It's still soloable, but having to chase down the car to get the documents is balls.
What's the current quickest way to gain RP? I abused Rooftop Rumble during the double RP weekend but Rockstar doesn't like people having fun it seems.
Grinding repetitively is fun?
Yeesh, yea I am glad I stayed away. I drove a fulled modded one last night, a buddy had one, but I'm not a fan. I avoided the Bati and ended up with the Double T. Crazy easy stoppies and wheelies, and solid acceleration. Plenty happy with it.@Baron: well considering you said you like the Akuma and are considering a Bati, I don't think the Thrust is for you.
This is the bike it's modeled after:
To be fair, R* never said they'd be out this update...Summer can be a looong time sadly.That's a whole lot of no heists there.
I totally agree about the Adder, but I'm not a fan of the Turismo eitherSeriously the Adder is way overrated. The Turismo R is where it's at.
Yea, scroll up a bunch till you see a wall of text. There is a larg post about the High LIfe Update, and then few down from that is another wall of text that is the entire change log for this update. Settle in, grab a beverage, it's a long read..Is there a list of what items came up in the new update?
Yea, scroll up a bunch till you see a wall of text. There is a larg post about the High LIfe Update, and then few down from that is another wall of text that is the entire change log for this update. Settle in, grab a beverage, it's a long read..
Nope, no new female clothes. Which is horseshit, but oh well. I'm not tired fo the clothes, there are still tons of outfits and combinations out there. I figure the female clothing will get a massive upgrade soonish, to compensate.No new female clothes. That's strange. I have two characters, one a level 100 guy and a level 35 girl. Just for shits and giggles.
Heck yea, I never see it out in the world. It's my next, and last Super I plan to buy for now.The Vacca is my favorite super. I mostly drive third-person and it's got an awesome rear profile, and the handling / turning radius is great for speeding through the city.
Crew or no crew, playing with friends is THE way to play the game. Yea sure, solo is also fun, but having a group of friends you play with is the bees knees. Especially once you get some slight coordination...some of my favorite moments are when my buds and I are in fast cars tearing through the highway trafiic inches from each other, or tearing through the city in Lazers or Mallards, all very tightly grouped, but aware of the others so we don't wreck, no matter the vehicle. Seeing 4 buzzards flying ahead of you as tear into the city just doesn't have the right words to describe the awesomeness..CANNOT WAIT to play this game with two of my buds. This is about to become our go-to online game. Love that R* put co-op missions in so we don't have to play against other people.
Crew or no crew, playing with friends is THE way to play the game. Yea sure, solo is also fun, but having a group of friends you play with is the bees knees. Especially once you get some slight coordination...some of my favorite moments are when my buds and I are in fast cars tearing through the highway trafiic inches from each other, or tearing through the city in Lazers or Mallards, all very tightly grouped, but aware of the others so we don't wreck, no matter the vehicle. Seeing 4 buzzards flying ahead of you as tear into the city just doesn't have the right words to describe the awesomeness..
What's the verdict on the new bike?
Basicallly like Franklin's bike.
Not the fastest or the best handling, good for cruising. Pretty good acceleration when kitted up.
I really hope the next pack is off roading or something.
Yeah I was looking for something to just cruise around in anyway so I bought it.Basicallly like Franklin's bike.
Not the fastest or the best handling, good for cruising. Pretty good acceleration when kitted up.
I really hope the next pack is off roading or something.
Oh HELL yea, I couldn't agree more. Except that I love my 20 car garage! I wanted to buy a new place somewhere else in the city, but I opted to have all my cars in the same location, for ease of trasnferring, and also for the ease of having them all together. I have plans for my two garages, and it's going to take some time to get everything in just the right space. Once garage will be 3 motorcycles, 7 sports cars. Other will be 3 supers, 1~2 muscle, 2 offroad, and my compact (LOVE that Blista!). Now, when these supposed mansions come out, if ever, that will require more hours of planning, moving, buying..I love my 15 cars only space fore one more.
I get the freeze every now and then. It happens a lot more frequently if I have the XMB open while playing (checking friends list, replying to messages, etc..). Luckily I never get a super hard freeze, requiring the system check. It's annoying, though, thats's for sure. I have yet to do any "fix" on my ps3, but I doubt I will.Anyone else experiencing PS3 freezing or lockups? I notice the gameplay starts to hitch when I cross bridges or overpasses in the city and the road sometimes flashes between the upper and lower levels of the map. This morning it totally froze partway across an overpass. Also totally locked up this morning when I tried to leave a mission voting lobby. Had to power down the system, couldn't get to the XMB.
EDIT: Known issue. Lots of people on the Rockstar support page pissed that 1.13 did not fix the freezing problem. R* recommends a complete reinstall and remove cache on PS3 but there are many saying this is, at best, a temporary fix.
I get the freeze every now and then. It happens a lot more frequently if I have the XMB open while playing (checking friends list, replying to messages, etc..). Luckily I never get a super hard freeze, requiring the system check. It's annoying, though, thats's for sure. I have yet to do any "fix" on my ps3, but I doubt I will.
It wouldn't be so bad if loading a new game didn't take a million years. Glacial. I guess an SSD might help. I'm going to do the Rockstar recommended fix tonight before I play again.
Does online have deer's, cougars and boars? I want to go hunting but not sure if they are in game, don't want to waste my time![]()
Just don't be disappointed when it has no effect.
Hopefully they fix it soon. I gather it started happening after an earlier update.
After patch 1.11 as far as I can tell. I don't recall freezing before that (maybe once or twice over months, as I said I can't recall) but since then I can freeze easily multiple times per day. Also didn't see people complaining about it online until after 1.11.
No idea if they even know what's causing it but they obviously haven't admitted to it yet as they're still giving the "it's a system issue, perform X action" responses. Would just be nice to hear them say something like "we're looking into it" but I guess it's better PR to just act like it's from something else.
Long session tonight after deleting the game data and redownloading everything. I also realized my hdd did not have much free space on it so I deleted some demos and games before reinstalling. I had no freeze ups after playing for 3+ hours. YMMV.
I brought the new super car, god damn that thing is super fast with turbo and a few other mods on top, goes very quickly!
( sorry guys, I am sadly one of those people who brought the sharkcards, i have money irl, not enough time to grind the money and really wanted it... i apologise but it was worth it, the car is a beast!)
Does online have deer's, cougars and boars? I want to go hunting but not sure if they are in game, don't want to waste my time![]()
Nope - no animals, and yea - the Zentorno is super quick.
Sorry I wasn't clear with my last post, my point was that it can happen frequently yet not happen for days at a time if at all. Bottom line is the issue is still around.
It's also rather light making it ridiculously easy to get a ton of air, whether you want to or not, heh.
:O WOW...if only this had come out before I got that 100%...but still, that's awesome.Just realised they added the quick interaction menu to single player, so now you can quickly mark nearby stores and safehouses, as well as change hats, glasses and masks. Now if only they would add visible body armor, insurance, car delivery and the ability to store food items in your inventory.
I gotta disagree. The few I have done, I have really enjoyed. They are far more varied than a lot of other missions. One of them, if you don't have a certain piece of equipment, I could see it taking a very long time, which could make people mad due to a not so great payout.. They have all been for about level 20 and up though. Gat daYUM though, there were more enemies in those missions than in a ton of the ones I have played. "All I gotta do is kill this one red dot? Pssssshhh no problem." :Kills dot, see 30+ more pop up on the radar all around me: "ffffffuuuuuuuu" ~ DEAD. The payouts for most of them suck something fierce though.New contact missions seem kind of underwhelming. Was hoping for some high end level 65+ lengthier contact missions.
What do you mean by new armor system?
Interesting, I had no idea. How does it work? Do you just keep hitting the "purchase armor" button in the lobby or something?
Wonder how many slots I have at 170.
Don't think you can do it in the lobby. You have to go to Ammunation, then just buy armor repeatedly. It can't be, in my case, 7 of each type of armor. I couldn't have 35 spare armor in my inventory, so it makes more sense to stock up on the best possible armor.
Pls next gen port GTAV at e3
I wanna play GTAO again