what deck is good for a quick brawl pack?
what deck is good for a quick brawl pack?
Legendary in my brawl pack . . . it's Lorewalker Cho
Good dust at least.
Secret palywhat deck is good for a quick brawl pack?
So I'm playing the Elder Scrolls card game and I saw this:
Shackle means freeze btw.
That card looks like a bunch of suck.So I'm playing the Elder Scrolls card game and I saw this:
Shackle means freeze btw.
That card looks like a bunch of suck.
How is the TES card game? Any great/unique/cool mechanics?
Face Paladin is really brainless to play and will either win or lose fast.
Worgen Infiltrator (substitute any other aggressive 1 drop)
Argent Lance (substitute any other aggressive 2 drop)
Wolfrider (substitute any other aggressive 3 drop)
Armored Warhorse (substitute any other aggressive 4 drop)
x2 Holy Wrath
x24 copies of your most expensive cards
Mulligan everything to find Holy Wrath. If you don't get it, just concede. Send everything to face. Finish them off with turn 5 Holy Wrath face into turn 6 Holy Wrath face (or turn 4 coin Holy Wrath into turn 5 Holy Wrath).
The way the deck is built, Holy Wrath will always hit for 9+ damage, and sometimes you will draw Molten Giant and straight up one-shot them. The jousters are also very good in this deck. Everybody else is playing some sort of midrange and your deck is full of 10 drops, so you will always win the joust.
Oh, under NDA?Can't say much right now (for obvious reasons) but the game so far is insanely good. Heavily, HEAVILY inspired by our beloved Hearthstone though - but holy shit some of these mechanics and layers of depth...
Reddit user /u/averysillyman came up with a cool Holy Wrath brawl deck.
So I'm playing the Elder Scrolls card game and I saw this:
Shackle means freeze btw.
Man I hope I have a card with deadly when this is placed since you know buffs plus silence is coming soon after.So I'm playing the Elder Scrolls card game and I saw this:
Shackle means freeze btw.
I think art style is a huge part of why I like hearthstone and have o interest in any other card game. Just looking at that card makes me not want to play the game. Duelist is even worse.
I'd love to see a recording, but I think the big problem with Frostcaller is his weak stat load. 2/4 for 4 mana is down 3 stat points from a pure stat play, and in a meta all about playing big stuff and overrunning the board, he's hard to keep around.I think Demented Frostcaller might be the best card that nobody is playing. I am using him in a tempo yogg mage on my main account and he is really great at locking out games. Just made a crazy control/tempo mage on my F2P EU account (no Flamewaker yet) and he was doing amazing work there as well.
You basically lock down the opponents board indefinitely and with Cabalist's tomb and ethereal conjurer you are casting spells constantly.
I'd love to see a recording, but I think the big problem with Frostcaller is his weak stat load. 2/4 for 4 mana is down 3 stat points from a pure stat play, and in a meta all about playing big stuff and overrunning the board, he's hard to keep around.
Playing Fiery Bat in general is pretty all these hunters playing Fiery Bat in the brawl.
Zombie Chow is so much better.
No doubt.Frostcaller is even worse than 3 stat points in some cases. At 4 mana, paladins are playing keeper of uldaman which is +1 attack but usually giving +2/+2 to some recruit. Hunters are playing the infected wolf which is a 5/5, shamans are playing "thats incredible", druids are playing a turbo yeti, the list goes on and on. Part of what makes flamewaker so good is that he is fairly priced at 2/4 for 3 mana. 2/4 at 4 is simply not destined to last.
There are SO many MtG clones out there, though. If you want a digital MtG, you literally have 5 games to choose from if you count games in beta right now.The TES card game is made by some mtg pro players among other things
I've had this bug happen to me. Irritating.Well, I just learned a new lesson after a couple years of playing. Apparently when you click to cancel your match after queuing up and the game disconnects you, the match goes through. Just came back from starting dinner to a loss message after logging back in.
There are SO many MtG clones out there, though. If you want a digital MtG, you literally have 5 games to choose from if you count games in beta right now.
Breh you literally recommended that we should get draws like these in the opening hand/mulligan (for consistency) and we not only told you that it was an awful idea but that they made a Brawl around it which was bad.This Brawl is an excellent reminder of why the game should not guarantee you draws on a curve, lol. Tempo Mage is no match for midrange Shaman with a stacked high-end.
Oh, under NDA?
I'll keep my eye on it.
There are 5? Magic origins, Hex, Spellweaver, Eternal and what?Duelyst excites me because it has a board to play on.
Infinity Wars excites me because it has simultaneous turns, which lead to the most intense mindgames of any card game out there (including MtG).
Solforge was cool because it had no mana system, and I found that intriguing. The game got a little dull for me, though.
Cho is worth keeping for funsies and for the chance it makes for a completely broken deck against an adventure boss.
Wish Blizzard limits or removes like 90% of priest class cards...
Man, it is really depressing these days to say "Hey, I feel like playing Druid," then opening up the collection manager and seeing what they have.
Then again, I guess it's no more depressing to pretty much be forced into playing combo like before.
Maaan, you have ramp, C'thun, and Token Druid--all of which are viable and competitive.
No, I said that *IF* you include a certain number of 1-mana cards, you should be guaranteed a 1-mana card in your hand. I still think that would be a good idea, because it is incredibly annoying to put 8 1-mana cards in your hand and not get one.Breh you literally recommended that we should get draws like these in the opening hand/mulligan (for consistency) and we not only told you that it was an awful idea but that they made a Brawl around it which was bad.
I was just waiting for this Brawl to show up again so I could say "told ya so!"
Ooph.I forgot to quote but that was supposed to be in response to the depth post.
The game is licensed and little more than the contract work financing their own IP, that from what I've heard is not particularly good and another cross of mtg and hearthstone.
Magic Origins, Hex, Spellweaver, Eternal, and...I'm in the eternal beta and I don't mind playing it. True it is a hearthstone meets magic, but I think it pulls it off well.
There are 5? Magic origins, Hex, Spellweaver, Eternal and what?
Priest isn't OP, but their cards often aren't fun to play against. No one likes having their stuff stolen...Yeah, because they're so OP, right?
Do you go "I greet you" every time you cast Renounce? Because I can't stop doing thatall warlock cards except your only 2 drop is renounce darkness. add in justicar for turn 6 and boom for 7.
Yeah, having optimized Turn 1 =/= completely optimized curveNo, I said that *IF* you include a certain number of 1-mana cards, you should be guaranteed a 1-mana card in your hand. I still think that would be a good idea, because it is incredibly annoying to put 8 1-mana cards in your hand and not get one.
Eh, I guess. I don't thnk C'Thun and Ramp are that good really. Yogg is okay but really niche.
It might be better for Druid if they didn't get shit on by Zoo.
Priest isn't OP, but their cards often aren't fun to play against. No one likes having their stuff stolen...
With the state of Priest as it is now, Entombing something is rarely little more than a Pyrric Victory. Yeah, I removed your dood and put it in my deck, but now I'm dead.
you're right
but still, fuck anduin