By holy light. This is actually amazing. I can't stop laughing.
Edit: you can destroy Jaraxxus with the pact?
Any advice on how to consistently beat Control Warriors with Zoolock?
I'm running a pretty standard deck with Leeroy/Gormok but it seems like I run into constant early game weapons/board clears.
Pretty sure its 20 80 matchup broAny advice on how to consistently beat Control Warriors with Zoolock?
I'm running a pretty standard deck with Leeroy/Gormok but it seems like I run into constant early game weapons/board clears.
You can't.
If they draw their early wep your are more than likely SOL.
Hence why the only class bigger than Lock at legendary right now is Warrior.
Pretty sure its 20 80 matchup bro
Few time I manage to won is keep chipping for exact lethal
Try to put the most sticky minion that you have early and on brawl territory turn.
I have only been playing about a month now but I made it up to rank 9 and ever since it's been a constant flood of Control Warriors as I slide back down the ranks.
Same. In 20-16 I faced a lot priest and shaman. But I'm in 13th now and everyone is control or c'thun warrior.
How am I gonna destroy that 20++ armor with zoo? Just concede.
Equality clear is inefficient now?
To clear their win condition on top too?
Hunter have nothing after CoW
Any advice on how to consistently beat Control Warriors with Zoolock?
I'm running a pretty standard deck with Leeroy/Gormok but it seems like I run into constant early game weapons/board clears.
Any advice on how to consistently beat Control Warriors with Zoolock?
I'm running a pretty standard deck with Leeroy/Gormok but it seems like I run into constant early game weapons/board clears.
Put me in the camp that doesn't understand all of the "mid range" hunter love. I know CotW is cool, but zoo like is just consistently the better deck these days.
Zoo is a better deck, overall, but hunter is so much better vs warrior.
i really don't understand why people bother running elise in cthun warrior. doomcaller is just so much better and if you're in a control matchup you really don't want to give up your executes/slams whatever. doomcaller gives you an extra card anyway, possibly two, which also mitigates one of her best features. i understand maybe some shield blocks/acolytes can be turned into legendaries but the odds of those legendaries being truly helpful is rare.
Wtb sludge belcher back
Would help enormously with zoo and Warrior. Hell would help against Hunter too.
Sludge Belcher coming back would make N'Zoth Warrior extremely strong in standard.
Elise is really strong against Control Priest. C'Thun can get Entombed which nullifies Doomcaller.
who plays control priest?
People ranked 18 lol
who plays control priest?
But that's what Wild is for.
Sludge Belcher coming back would make N'Zoth Warrior extremely strong in standard.
Got the 5 Shaman win for my challenge yesterday, Went from 18 to 14 by playing my Totem deck until I lost.
The deck has a lot of counters, but a whole lot more win conditions.
Lost to a Beast Aggro Hunter that had better draw the first few turns, and a Control Warrior that Harrison Jones'd my Doomhammer before I could Rockbiter it. Poor play on my part but I needed it to clear the board.
yeah zoo is fun to play. very satisfying killing people before cthun can release
Funny. As a warrior I love playing zoo. I basically wipe their board all the time.
Of games I play regularly, Hearthstone definitely has the most toxic community of them all.
I hope they find a way to nerf that in a future patch.
Warrior already OP so it's just more OP