What is the issue with Weasel and Entomb?
Blizzard really likes these 4 mana 7/7s*.New Malone blog post with a bunch of new cards.
I dig the warlock beast!
I wonder if Malone is a card too. Probably discover.
Got the 80g quest anyone want to trade theirs?
It was confirmed that you can choose the same adaptation more than once, so +9 attack, Windfury and Stealth would seem to be the dream scenario for Galvadon. 28 damage next turn unless they can taunt up.
Maybe not against priest. Dies to Dragonfire Potion.
Quest cards are not being given out for free, no.
I don't remember if they said but are they giving out all the quests for free?
Damn, thought they'd go the way of C'thun. Oh well.
Edit: Yeah I guess that'd be too much free dust for Blizzard's liking.
they could make quests cheaper to craft
Theyre giving away packs, gold, dust and a golden card via daily rewards and Brawls.
I love Finja. Might be my favorite card to play.
The problem is that I never ever ever ever draw him when I make a deck that uses the card. I know it's luck but it ends up just making me frustrated.
quests are really nothing more than a 2nd class legendary (with an insane pre-req for an insane power level. ) I don't see why they should be treated any differently than a class legendary.
So, please explain one thing I don't get about these quest cards.
They show what you have to do, and you get this other thing after filling the requirements. What I don't understand is whether the reward is a card that I can use later by itself or if it's just a minion that gets called after the quest is complete.
I think it's the latter (a reward within a particular match for having a deck that helps with the requirements), but I'm not sure.
So, please explain one thing I don't get about these quest cards.
They show what you have to do, and you get this other thing after filling the requirements. What I don't understand is whether the reward is a card that I can use later by itself or if it's just a minion that gets called after the quest is complete.
I think it's the latter (a reward within a particular match for having a deck that helps with the requirements), but I'm not sure.
Would the hand buff spells even count?
Welp there goes that excitement. Galvadon was just too good to be true, can't have hope to have a good pally deck anymore.
It means targeted spells but yes the healing and other cards mentioned should work if there is a minion on the field. Hand buffs and mass debuffs/buffs will not work.Peléo;232930438 said:I'm a bit confused about the wording. Would cards like Equality work or does the Quest only take into account Target spells? Considering only target spells and excluding the ones you wouldn't want to cast on your own minions (Humility, Hammer of Wrath, Holy Wrath) we have:
(0): Forbidden Healing
(1): Hand of Protection, Divine Strength, Blessing of Might, Blessing of Wisdom
(2): Holy Light, A light in Darkness (?)
(4): Silvermoon Portal, Blessing of Might,
(5): Blessed Champion,
(8): Lay on Hands
If we include the other spells that might also work:
(1): Smugger's run
(2): Equality
(6): Enter the Coliseum
(8) Dinosize
Peléo;232930438 said:I'm a bit confused about the wording. Would cards like Equality work or does the Quest only take into account Target spells? Considering only target spells and excluding the ones you wouldn't want to cast on your own minions (Humility, Hammer of Wrath, Holy Wrath) we have:
(0): Forbidden Healing
(1): Hand of Protection, Divine Strength, Blessing of Might, Blessing of Wisdom
(2): Holy Light, A light in Darkness (?)
(4): Silvermoon Portal, Blessing of Might,
(5): Blessed Champion,
(8): Lay on Hands
If we include the other spells that might also work:
(1): Smugger's run
(2): Equality
(6): Enter the Coliseum
(8) Dinosize
I think there will be viable deck for the paladin quest