I started doing some ladder with dragon priest, put in double deathlord and lightbomb its pretty okay
The current Control Priest list is full retard anti aggro (with double Deathlords of course). The highest cost minion is Justicar to get the double heal/Auchenai damage.When does the card back for the Blizzcon virtual ticket unlock?
I think in this insane aggro meta a deathlord might be ok - doesn't hurt too much to pull out a 2 or 3 mana minion while stopping a boatload otherwise.
The current Control Priest list is full retard anti aggro (with double Deathlords of course).
I didn't have any problems with people not understanding how it worked beyond the first couple of matches.
Bless of Wisdom and Seal of Champion on my Burly Rockjaw.
Guess what got Assasinated.
I used Millhouse and Troggzor. My board is almost entirely full and this Paladin drops his entire hand of spells including Holy Lights on himself while he's at 30 just to pump two Burly Rocktrogs.
Troggzor lasted until next turn as well, IF ONLY HE HAD SOME SPELLS LEFT.
Hearthstones meta-game has always moved in cycles, and perhaps Blizzards fine with thatplenty of classes have had their opportunities to shine over the past year and a half. But as many on the Hearthstone subreddit and elsewhere have pointed out, the current rise of these Secret Paladinsand, to a lesser extent, Aggro Druidshas made for a far less interesting competitive climate, to the point where tensions are reaching a breaking point.
Dragon Pally needs a Dr 1 and Dr 2 for Dragon Pally to be a thing.
And when I mean Dr I mean Dragon not Doctor.
That's pretty much why Dragon Priest works. They have Welp and Wyrmrest agent.
Dragon Pally needs a Dr 1 and Dr 2 for Dragon Pally to be a thing.
And when I mean Dr I mean Dragon not Doctor.
I had an idea for a Dr 2 but haven't found good enough art for it. Basically a 2/3 dragon that battlecry spits out 2 damage randomly (like flamewaker) if you're holding a dragon.
Dragon Caller basically is something like a Dr 1 but it goes for card advantage rather than tempo, because I didn't want to make a carbon copy of Twilight Whelp.
This is a legit awesome brawl. So happy they found a way to do 'bosses' like this in a coop fashion.
Dragon Priest IMO is the most fair some what competitive deck at the moment.
*Has no way to generate numerous tokens on board (unless you play Onyxia)
*Has no ramp or cheat tempo card
*Has no big damage from hand
*The only Midrange/Tempo deck in the game that does not run Dr Balanced regularly.
*Doesn't have a cheat Secret interaction
*Has very few Deathrattle and the ones it has don't generate more minions.
*No Divine Shield minions.
*Has few big swing RNG cards (the one it does are late game like Ysera)
It's basically Midrange Druid with a bit over stated minions that require synergy but without Innervate, Wild Growth, Darnassus, Savage Roar and Force of Nature.
The meta hasn't even been established for a month. Warsong nerf was on the 3rd week of October and we are still in first week of November.
I think the talks on the meta should be put on hold until after Blizzcon so we know what the future holds. I think we can go two days without talking about MC right?
I was going to say Druid but balanced (and not the Dr version of balanced either) but in the context of highly competitive deck I guess it's true.So basically Druid but gimped. That's what it feels like to me, too.
But what card is the best Doctor, Dr Ten?
Which would probably even be ok if Boom Bots had a chance of hitting your own side of the board as well. Also call them volatile whelps or something.Onyxia should summon boom bots
so yeah now i know why people want a cap on armor lol things was getting out of hand.
Onyxia should summon boom bots
I wasnt playing arund that time but why undertaker hunter was so bad?
It seems to be a card that could be easily killed with some silence, or im missing something'
Sometimes they had two at the start. Most silence didn't come until later but that time Undertaker had gotten in a lot of face damage because it kept ramping up in damage.I wasnt playing arund that time but why undertaker hunter was so bad?
It seems to be a card that could be easily killed with some silence, or im missing something'