It's kind of the same reason I think this is hilarious:but why though?
I figure it would make people laugh, and that seems fun.
It's kind of the same reason I think this is hilarious:but why though?
Yogg-Saron is the best thing to happen to Hearthstone. Always entertaining, can swing the game and if you lose who cares? You're not supposed to play it when you're winning, it's a last resort card. I love being in a hopeless position with an almost empty hand and Yogg clears the board, draws more cards and puts up a Christmas tree of secrets.
Mana Wyrm, Tentacle of N'zoth, Worgen Infiltrator, Frosbolt, Amani Berserker and Boneguard Lieutenant are above the fold.
You probably want to bot a Shaman deck to farm for you though...You know, if I had a bot, I think I would program it to play a Divine Shield deck, but no matter what it will Equality + Pyro and wipe the board at some point, and then concede.
I agree with all of this, except it's the worst. It's a card that can take losing players and turn the game completely around for them. No strategy, no planning ahead, just pure luck wins you a game.
I remember when people thought an Alex nerf was necessary and Freeze Mage would dominate. Don't think I've seen a Freze Mage since the first week or two of Old Gods.RIP in peace freeze mage, got rekt daily in tourney
ain't no one miss ya
it's showing on this Korean prelims too.
Could someone add me for the spectate a friend quest? Parshias#1599.
I've had this thing for a week and my friend's list has turned into a ghost town, Hearthstone-wise.
Yep, sounds like HS.
NA or EU?
Just as I started exploring C'Thun druid again this month, it looks like it's back in tournament meta at least, both FACEIT finalists had it, it's showing on this Korean prelims too. It's ok deck really, rolls over tempo warrior and control decks for sure, only zoo is really bad.
Youll soon have a new way to get access to your Blizzard games. The publisher has announced this morning that it is implementing Facebook sign-in across its entire portfolio.
Along with that comes the integration of Facebooks Live API. This means youll be able to connect directly with your Facebook timeline from Blizzard games.
Youll be able to stream live to your Facebook profile, and friends will be able to subscribe to be notified when you go live. This functionality should go live in July.
Players will still have a choice, of course. Your regular Battle.net sign-in will continue to work, as will your authenticator.
Any if you guys cruisin with mid range be so kind to share their list? I just keep losing with what I have.
Have you tried Tempo Warrior or Midrange Hunter?
That Ramp Druid looks fun. Got to love any deck running Soggoth (after Malkorok, my favorite Old Gods legendary).
I was thinking of making some kind of Ramp/Nzoth Druid in Wild.
Soggoth is a real pain in the ass.
I have rarely seen yogg work out for the person that plays him
I would love to fight Yogg players. All I see these days are midrange Warriors, Shaman, and Zoolock. The meta is so dull right now.
I would love to fight Yogg players. All I see these days are midrange Warriors, Shaman, and Zoolock. The meta is so dull right now.
I have rarely seen yogg work out for the person that plays him
I don't have anything else that is competitive, though.You forgot Midrange Hunter, I see more of those than any of the other three.
There are ways to freshen up ranked play, though.
You could play Wild, lots of crazy decks there. Naga Sea Witch Warlock, for example. If you don't care about your wild rank, you can just concede when you see some garbage you don't feel like facing.
Play early in the morning. I only saw one meta deck in the hour I was playing from 6am to 7am.
Be the change you want to see in the world. You're a midrange Shaman player, you're the reason the meta is stale. Everything is either Shaman or reacting to Shaman in standard ranked mode.
The ladder is pretty brutal right now. I am struggling to make progress with midrange Shaman because everyone gears to counter it right now. I know you can get legend with a mid tier class in HS, but it sure as hell is not fun.You can get Legend with a mid tier class in HS too.
Though we definitely do not have 8 archetypes per class. Some barely have one or two.
You can get Legend with a mid tier class in HS too.
Though we definitely do not have 8 archetypes per class. Some barely have one or two.
This is when you stay ahead of the meta and tech to counter the counter.The ladder is pretty brutal right now. I am struggling to make progress with midrange Shaman because everyone gears to counter it right now. I know you can get legend with a mid tier class in HS, but it sure as hell is not fun.
There's fatigue.The problem is that HS just doesn't offer many win conditions. Eventually it comes down to hitting face.
There's fatigue.
And dying either before turn 6 or way after turn 10
I'll leave a drop by tip for you guys.
Dragon tempo warrior.
Have fun at legend in this meta.
Fatigue as a win condition is weak gimmick nonsense and that's how Blizzard likes it.
They can't have a win condition like Exodia or Spirit board because it's too easy to draw your entire deck with some classes. They can maybe make a 6 card Legendary minion exclusive to only one class that has weak draws... like Hunter.
Duelyst has you covered with Mechazor.Killbot 2000 - This minion has 4 forms based on how many activators you play.
There are 4 minions that "summon" this card, at different mana costs. I'll call the cards that summon him builders. The first one played summons a 0/4 minion. The second one transforms that into the basic killbot. The third one makes it a bit stronger and gives it stealth. The fourth one gives it charge and divine shield (maybe windfury), along with higher stats again.
The idea is that you can either hope to protect the 0/4, or you can try to summon killbot at higher stages all in one turn. The builders would have different costs. All be legendary so you can't have duplicates, and add up to 10 mana so that it is possible to summon the strongest version in one turn.
I'll leave the actual killbot stats etc., up to the imagination. Could have taunt instead of stealth, etc..