Finally had time to start this beast and just got to The Cistern. I think the game is fantastic so far. The intro was excellent and suitably epic and the combat has been sublime for me. I am parrying and grappling like a bad ass and already got a combo limit passed 100 3 times. Man I missed GOW sooo bad. Unless the game takes a seriously bad turn soon I don't know what the hate is about but its still relatively early for me.
Only thing that was a real "What were they thinking" moment was in the first big fightI sat about 2 feet from my tv and still couldn't tell what was going on. I hope there isn't more garbage like that. I died like 8 times on that section.against Hecatonchires where your on the platform with his jaw it zoomed so far out I couldn't see one thing I was doing.
Finally had time to start this beast and just got to The Cistern. I think the game is fantastic so far. The intro was excellent and suitably epic and the combat has been sublime for me. I am parrying and grappling like a bad ass and already got a combo limit passed 100 3 times. Man I missed GOW sooo bad. Unless the game takes a seriously bad turn soon I don't know what the hate is about but its still relatively early for me.
Only thing that was a real "What were they thinking" moment was in the first big fightI sat about 2 feet from my tv and still couldn't tell what was going on. I hope there isn't more garbage like that. I died like 8 times on that section.against Hecatonchires where your on the platform with his jaw it zoomed so far out I couldn't see one thing I was doing.
Only thing that was a real "What were they thinking" moment was in the first big fightI sat about 2 feet from my tv and still couldn't tell what was going on. I hope there isn't more garbage like that. I died like 8 times on that section.against Hecatonchires where your on the platform with his jaw it zoomed so far out I couldn't see one thing I was doing.
There's only 2-3 more zoomed out sections and a challenging Trial in the end. Those parts should give you the most trouble.
The game only gets better from there.Finally had time to start this beast and just got to The Cistern. I think the game is fantastic so far. The intro was excellent and suitably epic and the combat has been sublime for me. I am parrying and grappling like a bad ass and already got a combo limit passed 100 3 times. Man I missed GOW sooo bad. Unless the game takes a seriously bad turn soon I don't know what the hate is about but its still relatively early for me.
Only thing that was a real "What were they thinking" moment was in the first big fightI sat about 2 feet from my tv and still couldn't tell what was going on. I hope there isn't more garbage like that. I died like 8 times on that section.against Hecatonchires where your on the platform with his jaw it zoomed so far out I couldn't see one thing I was doing.
If anyone here often plays multiplayer, PSN ID: gibration
I'll be on for the next couple of hours too.
That actually happens with most games objective modes.Multiplayer is really fun outside of the objective mode, they should really not have one at all because all the players think because it's god of war every mode is death match.
I got bad news
There are couple more major zoom-outs but the screen won't be nearly as cluttered. You probably won't die.
The game only gets better from there.
Just finished my hard playthrough. Three tries to take down the trial. People need to step their game up.
Game is so good... Now onto multiplayer and new game plus.
Team Favor's the best mode. FFA is also fun but this game works best when you work as a team. And the cool thing about Team Favor is that it allows you to play both the objective and tdm since kills also count towards your goal.Multiplayer is really fun outside of the objective mode, they should really not have one at all because all the players think because it's god of war every mode is death match.
I've leveled up Ares to rank 19, Zeus to rank 10, and Poseidon to rank 13.I'll join ya some time, what lvl and side did ya take? You're online all the time!
There are these 3 hidden phantom trophies I have no idea how to get or what they are. When I look at them on the trophy list one of them is the trophy right before "Swinger" and after "Open Minded". The second is after "Handyman and before "That's gonna Leave a Mark" and the last one is before "Tell Me How You Really Feel" and after "Hello Friend". I think one of them is the 1000 hit combo one. But the the other 2 I'm not sure what or how to get them. Anybody here know?
Tag Teamed *
Hit 100 Enemies with the Oath Stone of Orkos
Hold Still Please *
Slow 100 Enemies with the Amulet of Uroborus
Is there a known glitch with the magic gauge? I'm doing the Trials on hard right now and I can usually get to the 3rd part with a full magic gauge, but whenever I try to go for a third magic spell it doesn't perform at all, even when the gauge has 1 full block on the screen. It's cost me a couple of deaths already because I thought it was maybe because I was inputting something wrong but I was literally standing there pressing nothing and hammering on the button and nothing was happening.
It seems that sometimes you just don't have enough magic left for another use.Is there a known glitch with the magic gauge? I'm doing the Trials on hard right now and I can usually get to the 3rd part with a full magic gauge, but whenever I try to go for a third magic spell it doesn't perform at all, even when the gauge has 1 full block on the screen. It's cost me a couple of deaths already because I thought it was maybe because I was inputting something wrong but I was literally standing there pressing nothing and hammering on the button and nothing was happening.
That actually happens with most games objective modes.
Maybe it's just me, but it seems like the gameplay is actually taking a backseat to "EPIC EPIC EPIC" in this game. I had no problems beating GOW1, GOW2 and GOW3 in their versions of god mode, and I normally started out on hard since normal was too easy.
In this game however, I can't tell what the fuck is happening on screen 90% of the time, because most of the enemies are colored similarly to Kratos early on, and their weapons also use the same fire flash coloration. So when you get tossed into the middle of a clusterfuck and bounced around, it's terribly hard to actually get your bearings and know where you're at on screen. It's even worse when the game zooms way out for the sake of "EPIC EPIC EPIC" and you can barely see yourself, let alone even the enemies. Pretty annoying and it feels very sloppy. Plus the camera angles seem to be pretty terrible in this version so far.
What if you just isolate an easy enemy and just grind out 100 uses? Does that work?These are the 2 you're missing.
Tag Teamed I got naturally. Hold still please takes a bit of grinding. The good thing is that it doesn't have to be 100 different enemies. So every battle you encounter try to use it at least 4-5 times and you should get it by the time you beat the game. With a tiny bit of grinding I got it right before the Fury sisters. Also, Max it out ASAP so it refills faster.
That happened to me a bunch of times too. The new magic bar is horrible.
Trials of Archimedes finished in one go.
I played it pretty carefully because of how hyped up it was but it turned out to be pretty easy. Unless it's already been nerfed like I was hearing about?
I don't understand which wave was supposed to be hard. I suppose the Gorgans and electric things could be hard if you get stoned and instakilled but it's so easy to just spam magic since they drop blue orbs.
Amulet is totally the best item in the game though. So nice to either slow enemies or make them float in the air, helpless.
That's not how my experience went. On Hard mode if I stood still and just blocked the Gorgons would grab me and whittle down my health. That was the single most annoying thing about that battle. The electric sirens were pretty easy to ring out with lightning magic, but if the Gorgons wore you down you were in trouble for the second round. I beat it on hard by actually fighting my way through, with everything in my arsenal, and every step of the way the game tried to force me into turtling up so those bastards could put the squeeze on me.Agreed. Even Titan mode allows you to block constantly and spam Stone of Orkos/Amulet of Uroborus for a relatively easy win. This thing is seriously not worth a patch.
That's not how my experience went. On Hard mode if I stood still and just blocked the Gorgons would grab me and whittle down my health. That was the single most annoying thing about that battle. The electric sirens were pretty easy to ring out with lightning magic, but if the Gorgons wore you down you were in trouble for the second round. I beat it on hard by actually fighting my way through, with everything in my arsenal, and every step of the way the game tried to force me into turtling up so those bastards could put the squeeze on me.
That's not how my experience went. On Hard mode if I stood still and just blocked the Gorgons would grab me and whittle down my health. That was the single most annoying thing about that battle. The electric sirens were pretty easy to ring out with lightning magic, but if the Gorgons wore you down you were in trouble for the second round. I beat it on hard by actually fighting my way through, with everything in my arsenal, and every step of the way the game tried to force me into turtling up so those bastards could put the squeeze on me.
I just replayed the opening from God of War 3 and it still absolutely blows me away. I wonder why Santa Monica couldn't even come close to matching it in Ascension.
I just replayed the opening from God of War 3 and it still absolutely blows me away. I wonder why Santa Monica couldn't even come close to matching it in Ascension.
Great to know thanks man.
Also damn this game can be beautiful, at the beginning of the cistern before you getThat is a beautiful area. Game really is impressive visually but strangely not consistently so.Poseidon's Ice Power and your running up the waterfall.
Really? I keep thinking for the backlash the game is receiving it has to get dramatically worse but man I am having a great time so far.
I certainly hope not, the multiplayer is by far my favourite part of Ascension. Have you given it a proper chance? I too was skeptical at first, but after a few matches I'm completely hooked. The action is frantic but still requires skills, the combat/weapons/upgrades have depth, you can pull of different moves with different weapons and some are best suited with certain type of armour or power, lots of combinations to try. What I love most about it is that the MP feels fresh and unique, to me at least, there's nothing quite like it since Power Stone, though I have to admit "multiplayer" usually means an online shooter for me, and the GoW:A MP is a much welcomed break. I usually move on to the next game once I got the platinum trophy, but this multiplayer manages to keep me coming back for more. I'm not the best player,, but winning an 1 on 1 fight is so much more satisfying than shooting someone dead.I can't believe there are death streaks in God of War. Is nothing sacred anymore? I take solace in knowing the MP will be a wasteland in a few weeks.
Loving it so far, about 3 hours in.
Anyone else find that they're picking up nearly 3 times as many Gorgon Eyes as they are Phoenix Feathers?
Well bollox, im on CH5 at the stage when you meet the first. I fight all the others but he is stuck up behind the right hand vortex from where i guess he should come down fromSatyr Generaland will not come past the black smoke line. I can hit him to the point that he goes down but am not able to grapple him.
Restarting the checkpoint and he is still in the same place.
Is this a complete game restart?
Yes, I have. What I am playing is a far cry from the simple paper-rock-scissor mechanics of the beta. The maps are way too busy. There are a million different gimmicks going on all at the same time. There seem to be some balance issues. Some class abilities are more annoying than skillful. Lack of maps in various gametypes. A progression system that is infuriating. I was a huge fan of the beta because it was so refreshing. What I'm playing now reeks of the same banal garbage I've been playing -- it just comes packaged in a different form. There are moments of hilarity when playing with friends -- but this game has not justified its existence. And the MP component was never going to do that.I certainly hope not, the multiplayer is by far my favourite part of Ascension. Have you given it a proper chance? I too was skeptical at first, but after a few matches I'm completely hooked. The action is frantic but still requires skills, the combat/weapons/upgrades have depth, you can pull of different moves with different weapons and some are best suited with certain type of armour or power, lots of combinations to try. What I love most about it is that the MP feels fresh and unique, to me at least, there's nothing quite like it since Power Stone, though I have to admit "multiplayer" usually means an online shooter for me, and the GoW:A MP is a much welcomed break. I usually move on to the next game once I got the platinum trophy, but this multiplayer manages to keep me coming back for more. I'm not the best player,, but winning an 1 on 1 fight is so much more satisfying than shooting someone dead.
is it ok to play then with chronological order or its better by release date?