Since two patches ago the game has freezing issues for some reason while playing online with other people. I was getting it pretty bad a while ago but now I only get it occasionally (although today already I've encountered it twice). Some people report never freezing and then on the other end of the spectrum get it consistently like you have been. So far they haven't really said anything about it in the way of admitting it's a problem with the game and instead are telling people to do crap like you said "clear cache etc", I agree if fucking sucks and I hope they get it figured out before the next update.
Yea, for PS3 I've been getting much more freezes lately.
So I just started trying to play GTA: Online with a couple friends after a 5 month hiatus. But I have an issue. My game has a hard freeze within 10 minutes of joining a session, without fail. Sometimes seconds after joining a game. I've tried installing the discs on every combination of HDD, jump drive, etc., and cleared caches a million times... I don't know what to do. The game is literally unplayable. Ugh.
I'm on PS3, but last I heard for XB you install the install disc, but NOT the play disc. Doing so will cause problems. But again, I don't play it on XB

I have freezing problems as well, you are not alone, though mine aren't as frequent as yours.
The thing is - it reveals an underlying problem.
Ive played a decent amount of GTAV online. Im level 21. Yet I still can't use a sniper or a rocket launcher. I can't afford (multiple or even one) super cars nor can I really do anything fun since if I blow something up, I have to spend 10 minutes replacing it or I am labeled a poor sport.
Thats the problem in GTA online. There are so many things that make it not fun and a chore to play.
I just posted this in another thread, but will copy and paste it here too - Robbing stores, selling cars, doing the vehicle deliveries for Simeon, armored trucks and crate drops are great ways to earn money & RP outside of missions. I've always felt GTA:O was not a game that you could jump in and have awesome stuff from the get go. Even when it first launched, I could tell it was game that was meant to last a while. You want that awesome stuff? You gotta work your ass off, but the rewards are sweet in the long run.
It's not a game for those wanting instant gratification. I imagine R* has a very long life cycle for this game. Meaning if you put in the time, you WILL be rewarded. In one hour I can very easily make 150k OUTSIDE of missions. That is more than enough to buy a sports car. No, it's not a super car, but again, that is "End Game" like stuff. You are not supposed to be able to buy super cars quickly. You aren't given the best stuff immediately in other games, are you? Once you get your sports car, then you start the mods, little by little. Before you know it, you will be competetive.
What's the active GAF PS3 Crew? I'm in The Third Crew, but I doubt anyone is still playing. I've been messing around again since the capture stuff began.
Here's the three team capture I created:
I've yet to even play a non R* capture, let alone make one -_- But if you want in the PS3 crew, it still has active players, send me a PM with your details. Likely send me a message on the Social Club, as well if you can please.