That anxious moment when you play Soulfire and hope your Doomguard isn't discarded.
But again, it's not argument of why priests need to be perpetually shit because of the hero power. As I pointed out earlier, even with chow+velen's , what people might consider the strongest opening a priest has had, they were still not ruling the ladder, arena and tournaments with an iron fist. If anything those things let them be at least somewhat viable.
Giving priests proper early game would not break them, it would at least make them viable. Right now priests are a joke in pretty much every aspect of the game.
It would break them against certain classes. Paladin for instance has dreadful early game removal and can't do shit, not only that but it becomes counterproductive to use the hero power even.
Paladins have Equality, True Silver, and Keeper of Uldaman. I beat a Priest with Midrange Paladin after he played turn 1 Cleric, turn 3 Deathlord, turn 4 Deathlord + Cleric by doing nothing until turn 5 where I Equality Consecrated him (with the Coin). It was a slaughter from there on out.
So have I, it's not like priest opening like that is auto concede but you can't tell me sitting there doing nothing for 5 turns feels particularly good. Especially if you don't yet have the answer in hand.
It would break them against certain classes. Paladin for instance has dreadful early game removal and can't do shit, not only that but it becomes counterproductive to use the hero power even.
So have I, it's not like priest opening like that is auto concede but you can't tell me sitting there doing nothing for 5 turns feels particularly good. Especially if you don't yet have the answer in hand.
i don't like to complain about this game much, but seriously, this kind of stuff shouldn't even be mentioned.New UI changes coming in the next patch.
You will be able to see your arena record.
As well as the rules in a tavern brawl.
Source video.. Starts around 1:00.
The hell are you talking about? humility, equality, keeper, peacekeeper, rallying blade, truesilver, argent lance. Hell they even got buffs to trade up with blessing of might , seal of champions and divine strength.
So how a priest feels pretty much every game. None of your arguments have been even remotely viable.
New UI changes coming in the next patch.
You will be able to see your arena record.
As well as the rules in a tavern brawl.
Source video.. Starts around 1:00.
That's it? That's so small and sad.New UI changes coming in the next patch.
You will be able to see your arena record.
As well as the rules in a tavern brawl.
Source video.. Starts around 1:00.
That's it? That's so small and sad.
I fail to see how casting humility on a Northshire Cleric is in any way or form effective.
Equality and any buffs need minions on board to count as removal which is the problem to start, or come online late.
Truesilves costs 4 and Rallying blade more supports my claim than counters it since it's being played even outside of bubble paladin at times specifically to deal with x/3s.
The best removal turn 2 and early in general is Doomsayer and it's being played just for that considering lategame paladin has no way to enable it.
That's well possible considering my distaste for the class.
We're not discussing northshire clerics though, we're discussing hypothetical strong early game for priests which you claimed would destroy some classes like paladin that had no way to deal with strong early game from a priests if priest got it.
You're trying to bring up situations where "omg you can't do anything but hero power until 5", but moments like that don't often happen. Even right now, if you claim that a paladin can't deal with a priest if they get stronger early game, than look at this way, how does a paladin deal with early shaman game right now? The same way it would with early priest game if priest got it.
I expect:I'm sure that's not the only thing that's coming. In the video they're hiring a new UI designer, so they showcased some of the kind of stuff a UI designer could expect to create at Blizzard.
I expect:
Win History (last 10 matches)
Ranked History
Various Player Stats (longest win streak, etc.)
Duelyst has all of that, and they're a tiny studio. -_-
All of this plus a mode where you can give CPU a deck and play against it.I expect:
Win History (last 10 matches)
Ranked History
Various Player Stats (longest win streak, etc.)
Duelyst has all of that, and they're a tiny studio. -_-
Of this list, I mostly care about replays. Unless they have stats for the last 10k games I've played, then I'll just use HDT for the rest of that stuff. HDT even has replays but I'd rather the replays be in game, and watchable as if you watched the game being played live.
Did a priest quest today. Inner fire and Scaled nightmare won me 3 of the 5 games. It helps that inner fire is just generally good in dragon priest as well.
Got a shifter zerus from my pack debating disenchanting it.
All of this plus a mode where you can give CPU a deck and play against it.
Like this is all minimal day 1 stuff for an online card game.
i hate shaman so much
I just
i hate shaman so much
I just
i hate shaman so much
I just
You got outplayed? Damn, I hope you learned from your mistake.
Yeah, forgetting to draw your removal before they can play their over-powered, on-curve minions is a YUGE misplay.
Yeah, forgetting to draw your removal before they can play their over-powered, on-curve minions is a YUGE misplay.
LMAO @ the cheating on display...He forgot to do one thing....
I tried out Solforge, and I am really enjoying it. The four digital card games I'm enjoying right now are:
1. Duelyst
2. Infinity Wars
3. Solforge
4. Hearthstone
In that order of enjoyment so far. IMHO, nothing else is worth playing, or it has a ridiculous grind.
Maybe some of you guys would enjoy expanding your tastes to other options out there right now? I'm in a happier place now that my card-gaming joy doesn't solely rest on RNGstone.
Konami has a gold mine under their belt if they make a proper F2P PC YGO game but they are just fine sitting on their butts collecting cash from the TCG version of YGO.
Damn straight. Especially if they put in stuff like Tag Dueling and a proper Arena/draft/seal play format.Man, I've been wishing for this right after I played HearthStone for the first time. Can you imagine how many 90s kids would try and play Yu-Gi-Oh again if Konami released a PC cilent with as much polish as HearthStone? They could be the equivalent of Dota 2 in terms of player base for the digital TCG market.
Man, I've been wishing for this right after I played HearthStone for the first time. Can you imagine how many 90s kids would try and play Yu-Gi-Oh again if Konami released a PC cilent with as much polish as HearthStone? They could be the equivalent of Dota 2 in terms of player base for the digital TCG market.
I've been looking for this for a while, all they have is a janky af mobile game that wasn't worth my time(let alone my money). I can't believe almost none of the big TCGs are jumping on the online train properly.