*Unsubscribes*On an unrelated note and VERY LATE, via @Kolento...
Fucking kill me. :V
Coldarra Drake is a card that could be very good down the line. If they introduce a Jaraxxus like card for Mage then Coldarra Drake can be used in it. I have seen it used in a Majordomo Mage deck.
Like I said comparing anything to MC is futile at this point.I've only ever seen that happen on YouTube. I've never actually played anyone that tried that gimmick crap. But even if your hypothetical card gets made, Coldarra Drake is still slower than MC because it does not have an immediate impact on the board without further mana investment.
I don't think Iron Juggernaut effect is awful, it's actually quite cool and works well in a Fatigue Warrior deck. It's a cool gimmick.
It's just that comparing anything to Mysterious Challenger is folly. Like compare Fizzlebang and Mistcaller to Mysterious Challenger.
Remember how Sideshow Spelleater is a 6/5? Mogor's Champion is a 8/5? Fearsome Doomguard is a 6/8? Captured Jourmungand is a 5/9?
It is almost baffling that all these cards are in the same game as Mysterious Challenger and Dr. Boom. Blizzard plays it super conservatively with some cards and then plays it fast and loose with others. It is baffling.
Not all cards can be god tier.
but the last two are Arena cards
Just make it so taunts can't be silenced. That would solve all of the aggro owl bullshit.
The fact that Arcane nullifier can just be silenced is hilarious. The untargetable effect needs to apply to battlecries too.
To me the issue Mogor's Champion has that the other cards don't is that the entire idea of the 50% miss chance cards is that they have better stats than average as a trade-off for missing.
Mogor's Champion has the same stats total as Boulderfist Ogre though.
I am enjoying how you're using this Rogue deck and your other one Tempoil, I believe. Does this consistently wipe out aggro Druid and Eboladin?
On an unrelated note and VERY LATE, via @Kolento...
Fucking kill me. :V
Oh noes, Aggro decks will have to use their minions to go through taunts or *gasp* use a spell on a taunt.you want to kill aggro dead, all aggro for all time hunh.
Stats are extremely important up until the 4-5 mana. Beyond 6 and up stats are enough by themselves.Don't stats become less relevant the more expensive the creature is? There's a huge difference between 2/3 and 3/2 2-drops, and almost all the viable 1-drops are 2-attack, but outside of patron how many decks have minions that aren't either part of the win condition or chosen because they can immediately affect the board state? Would you play MC if it was a 4/4? Would you play Boom if it was a 7/5? Loatheb if it was a 4/5? Antonidas if it was a 5/5?
Captured Jormunger is fine. It has well balanced stats for a vanilla 7 drop and it has the beast tag. It's better than a War Golem in most cases. Same for the demon although it being class card it could've had better stats.
Morgan Champion on the other hand is a terrible card all around.
Sideshow Stealer is a few stats short. It's actually usable in Control Rogue because they have a bad late game hero power.
War Golem is an arena card. That doesn't make it okay.
Can't wait for Battle Golem, 7/8 7 drop in the next expansion.
Hearthstone needs an Exodia equivalent. Alternate win condition.
No one is scared of them. I have already said many times that Mogor's Champion is an awful card and shouldn't have come with that stat line. Captured Jormunger feels like a flavorful card that is the reverse of Core Hound.Are we really scared of a 5/10 Captured Jourmungand or an 8/6 (or even 8/7) Mogor's Champion?
Oh noes, Aggro decks will have to use their minions to go through taunts or *gasp* use a spell on a taunt.
I am not even sure about that. I mean yeah you might get the god draw in some games and win the game by turn 7 (I would cost that minion that you have to summon a 7 mana) but it's very likely that you can easily get killed before that time.Too easy. Hearthstone has way too much card draw at the base level to make Exodia balanced.
Hell Exodia isn't even balanced in YGO.
I am not saying that all previous Taunts should be changed to that. I am saying they should create new Taunt minions that have a special text which says that they can't be targetted by minions.you're insane if you think that change would be in any way good. the salt's gone to your brain.
I am thinking 6 cards, 5 cards you need to have in hand and one card you have to play from hand which has the Battlecry: "If you have the other 5 cards in the hand then you win the game".
Arguably Patron was even more consistent than this because it could win with fewer cards and it had different win conditions. Against face rush deck they could combo Patrons with Armorsmiths for massive armor gain. Against Control deck they can draw out their deck and then finish with Berserker OTK. Against Zoo type decks they can combo Warsong with Patron to have a huge board etc.Let's be honest.
Patron was basically this.
Wagering gold or dust with people on your friends list would be a fun feature.
That would instantly be abused to just give people gold/dust, Blizz wouldn't add that in a F2P game.