Some of those Legendaries sound insane.
The Mage card is not that bad but the deck that it fits into is unlikely to get maximum value out of it because it might now draw it in time. Maybe in Freeze Mage as it adds another fireball in your deck. I like it at least but it's still slow.
You can't have 6 secrets, 5 is the game's cap.
Gotta make that happy little buckWait, the adventure is coming in a week? Guess they didn't want people saving up gold. Any way to get an extra buck.
Kranich is a clown, hope he loses
Actually just read all the pieces of that Legendary. At first I think thought it was a 2 card combo but it's actually a 3 card combo.
As much as I am a fan of something like this.... I don't know about that.
can't believe the morons that are playing this new tavern. I figured it out on my first try. You have people attacking the boss straight away, he casts assassinate ffs. Or idiots casting buffs on a solo minion that gets assassinated straight away and paladins that don't use hero power to flood the board.
Holy crap that paladin secret sucks, and that hunter secret nice more food for huntards, thanks blizz...
can someone post the gaf hearthstone twitch link
For a lot of classes the hero power is really essential to play against Hunters.Hunter Secret feels like it was designed around TGT and Blizzard just assumed Inspire would be the new meta.
Reno Jackson sounds interesting, you probably can make it work. I wonder what's the mana cost, if it's 4-5 it could be playable.
So far the adventure looks completely awful, I'm sure there will be some cards in that one to last wing that are very good but you have to get all the garbage before it.
Are we back into the "complain about every Hunter card whether they're good or not because fuck hunter" mode?
Face Hunters aren't gonna play this new card.
So you have to survive 10 turns rather than kill the opponent.
Will the battlecry work twice with all battlecry? What about stuff like Jaraxxus and Alex?
sure, it'll fire twice it just doesn't actually have an additional effect. alex sets health to 15 and then sets health to 15 again.
do you pick two targets with battlecries like fire elemental? or does it just do 6 damage to a single target?
They are just releasing murlocs to nerf Murloc Knight PogChampSo Shaman gets another Murloc card but did not get Murloc Knight...
The two murloc cards are somehow the best cards in this set right now. How sad.
I was a huge supporter of Shamurloc back when Neptulon launched... but Blizzplz, stop trying to make Shamurloc a thing. You have no idea what you're doing and it never works.
I told ya it was folly godammit. I told ya and you didn't listen ;_;
Seriously, twice now they have tried to push Murloc Shaman but failed to give them the best Murloc card in the game?
If only they had given Shaman Murloc Knight...
Murloc Knight doesn't really fit the gameplan of most murloc decks anyway. Too slow and clunky.