Dat feeling when you only have 150 gold and get a shit Arena deck... why, why must the game put me through this.
When you're playing against a Reno mage and you kill them on turn 5. #JustPirateThings
Playing that F2P pirate deck on Asia trying to get a class to 20 so I can unlock tavern brawls.
What's your mulligan?
Oh you're not using the one you posted with alex's champ?
This is a fun cheap Warrior deck too that somebody got to legend f2p.
My Asia Region account is only one day old, so I'm playing this extremely cheap Pirate deck:
My free packs + a 9 win arena got me more than enough dust to make this deck.
This is a more challenging deck to pilot than the Pirate deck I'm using, so a new player is probably better off with Pirates. The OTK deck is better for experienced players who want a cheap deck to play on other regions, experienced players who don't have Warrior epics, or ambitious new players who aren't scared of a challenge.
Brawl is a bit buggy. History card text on a couple opponent drops said "Flame Leviathan" and that other card that does damage when you draw it, yet the actual card on the board isn't.
Also Nerubian Prophet's effect persists on the next card it becomes.
I wonder if that's what the purpose of this brawl is - bug finding since they may not be getting enough people actually playing Shifter Zerus in their decks lol.
I just wanna unlock my fucking basic druid cards, every opponent I meet is some twat with 5 different legendary cards in their decks who just steamrolls over my pitiful deck of jackshit to do.
Play solo. Give the innkeeper Warlock. You can level up pretty quickly.I just wanna unlock my fucking basic druid cards, every opponent I meet is some twat with 5 different legendary cards in their decks who just steamrolls over my pitiful deck of jackshit to do.
Brawl is a bit buggy. History card text on a couple opponent drops said "Flame Leviathan" and that other card that does damage when you draw it, yet the actual card on the board isn't.
Also Nerubian Prophet's effect persists on the next card it becomes.
This is a fun cheap Warrior deck too that somebody got to legend f2p.
Thanks!!! Will give this a try when I get a chance. I made a f2p pirate deck that only had 1 or 2 cards that were different (I am short 200 dust). Perhaps I was too stupid to find a reasonable substitute or I'm just super bad but I lost all my matches. Luckily I was practicing in Casual so no harm done. Just some hurt ego. I kept telling myself, "Hey cheer up its cause you're still pretty new and you're on NA- surrounded by folks with super decks"
Hmmm, been out of the game since OW came out basically. Been running a tempo rogue deck but I'm getting bored with it, plus it's a bit weak. I wonder what I should play... maybe malygos rogue... maybe something mage (non-freeze mage)... thoughts?
You probably want to fit in a Flamestrike in there depending on the meta of the day/rank.
Anyone play hotform's tempo mage list with yogg sauron? I might play that but I'll need to craft yogg first.
Welp, 300 gold down the drain on Arena. Two tries. One win each.
That's it. I am obviously born too far on the fucking low end on the human DNA pool to even play a "casual" fucking card game. I know when it's time give up and stop before I get a feeling I should fucking end myself.
Welp, 300 gold down the drain on Arena. Two tries. One win each.
That's it. I am obviously born too far on the fucking low end on the human DNA pool to even play a "casual" fucking card game. I know when it's time give up and stop before I get a feeling I should fucking end myself.
Haven't been playing too much lately but just went for a last minute rank 10 and...at full stars with cthun warrior I got beat three games in a row to a RIDICULOUD yogg from the opponent that blew me out of the game. What a stupid fucking card.
Don't think I'm touching this again for the month.
Did you draft the cards yourself, or did you use sites like Hearth Arena or Arena Drafts to help you pick up what cards to take?
Using those sites do help newcomers a bit to see what to pick up and so on. But guess the more pro players in here can give even better tips what to look for curve wise and so on.
Hey look, more shit. Surprise!
Welp, 300 gold down the drain on Arena. Two tries. One win each.
That's it. I am obviously born too far on the fucking low end on the human DNA pool to even play a "casual" fucking card game. I know when it's time give up and stop before I get a feeling I should fucking end myself.
Ladder is pure cancer right now. Was trying to get rank 5 and just running into constant face decks at rank 6. Really tilting.
Anyone play hotform's tempo mage list with yogg sauron? I might play that but I'll need to craft yogg first.
400 dust it is. I at least got a flame imp for zoolock.
Enter the coliseum was my epic aka 400 dust.
I got 2 wings in gold stored up already.
Ladder is pure cancer right now. Was trying to get rank 5 and just running into constant face decks at rank 6. Really tilting.
Card idea:
"discard a neutral 1 mana card from your hand. It becomes your hero power"
(Hero power still costs 2)
your hero power is now abusive sergeant. summon a 2/1 for 1 that gives another friendly minion +2 attack this turn.
*looks at paladin hero power*
okay... i guess.
Broken cards combos with this:Card idea:
"discard a neutral 1 mana card from your hand. It becomes your hero power"
(Hero power still costs 2)
In my thinking battlecrys would still trigger, so really just abusive sergeant would be op. But like I originally said, the hero power would still cost 2..... Secret keeper could be pretty op, though I'm not sure about lightwardenBroken cards combos with this:
Injured Kvaldir
Secret Keeper
Then I would say Elven Archer would also be OP.In my thinking battlecrys would still trigger, so really just abusive sergeant would be op. But like I originally said, the hero power would still cost 2..... Secret keeper could be pretty op, though I'm not sure about lightwarden
Plus it's not like the card that swaps your hero power would cost 0 itself, I just don't have any idea what a balanced cost would be![]()