I assume that Jade tokens do not grow via this mechanism. For example, a 3/3 token goes back to your hand as a 3 mana 3/3, correct?
It gets played in a not well known deck called grinder shaman,but that's about it.ancestral spirit isn't that played, right? I've seen that card only played with a control shaman deck and earth elemental.
because I just don't see this played if even that one isn't played.
nice card, but the idea is kind of limited
Card image:
They really should do "Return a COPY", moving the actual card around creates a ton of fuckery.
Like? This is same text iirc as getaway kodo.
devolve is looking good in next meta.
A deck that started the game with Tunnel Trogg, Totem Golem, Flametongue, Spirit Claws, Tuskar Totemic and curved into 0 mana 5/5... yeah real midrange game plan there.Well, "tryharding" is a weak insult. Always has been, always will be.
And second, aggro has not always been on the top. I'm sorry if you actually believe that is true, but it simply is not true. You don't even have to go far back to when midrange shaman was dominating.
Weasel Tunneler has so many bugs because it tries to shuffle the actual card into the enemies deck. Even Anub'ar Ambusher has a ton of bugs related to the effect, but the cards rarely saw play.
A deck that started the game with Tunnel Trogg, Totem Golem, Flametongue, Spirit Claws and curved into 0 mana 5/5... yeah real midrange game plan there.
Should have said aggressive decks rather than aggro decks because people think aggro decks only mean decks that 100% go face. A Zoo deck is an aggressive deck but it does not prioritize going face and thus isn't an "aggro" deck.
There's only one meta where an aggressive deck was not on top and that was Grim Patron Warrior meta. Ever since Naxx release we have had:
Naxx era: Zoo plus Undertaker Hunter on top
GvG era: Undertaker until it was nerfed, Mech decks, Demon Zoolock
BRM meta: Still had Face/Hybrid Hunter, Zoolock andnd Tempo Mage but controlled by Grim Patron Warrior until that was nerfed.
TGT meta: Secret Paladin and Demon Zoolock
LOE meta: Secret Paladin, Aggro Shaman, Demon Zoolock
Old Gods: Aggro Shaman, Dragon Warrior
Karazhan: "Midrange" Shaman, Aggro Shaman (until they nerfed it but it was still a top deck), Tempo Mage
MSG: Aggro Shaman and Pirate Warrior
Aggro Shaman dominated 2016 and 2017 thus far, that is a truth right there with Pirate Warrior being here and there.
And then you had degenerate "Midrange" Druid thrown in almost of those old metas where it played statted minions on curve and finished game quick with the combo.
And then you had degenerate "Midrange" Druid thrown in almost of those old metas where it played statted minions on curve and finished game quick with the combo.
Similar to infest.Card image:
They really should do "Return a COPY", moving the actual card around creates a ton of fuckery.
I beat it the first time, but I think we fucked up the first phase. What happens if you complete the first phase? Is it harder? Do you get some help?
you didn't win it? because its pretty obvious:
crashers get to 5/7 and a boss appears, destroy it to win the brawl
you didn't win it? because its pretty obvious:
crashers get to 5/7 and a boss appears, destroy it to win the brawl
I did beat it, butmy opponent filled the board before we filled the party decorations meter (the 0/25 hero power) and the piñata appeared. I'm asking what happens if you fill the party decorations.
The hell is a Stegodon?
The hell is a Stegodon?
wiki said:Stegodon (meaning "roofed tooth" from the Greek words στέγειν stegein 'to cover' and ὀδούς odous 'tooth') is a genus of the extinct subfamily Stegodontinae of the order Proboscidea. It was assigned to the family Elephantidae (Abel, 1919), but has also been placed in Stegodontidae (R. L. Carroll, 1988).[1] Stegodonts were present from 11.6 mya to late Pleistocene, with unconfirmed records of regional survival until 4,100 years ago. Fossils are found in Asian and African strata dating from the late Miocene. They lived in large parts of Asia, East and Central Africa and North America during the Pleistocene.[1][2]
the same
didn't know it also happened when the board if filled.
If the stegodon also has taunt maybe.
Am I missing something, or is Cornered Sentry trash?