It's only begun. We'll now convince you to import 2nd Super Robot Wars OG whenever it gets released!
lol, I had enough of the super robot wars series back when it was on psone days... I have a copy of the series with me that my friend gave to me as birthday present back in high school. Good game, but I don't think I will import them. You guys can always try though.

I was about to get ACE R, but everyone told me not to get it.
I like Gundam vs Gundam series.
They should create a game where every single gundam mobile suit/armor/etc goes against another gundam mobile suite/armor/etc from every single series out there. Sell them as packs that contain 3 suits for 5 dollars a pack and 3 map packs for 5 dollars. Plus online support.
Bamco could make millions this way IMHO.