Eaglehorn with no Secrets?
While it gets better with Secrets, Eaglehorn is fine as removal, especially with a lot of Aggro decks running around.
However, I would actually look into getting some Traps in there regardless. Freezing or Bear do well last I knew.
Also, my advice for playing Hunter is always count how much damage you have in hand. I always forget and I've missed lethal plenty of times.
In this meta I can't imagine why Explosive Trap isn't used. Just seems like a no-brainer.
Tips on good budget improvements for this midrange hunter deck? I know i need a second CotW, but that's expensive. I have gotten no value out of the cult sorcerer but that could be a result of playing poorly.
What are the weak spots to switch out if I want to add some freezing traps or deadly shot? The dwarf and cult master?
People are saying this brawl is terrible but I think it's a nice treat for the new and f2p players who may not have many legendaries.
People are saying this brawl is terrible but I think it's a nice treat for the new and f2p players who may not have many legendaries.
You play Cult Master with Unleash the Hounds and sacrifice all the hounds for card draw. Hold back on your plays until there's a good turn to combo.Tips on good budget improvements for this midrange hunter deck? I know i need a second CotW, but that's expensive. I have gotten no value out of the cult master but that could be a result of playing poorly.
Step 1) Set card back to Legend.
Step 2) Use Golden Priest
Step 3) Build a Tempo Priest deck
Step 4) Enjoy all the new friends who add you asking what the hell kind of deck you're playing and is it posted anywhere online.
Step 5) Post that deck on Neogaf:
2x Circle of Healing - Hold for big card draws with northshire, or play it when you can heal a minion by +4 health.
2x Forbidden Shaping - Play it on curve if you have no other options. You want the board so fight for it.
2x PW: S
2x Northshire Cleric - Don't play this on turn 1 unless you are up against aggro or tempo
2x Light Warden - Always play this. On turn 1 it will probably draw removal. If it survives into mid-game it can wreck.
2x SW
2x Wild Pyromancer - Hold for a combo vs Zoo or Shaman.
2x Flame Juggler - Always play it.
2x SW
2x Injured Blademaster - 4/3 is sometimes good on curve, so don't be afraid to play it. Heal it as much as you can and use him for trades
2x Shattered Sun Cleric - Buff those early drops.
2x Holy Champion - A win condition. If it sticks and you get a good Pyro + Circle Heal combo you can easily win the game.
2x Holy Nova - Typically one of the worst clears in the game. When you actually have a minion on the board left from turns 1 to 4, it is actually really great.
2x Cabal Shadowpriest - Insanely high tempo card. Every popular deck is playing great minions to steal. Bloodhooves, Imp Gang Boss, Argent Squires, and so many more. Take them all.
1x Cairn - This guy fights for the board. You want the board. Use him to fight for it.
1x Ragnaros - This guy finishes up games. You want to finish the game. Use him to finish it.
Personally, I'm really enjoying this brawl for some reason.
I'm liking it too. There are some one-sided blowouts, and some cards like Dr. Boom, Kel'thuzad or Tirion are almost guaranteed game winners. But there are also a lot of drawn out strategic epics. It's like a Golden Monkey fight on crack.
I had a card evolve into Gruul, and he got the killing blow - go Gruul!I actually got double gruul value on the game I won. Finally he gets played
I had a card evolve into Gruul, and he got the killing blow - go Gruul!
While it gets better with Secrets, Eaglehorn is fine as removal, especially with a lot of Aggro decks running around.
However, I would actually look into getting some Traps in there regardless. Freezing or Bear do well last I knew.
Also, my advice for playing Hunter is always count how much damage you have in hand. I always forget and I've missed lethal plenty of times.
49 wins already, love this brawl, make it easier for me to grind
Grind for what? You getting daily quests every match or something or you got 120 gold now for 10gold every 3 wins?
Personally, I'm really enjoying this brawl for some reason.
Err Thijs brought aggro Loyan use midrangelooked at a few, crane, thijs, loyan etc. They are all bringing exactly same shaman list, which is also the number 1 list on tempostorm.com metasnap, never doubt t/s.
Do the different expansions have separate pity timers? I've never gotten an old gods legendary and probably have around 25 packs opened. It is 40 packs for the pity timer isn't it?