This brawl is insane. I like it.
have a mage at lethal next turn and there is nothing he can do to stop it.
Mage plays yogg.
My board is wiped, he now has call of the wild and buffed yogg, double cabal for 6 more spells, and mulitple traps that put him out of lethal.
Fuck this card.
EDIT: I miss the days of Deathwing being a last chance of winning, but this new shit is stupid.
Y'shaarj in all of my Brawl decks this week!
The minion that should go in 100% of all brawl decks here is Alexstraza.
I originally started playing tempo warrior just to show it was good enough to climb with but I'm quite enjoying it now, there's a lot of knowing what you want out of your resources in this deck. If you fuck up you lose your board or you don't draw enough cards and you get pushed out of the game pretty quick.
My turn one: Varian into three 7+ mana legendaries.
My opponent: Storm wind Champion.
Me: concedes.
So I did my part to help a budget gamer get a pack.
so who has all the idiots playing nzoth control priest now?
Priest scum always hangs out in the 20-15 bracket. They should all die in a fire.
Scum? Shitting on priests is like playing Shaman on ladder, just too easy. Of course they are in the 20-15 bracket range. Their hero power is horrible and was invented for a type of game that doesn't exists, and they got maybe 1 good class card this expansion. Where else could they go? Why would anyone want them to die in a fire? Do you WANT all Shamans on the ladder? I really don't understand some posters in this thread sometimes. Might as well bring back the old Undertaker and SMOrc Hunter. Give everyone a real 4 mana 7/7 and add in more microtransactions too while you're at it.
Scum? Shitting on priests is like playing Shaman on ladder, just too easy. Of course they are in the 20-15 bracket range. Their hero power is horrible and was invented for a type of game that doesn't exists, and they got maybe 1 good class card this expansion. Where else could they go? Why would anyone want them to die in a fire? Do you WANT all Shamans on the ladder? I really don't understand some posters in this thread sometimes. Might as well bring back the old Undertaker and SMOrc Hunter. Give everyone a real 4 mana 7/7 and add in more microtransactions too while you're at it.
Was struggling around rank 15 a few days ago and decided to switch to playing some zoo. Now I am 5 wins from Legend with about an 80% win rate.
Deck is pretty good.
Priest scum always hangs out in the 20-15 bracket. They should all die in a fire.
Was struggling around rank 15 a few days ago and decided to switch to playing some zoo. Now I am 5 wins from Legend with about an 80% win rate.
Deck is pretty good.
I just want priests to stop stealing all my stuff as a warlock. These are my minions and spells you filthy thieves. I'm sure your own stuff is just as good stop taking mine.
I play zoo a decent amount and i am not 5 wins away from legend.
Don't discount your own skills just because you're using a powerful popular deck.
Help a brother out with a deck list?
I'm stuck playing Hunter / Shaman for the most part, since I lack a bunch of solid class / neutral legendries.
this is at rank 6. I've got odds on some streamer playing it in the last day or two and getting people all excited.
The thing I hate about priest is they're so reactive and they always have 'it'
"he had a pain, 2 deaths and 2 aoes, maybe he doesn't have entomb too"
has it
"boy it'd be nice if he didn't have pain"
has it
"he needs exactly auchenai circle to clean up my board"
has it
"I've seen one auchenai one flash heal and one alchemist already, he hasn't played particularly aggressively and he only has 3 cards in hand, it should be fine for me to drop low in order to take control of the board here"
fuck you.
My turn one: Varian into three 7+ mana legendaries.
My opponent: Storm wind Champion.
Me: concedes.
So I did my part to help a budget gamer get a pack.
I concede when I'm testing new decks I made in casual. I don't need to deliver the finishing blow to figure out if it works or not. And honestly, people usually use casual to do quests. May as well help.My turn one: Varian into three 7+ mana legendaries.
My opponent: Storm wind Champion.
Me: concedes.
So I did my part to help a budget gamer get a pack.
Playing against priest is the worst.
Please stop stealing my cards and minion, I'm already poor.
so who has all the idiots playing nzoth control priest now?
Priest scum always hangs out in the 20-15 bracket. They should all die in a fire.
I'm sure your own stuff is just as good stop taking mine.
Join the worst class in the meta.
Do it!
Then experience the anxiety overthinking inducing matchup of Priest vs. Priest.
Here is what I am using right now:
It's barely a tier three deck. C'mon, son!
So all you gotta do is get above rank 15, mayne.
N'zoth vs. N'zoth is the craziest.
Just Shades for daaaays.