So, after getting a bunch of other games since getting my Vita like a week ago, I finally go back to Gravity Rush... Kat's so cute

*ahem* No, really, this game feels so great! A heroine that has an edge without being "bitchy", a story that has some snark, without being just stupid, characters that are written with personality, without making you constantly want to ask how they could be so stupid, or so mean...
It's just so... It's the kind of thing I feel for on Dreamcast, those games that were still very Japanesey, very "wonder and adventure" like, without all the tiresome angst and grit gaming is so facinated with now-a-days.
And the controls! They're not an issue at all. I'm not one who likes "gimmick" controls, but everything in G-Rush just works. Even the sliding.
I'm also happy with the size of the world. Going from chapters 3 to 3nd of 8 in once sitting, I was surprised by the variety. I was prepared to go through placed that were just... CITY, so imagine how I felt when I saw "more", to say the least. It's like an open world, but without all the boring filler areas which never see any action.
The Vita was worth it, to get in on this charming little game. Glad to be able to support it.