That wasn't even an option. The poll only contained songs that had been in the PSP iterations of Project DIVA.
Oh, ah, I see. Hmm. Well, then I think I'm probably good, actually. Most of the songs I want are from the arcade games.
That wasn't even an option. The poll only contained songs that had been in the PSP iterations of Project DIVA.
Hopefully those finger crushing songs (That Miku XMas Song, Gekishou) comes back in a DLC or the sequel. They made me rage at times in diva extend but I want to see how they can make me feel even more agitated. Hopefully they won't make the last parts of Gekishou as the technical parts of it T_T
Gekishou (Intense Voice) is in the base song list of F 2nd. Did you mean Shoushitsu (Disappearance)?
Hopefully they won't make the last parts of Gekishou as the technical parts of it T_T
Oh, ah, I see. Hmm. Well, then I think I'm probably good, actually. Most of the songs I want are from the arcade games.
Yes, they sure do
Or at least on Hard, haven't seen the end of Extreme yet lol
Extreme difficulty is just too much for me, can't figure out how to alternate between the dpad and face buttons consistently. I just mess up the timing during longer note chains.
That comes with practice. When I started doing it, I was always going too fast and not understanding why I was failing. You have to get your fingers used to the fact that they're now working at half speed, which sounds trivial, but actually requires some getting used to. It's super frustrating at first, because it feels like the game is just being a jerk for giving you all those Safes for prompts that you feel you had totally done right.
If you keep missing the same section of a song over and over, try to focus on going slower, even though that feels counter-intuitive when the notes appear to be so tightly packed on the screen, because it's usually the reason why you're failing (or at least it was for me when I was doing stuff like the Akatsuki Arrival chance time).
Welp, "Happiness & Peace of Mind Committee" is so far my favorite song out of this. The combination of the song itself & the notecharts just make it really fun.
......also the song got a LOT more interesting when I read the lyrics when listening to it a second time.
"Clear 39 technical bonuses"
So I basically have to play "I'll Miku-Miku You" a minimum of TWENTY times to pass this challenge.
Song's only about 2 minutes, but damn.
I felt that way at the beginning as well, but over time I started to like PDF 2nd selection more and more and would say they are pretty much even nowYeah, I got Excellent on Hard & Extreme wasn't that bad save for a few parts (one or two more attempts & I should get a Great). It seems to be a good song to ease you into the harder difficulties.
Just about got all the songs unlocked. I'm at 31 now. It's weird. The overall song list feels more consistent in quality (which is a good thing), but I feel like the first game had more "stand-outs", but I guess that could be because some songs I just liked soooo much more compared to others.
Yeah, I think I'll have a more solid opinion once I unlock everything & play through all the songs on Hard. At the very least, I haven't come across a single song where I was just like "bleh, I don't want to play this again."
So is Patty Cake suppose to be more "rare" to get compared to RPS? I think I got RPS about twice now but Patty Cake about 5ish. Granted, I hated how damn random RPS was, but at least you only have to win/lose twice instead of 3 times.
Granted, I hated how damn random RPS was, but at least you only have to win/lose twice instead of 3 times.
The only issue I have with linked star notes is when they suddenly change speed compared to the other notes. A few songs, I'd be used to the speed but then ZOOOOOOMMM SUPER FAST LINKED STAR NOTES. Taught me to try & look at the timer on the notes to get a better sense of when I need to press the analog stick.
Thank God I'm not alone in that opinion. Sometimes those pesky linked star notes destroys my tempo for scratching, making those 2 finger star notes after them more difficult to do. I could have been enjoying the game since I like most of the songs in this game but I feel irritated everytime I see those linked star notes. The bad part is Luka's songs are infested with them, FML
I've sort of accepted the linked stars in the game until i've played erase or zero. The song is nice, but I hated it really bad just because the final part with them, it has been my greatest point of failure for 1 month of tries to get the perfect on normal. Now I've got the timimg right and probably will never get that part wrong again, but speaking of learning curve, this is just awful design.![]()
I am convinced that the linked star notes in Erase or Zero were charted by Satan.
Stay With Me Project Diva F/f
I still can't put a finger on whether I prefer F or 2nd. It'd be nice if you could just combine them or pluck personal favorites from each and put them into one.![]()
I'm still having problems with button prompts, especially when there's 3 or more immediate button changes in a row, I just can't process them fast enough. I don't really know what to do to get better at it.
Their affection drops if you repeat items too often.WTF, Len. I gave you a sketchbook for a new event & you look content, but then are all "WHAT'S YOUR DEAL?!?" & drop from just reaching Level 4 to Level 3, 1/2 filled.
That's the weird part. I've been real careful on not giving them the same item 3 times in a row, let alone twice just so I can remember that I already gave them a certain item. This was the first time I gave him the sketchbook. Granted, I skipped the cutscene of the present being opened, so I didn't see his reaction. Hell, I clearly remember nobody hating the sketchbook in the first game.Their affection drops if you repeat items too often.
That's the weird part. I've been real careful on not giving them the same item 3 times in a row, let alone twice just so I can remember that I already gave them a certain item. This was the first time I gave him the sketchbook. Granted, I skipped the cutscene of the present being opened, so I didn't see his reaction. Hell, I clearly remember nobody hating the sketchbook in the first game.
That's the weird part. I've been real careful on not giving them the same item 3 times in a row, let alone twice just so I can remember that I already gave them a certain item. This was the first time I gave him the sketchbook. Granted, I skipped the cutscene of the present being opened, so I didn't see his reaction. Hell, I clearly remember nobody hating the sketchbook in the first game.
There's a menu option for it -- it should be on the same screen as saving/loading module sets. If it's greyed out, you don't have the module(s) required unlocked and purchased.Not sure why you'd make characters hate an item which has TWELVE event variations, making it harder to see them all but okay.
There any way to figure out the "recommended module" for certain songs aside from guessing? Some songs, I obviously get, but I wonder if it'll also need specific accessories as well.
I can't finish the Extreme Hello, Worker... I think I should change my avatar since it reminds me of my failure to finish the song.