Every wayIn what way Blizzard is badly handling the game?
Nah I've seen it pull Boom as wellAnother entry to the list of undisputed Hearthstone facts: Your opponent's King's Elekk always draws Savannah Highmane.
In what way Blizzard is badly handling the game?
Are the class portraits even worth it? They are $10 for something cosmetic?!
That's up to you.Are the class portraits even worth it? They are $10 for something cosmetic?!
No avenue for new players.
Balance tweeks months after the fact
Tavern Brawl seems broken or half assed on a weekly basis.
Power creep and mana cost is all over the place
They released some new class portraits then just stopped
Still haven't implemented any sort of stat tracking
Communication with the player base is piss poor
No real sense of where the game as a whole is headed
Freeze mage is so damn ridiculous. How can you win if they get a decent draw and you don't have a bunch of heals in hand? There's so little counterplay beyond just healing after Alexstrasza drops.
My first game of the season. said:
Priest is dead again with everyone playing armor warrior. Nothing new there :b
Priest is dead again with everyone playing armor warrior. Nothing new there :b
Wonder what Blizzard is thinking with all the backlash that's starting to build up. More and more people unhappy with how Blizzard is handling the game so I wonder how much longer they can stay silent. Then again, probably not affecting their profit margins too much I'd guess.
You can't dust Maexxna or any adventure card.
My biggest complaint is that they haven't updated the client much since the game released. The one update that I can think of is when they added the button to filter cards by set and a way to add a card back to your decks. They still haven't given us more deck slots, you still can't tell how many wins you have towards your next 10 gold, and they still don't show you how close you are to the day's gold cap. I've only maxed out the gold a few times, but it's annoying to get there, pick up a few wins, and then see that you didn't get anything for it. You can track this yourself, but you shouldn't have to. These are basic quality of life features that have been added by 3rd party software (except for the deck slots, nothing you can do about that). Blizzard should be able to do this stuff on their lunch break.
shit you CAN'T? :ccccccc
Alright, Gormok goes away. Gonna keep Lightbane, as it actually gives me a bit of use in my Warlock deck
Mouse over your gold count, and it shows you this exact information. I dunno when they added it, but I first saw this a couple months ago.
EDIT: Actually nevermind, it's a Hearthstone Deck Tracker feature!
Played a few more rounds now.
This game is proper tom tit.
Counter play is Loatheb and Kezan Mystic. A couple of silences in the deck means you will not get board wiped. Never fill up your board with garbage minions.Freeze mage is so damn ridiculous. How can you win if they get a decent draw and you don't have a bunch of heals in hand? There's so little counterplay beyond just healing after Alexstrasza drops.
proper tom tit.
The idea from a few pages back for not having silence remove taunts is a good thing IMO. Instead you now make cards that specialize to do just that (remove taunts).
3 mana 2/4: Battlecry: removes taunt from an enemy minion.
2/4 for 3 is one point below average but still trades well against 1-2 drops.
2 attack means that it isn't going to provide excessive pressure for aggro, which is a good thing because it already has a proper purpose anyway (removing taunts)
This seems like it would be a good first step to weakening aggression in general. Cards like Belchers/Chillmaw would get a little stronger as defensive cards and not be completely neutered by a single card (you silence the deathrattle but still have to get through a 6/6 or you get rid of the taunt to go face and risk letting the other player suicide their chillmaw for a 3-damage aoe).
Another idea is to have cards that forces the effect of Ice Howl for all minions while the minion stays on the board.
For example:
3mana 1/8: minions cannot target heroes
You can still silence its effects, or you simply kill off the weak minion. Having 1 attack lets it kill off tokens while not doing too much vs anything else, but can still be useful when combined with other taunts. Turn 8 this minion + belcher for example.
If the effect feels too powerful, you can even limit it to certain attack values.For example, make it such that the effect does not apply to minions with 4 or more attack. This way the card doesn't just become a super control tool since it does nothing against most mid-range minions (and allows attack buffs to be useful by allow weak minions to bypass the effect).
Link plz.kibler going ham on reddit. says they dont know what theyre talking about lol
I think Gormok works in Warlock decks better than Fjola Lightbane. I can't think of any Warlock buff spells that aren't demon specific and don't result in the minion dying at the end of the turn (making a divine shield buff useless). Gormok works well with Implosion and Imp Gang Boss plus other sticky minions that Zoo typically runs.
What backlash? Did something happen? Or are you just talking about everyday salt?
I like how most of your games are ending before 10 minutes and many before turn 8. Feeds into the whole notion of killing them before they kill you tempo game.Currently on a 14 winstreak with Rogue (still 100% winrate vs paladin):
Druid: 2- aspirant, 3- keeper, 4- knife juggler, 5- dr. boom, 6- fel eaver
That curve... I ended up killing him on turn 9 with 3 points from fatigue helping me out lol.
also I just noticed the rank recording on that list are very off. Must be a bug in the deck tracker. I'm currently ranked 8
Well I already ran Gormok in a Zoo deck but I felt like the potential damage wasn't really worth it other to clear BIG monsters from the field :c
Currently on a 14 winstreak with Rogue (still 100% winrate vs paladin):
Druid: 2- aspirant, 3- keeper, 4- knife juggler, 5- dr. boom, 6- fel eaver
That curve... I ended up killing him on turn 9 with 3 points from fatigue helping me out lol.
also I just noticed the rank recording on that list are very off. Must be a bug in the deck tracker. I'm currently ranked 8
What does this even mean?
Does it even matter? Why release 2nd portraits of only half the characters then stop? Makes no fucking sense both in terms of general sense or business sense.
That's up to you.
For me it's certianly too much.
I agree. I wonder how they are selling? I have not been playing long and I stink (always at the bottom of the ranks) but I have never seen one.
For what you get ... it is like horse armor!
What do you guys think is more important for a paladin secret deck, a 2nd MC or a a single coghammer?
Co-op eh? Add me BigJonsson#1492