club and follow it up with the same rush attack from before. Unlike the club though, the shield stomp will only pound enemies in the direction that Kratos is facing.![]()
For when you're without a secondary weapon, Kratos fists are useful too. If you're fighting one enemy, press![]()
, and Kratos will start a series of punches that often staggers opponents. There's not a lot of attacks that stop enemies and makes them react with animation, but this is one of them.![]()
I rarely used them myself until I started experimenting late in my first playthrough. Now they're a regular part of my combat. Turns out they are useful, particularly in combination with the blades. Here's some of my favorites moves with the pickup weapons...
For the sword,![]()
on the ground performs a little jumping attack with slow motion added. As a bonus, the sword often makes enemies cough up extra red orbs while they're still alive.![]()
The club is slow, but has 2 really useful attacks. The first one is when you hold, Kratos will charge up a powerful ground smash that will launch smaller enemies in the air, and even knock a lot of the large ones off their feet. Use it when there's distance between Kratos and a group of enemies rushing towards him... The second attack I use a lot. When you're putting in some combos mid-air with a group of enemies beneath you, hold
, and Kratos will come crashing down, clearing out the crowd.![]()
The javelin and the sling release some powerful projectiles, but you have a set amount.
Overall, the shield might be the best secondary weapon to hold onto. It has an awesome rush attack when you hold. It does a lot of damage, relentlessly knocks back smaller enemies, and Kratos is very mobile during this move... Hold
while mid-air, and he'll perform a similar stomp to the club and follow it up with the same rush attack from before. Unlike the club though, the shield stomp will only pound enemies in the direction that Kratos is facing.![]()
For when you're without a secondary weapon, Kratos fists are useful too. If you're fighting one enemy, press![]()
, and Kratos will start a series of punches that often staggers opponents. There's not a lot of attacks that stop enemies and makes them react with animation, but this is one of them.![]()
Don't forget about the spear which has a very good L1+O attack. Overall I found all the pickup weapons to be very useful. I'm surprised to see people here not use them as often as I did.
Just beat the game.
Fuck. The. Trials.
It took me like 9 tries total. 5 the other day, 4 today. After I learned that parrying was pretty much essential, I did it pretty easily.
Last boss was pretty cool, though.
9 chapters in and I have no idea what is happening in the story. Feels like I'm just killing things for no reason. Past games always had a clear goal established from the start.
You meant Ares but yeah you're right.Wasn't it because he was pretty much a servant to Hades?
When the bond was broken, he wouldn't have to serve under his name.
Little did he know that the visions would occur after breaking the bond.
Not sure if I should've spoiler tagged that, so I did anyway.
GoW3 has its moments, but Ascension is more consistent, and clearly peaks higher. You definitely need to pick it up though. It's incredible.Never played three, and have 1/2/GoS but never really got in to them to completion.
Really enjoying this although I'm thinking that I need to learn more on the combat mechanics because some of the enemies are just wiping the floor with me. The section where you gain theI rarely remember to block either, maybe that's where I'm going wrong.ice blades with the goats, I ended up cheesing it by jumping and grappling constantly just so they couldn't hit me.
Graphically this game looks amazing, I've heard people say that 3 looks better? If that is the case I guess I need to go pick that up as well.
How does Ascension peak higher than GoW 3?GoW3 has its moments, but Ascension is more consistent, and clearly peaks higher. You definitely need to pick it up though. It's incredible.
- Puzzles are more longer and frankly less inventive. The do take up time however, further adding to the length of the game