March 29 50 gold
March 30 Mean Streets of Gadgetzan card pack
March 31 100 Dust
April 1 Whispers of the Old Gods card pack
April 2 Journey to UnGoro card pack
April 3 50 gold
April 4 Journey to UnGoro card pack
April 5*
Jesus, that looks amazing
Yo we haven't even seen half the cards yet. Calm down.
I'm sitting on 4000g and about 15k dust plus whatever I get from the Hall of Fame rotation. I should be able to craft everything I want that I don't get from packs.
Many predicted Pirate Warrior is the deck to play at first glance they see Patches
Ok so we're pretty far into Un'Goro reveals...but can someone tell me what exactly Adapt is?
I don't think this is actually true.
I don't think people knew pirates would be good until they saw Small-Time Buccaneer.
Nah STB revealed like in last batch of reveal
a lot of people say Patches is crazy before that
Wait... didnt you quit Hearthstone a few weeks ago?
to be honest I remember me and a lot of other people here didn't think patches was going to be good before STB, now we all know the card is still nuts without it, but the STB reveal skyrocketed the expectations
Nah STB revealed like in last batch of reveal
a lot of people say Patches is crazy before that
You play Hunter from day 1 IMO LMAO
Like.. its no question to me after new cards out, Hunter went from can't win against Pirate to absolutely eat Pirate
the 1 drop curve into that pirate eater thing always gonna made you in lead against pirate as Hunter
God help us if they actually can be able run patches too
a lesser huhuran
given that shaky zipgunner exists, this miiiight see play, not sure, doesn't seem all that good?
So why is Huhuran a Legendary now?
Lesser nothing this is way way way better than Huhuran.
So why is Huhuran a Legendary now?
So why is Huhuran a Legendary now?
Wait... didnt you quit Hearthstone a few weeks ago?
If I were you I would have quite the game at least 4 months ago.I think this card with battlecries would be more interesting and not such a huhuran reprint.
I think this card with battlecries would be more interesting and not such a huhuran reprint.
I feel like a card as such is due now that brann is rotating out, and it wouldn't be as insane if I just replicate 1 extra battlecry
The issue with that is that they are printing quite a few powerful battle cries, like set your hero's health to 40, and add 15 Raptors to your deck. If they put it on a class card, it would sort of prevent them from creating a really powerful battle cry for the class for 2 years.
I just don't see Blizard doing it.
Why is dreadscale? Just HS logic.So why is Huhuran a Legendary now?
If you coin zipgunner and follow up with this, battlecries go first so could this be a 5/5 when played?
If you coin zipgunner and follow up with this, battlecries go first so could this be a 5/5 when played?
I get the feeling this particular card is built for the N'Zoth type of hunter decks. Kindly Grandmother, Fiery Bat, Rat Pack, Shaky Zipgunner, Infested Wolf, Savannah Highmane and the new 2/1 dino thing.
It has plenty of targets, seems OK.
Thunder Lizard seems really bad. A conditional Adapt effect on an understated minion? Blech.
3/6, 6/3, 4/4, 3/3 Divine Shield.
These are all really nice when you're playing Curvestone.