A Huge Battleship
Oh god oh god I finally perfected Hard Senbonzakura. It was the only remaining thing that was still bothering me from the post that broke my spirit. This is such a huge weight off my shoulders.

Now do it on Extreme.
Oh god oh god I finally perfected Hard Senbonzakura. It was the only remaining thing that was still bothering me from the post that broke my spirit. This is such a huge weight off my shoulders.
Now do it on Extreme.
I'm too rubbish at button mashing to do that bit one-handed, but yeah, the timing's likely easier that way. AndOh hey A Huge Battleship.
I didn't even dual wield the fast strings, I just mashed them with one hand, I couldn't get the timing right in the last section. Once I abandoned dual wielding it only took a few tries to get it right, turns out it's not that hard.
I'm afraid to ask if you did. In fact, please don't say it, or I'll just get obsessed again.
'Blackjack' can bite me though. Stupid Vita not recognizing my two-finger touch swipe things. Those star notes suck.
This is my first experience with Hatsune Miku.
I think I'm addicted.
'Blackjack' can bite me though. Stupid Vita not recognizing my two-finger touch swipe things. Those star notes suck.
Listen to the above two. Swipe controls are too finicky. Use the sticks in a motion where you're pushing them up (or down) repeatedly rather than back-and-forth. Treat them as a button press that involves one movement.
Yeah, helps a bit since you don't have to unlock & buy them.
Actually, does importing costumes & such help with the "Mix-and-Match Master" & "Module Collector" trophies?
I really hate the translated names of the songs, they're so stupid
This is my first experience with Hatsune Miku.
I think I'm addicted.
'Blackjack' can bite me though. Stupid Vita not recognizing my two-finger touch swipe things. Those star notes suck.
Worst translated title was in the first game where Torinoko City became "Urbandonment" (wut?)
"Clear the song with 21 notes in at least one of the Note Ranks (Worst, Sad, Fine, Cool)"
Oh god, do I have to get EXACTLY 21 notes with those?
Also, for the ones where you have to get # million score, does that mean you need to play abut 3 or 4 times for 1 million, then a lot more for 3.93 million?
All translations in the game, as a matter of course, have the approval of the original authors. In cases where fan translations differ, the translation in the game should be considered closer to the original intent.
Akatsuki Arrival and Roshin Yukai were even left untranslated for some reason.
The official site has updated with the plan for the rest of March. The new every two weeks cycle will continue, so there will be two more packs this month: Just Be Friends/magnet in two weeks from today, and Rosary Pale/Promise two weeks after that. Thanks to this rather frenetic release schedule, NA/EU will be only two packs behind JP by the end of the month in terms of songs (though still a bit further behind on modules and UI skins).
Me too. Deleted Deadman's Cross to make room.I've reached the point where I have to delete things to make room for just this week's DLC.
I keep forgetting there are 3 star notes at the end of Solitude's End >_<
Yay, perfected Solitude's End.
I didn't even realize they were there until my 5th or 6th play of the song lol
I'm actually impressed by some of the edit plays I see here. Yandere Luka (Mirai Nikki)? Check. sexualized Luka (Me!Me!Me!)? Check. Platinum Disco Miku? Check!
Killzone was deleted just for the songs for Edit mode. So worth it.
You'd think for "Please tell us the most important reason for purchasing the game:", MUSIC would be an option for wanting to purchase a RHYTHM game.The survey link is gone from the LiveArea - you would think Sega could use more responses resulting from the sale last week.
For any newcomers, the link is here: http://www.sega.com/pdf2survey/
Still not free on EU store for season pass owners. Aren't they supposed to be? :O
Please not this shit again.
I'm having a rough day and I could really use those songs to help me relax when I get home.
The customer service links we dug up last time should still be the most effective means of getting this fixed. Current circumstances might mean there are fewer people to service the request however.:/
I tweeted at Sega earlier today, but no response yet. No update about the DLC on their blog, either. I'll give a heads up if the situation changes.
The customer service links we dug up last time should still be the most effective means of getting this fixed. Current circumstances might mean there are fewer people to service the request however.
Can someone confirm if cross buy issues still exist with the Black Star and Blue Moon UI Skins on the NA side?