Mobius and pet octopus
17-5 with rogue this season. Still rocking 100% win rate vs paladin. Getting disgusting wins against these decks that just vomit cards on curve.
I had a druid living roots into aspirant innervate aspirant into shredder, I beat him by turn 6.
I had a paladin who zombie chow into shielded minibot into coin DOA, into shredder turn 4... still beat him by a landslide super blade flurry finish at the end.
I had this weird ass hunter playing mukla's champion and snipe where I made a huge misplay (not really the card I played but not waiting to see if it was snipe lol), but his mukla bringing highmane into bgh range gave me the needed opportunity to race him to death and somehow pulled out a win.
Pretty fun first day of the new season I have to admit. Not nearly as much aggro as I thought there would be... only 2 of the 6 games I played tonight were aggro (both were aggro druids). And I am on a 9 win streak. Feelsgoodman. I am updating the list at the moment if anyone wants to try running it.
Basically cut ERF for a BGH, but credit for that suggestion goes to Hotform.
I had a druid living roots into aspirant innervate aspirant into shredder, I beat him by turn 6.
I had a paladin who zombie chow into shielded minibot into coin DOA, into shredder turn 4... still beat him by a landslide super blade flurry finish at the end.
I had this weird ass hunter playing mukla's champion and snipe where I made a huge misplay (not really the card I played but not waiting to see if it was snipe lol), but his mukla bringing highmane into bgh range gave me the needed opportunity to race him to death and somehow pulled out a win.
Pretty fun first day of the new season I have to admit. Not nearly as much aggro as I thought there would be... only 2 of the 6 games I played tonight were aggro (both were aggro druids). And I am on a 9 win streak. Feelsgoodman. I am updating the list at the moment if anyone wants to try running it.

Basically cut ERF for a BGH, but credit for that suggestion goes to Hotform.