Can you play this week's Brawl with someone from your friend's list?
Can you play this week's Brawl with someone from your friend's list?
Can you play this week's Brawl with someone from your friend's list?
I crafted a Malygos but didn't actually find a good deck idea to build around him yet.
I'm thinking Dragon Warlock with Maly as win condition.
My wife and I were so looking forward to this Brawl. The first co-op experience in Hearthstone!Can you play this week's Brawl with someone from your friend's list?
...and then neither of us got the reward pack. Turns out, you have to beat it with a stranger to get the pack. Fucking hell, Blizzard.
You don't actually have to beat it. You can concede immediately and get it.
You don't actually have to beat it. You can concede immediately and get it.
lol if this meta is making freeze mage a popular deck then I really am done.
You want to talk about a fucking brainless deck.
Freeze Mage definitely is not brainless. It's kinda a control deck, one of the good guys right.
I've never worked anywhere where people work as hard as we do, and I used to work in television.
Your words have an impact, you know. You're shitting on real people when you say things like this.
I think that's the main problem with MC at the moment. Blizzard thought that the downside of the card is that you have to include a lot of secrets in your deck. Turn out that Paladin secrets are not that bad and can win you the game even without playing MC. That fact made MC a (very likely) win condition.I lost my first game as secret paladin
I didn't think it was possible to draw badly with that deck but I sure did. It was still close, though. I had 6 turns to draw MC or Boom and instantly win the game
Freeze Mage definitely is not brainless. It's kinda a control deck, one of the good guys right.
Freeze mage is annoying to play against. Fortunately I've moved on to some decks that stand a chance against it and it does have some REALLY bad match ups like control warrior that are just popular enough to keep it from being rampant.
Freeze Mage definitely is not brainless. It's kinda a control deck, one of the good guys right.
Not that I'm entirely sure, but how well does something like that go? To me it seems like when they do take time to explain things, people are still unhappy and complain even more.I wish they were better to communicate a lot of the stuff they're working on, issues they're aware of, and most importantly, the logic behind the different choices they (don't) make. Replying to individuals on Twitter is simply not sufficient. Design Insights with Ben Brode is due for another episode.
I wish they were better to communicate a lot of the stuff they're working on, issues they're aware of, and most importantly, the logic behind the different choices they (don't) make. Replying to individuals on Twitter is simply not sufficient. Design Insights with Ben Brode is due for another episode.
Freeze Mage is easy to counter play with various tech options. You can use multiple silences, Bolf, Wailing Soul, Loatheb, double Kezan, Flare etc. Certain classes/decks hard counter it. Yeah its not fun to play against but the game has counter play options against it.
It's great that Ben Brode is even considering changing rarities on cards for Arena.
I wonder if they'd just change the rarities explicitly for arena, since I imagine they don't want the entire dust economy to change up.
That's what I am thinking as well. I can't see them making Flamestrike a Rare for constructed play because it's a great card to start the game with.I wonder if they'd just change the rarities explicitly for arena, since I imagine they don't want the entire dust economy to change up.
I'm not saying the first episode was perfect, but the format is great for addressing the various issues raised by the community. A monthly dev diary would also be acceptable.Not that I'm entirely sure, but how well does something like that go? To me it seems like when they do take time to explain things, people are still unhappy and complain even more.
(I could be completely off base here so please correct me if I'm wrong) Wasn't the last time Brode did a video people just said how wrong he was or how stupid his explanations were. I don't see why they'd do a lot of videos if they don't go over well anyway.
I just imagine a post saying "We're looking into deck slots and how to balance arena," would just be met with posts of "Why is it taking so long," "Everything in this game is broken," and "Where's my pony?"
Again, this is all from memory and an assumption, but I'd guess they don't say much because it's not appreciated and/or it does nothing to appease people anyway.
Blizzcon starts in ~24 hours.
Not a lot of time to discuss current state of game if they also plan to announce/tease the next adventure.Hearthstone: What's Next, 3:30-4:30pm, Friday, Main Stage
Hearthstone: Fireside Chat, 10-11am, Saturday, Main Stage
Oh, for sure, that would be amazing. And I also didn't mean to direct that right to you. Just throwing it out there as another possibile reason as to why we don't get a lot of output.I'm not saying the first episode was perfect, but the format is great for addressing the various issues raised by the community. A monthly dev diary would also be acceptable.
Making Shield Slam a common would finally let me craft a second one.Consecrate at rare.
Flamestrike at rare.
Armorsmith to common.
Shield Slam to common.
Lots of others I can't think of off the top of my head.
Making Shield Slam a common would finally let me craft a second one.
They're hosting interviews with the major fansites separately.I'm not saying the first episode was perfect, but the format is great for addressing the various issues raised by the community. A monthly dev diary would also be acceptable.
I've completely forgotten about that.
Not a lot of time to discuss current state of game if they also plan to announce/tease the next adventure.
Well, I don't think they're going to adjust them in one mode only, so my point still stands.For Arena rarity balance ya goof.
For Arena rarity balance ya goof.
I dunno, it would be a 3 mana deal 2 dmg to a minion on average.
I started doing some ladder with dragon priest, put in double deathlord and lightbomb its pretty okay