Pirate Warrior is still going to destroy all these decks.
Pirate warrior gonna get out aggroed by new hunter
Pirate Warrior is still going to destroy all these decks.
I agree. One sap and the paladin insta-loses.I wouldn't call the Paladin quest great yet. It had the dream draw and the Rogue drew poorly.
I wouldn't call the Paladin quest great yet. It had the dream draw and the Rogue drew poorly.
I agree. One sap and the paladin insta-loses.
Still looks like a ton of fun though.
Someone tell me what this bonus content is. I had to leave the stream.
You took another turn and next turn your minions can attack. Nothing got granted to anything. It's just the property of taking another turn.Hunh. Time Warp grants pseudo charge.
Hunh. Time Warp grants pseudo charge.
So Hunter got the best single set of cards in Hearthstone history right? We can all agree on that?
Dat time warp. Memes truly are real.
Druid quest seems kinda easy though? Run it in Jade decks? Why not you've already got like 2-4 guys with 5 attack. Ancients of War being the best, but you could play Savage combatant too.
So Hunter got the best single set of cards in Hearthstone history right? We can all agree on that?
You took another turn and next turn your minions can attack. Nothing got granted to anything. It's just the property of taking another turn.
Pretty sure they still lose to Pirate Warrior.
i think the real question is whats the most compact otk combo you can do with time warp?
I'm getting pretty convinced that Pirate warrior would soundly lose to a warrior playing that quest
So why did Blizard decided to hype up the Paladin Quest Reward, when its one of the most boring?
Where are the cards? I feel we haven't seen most of the class cards?
The big purple dinosaur isn't a card![]()
You talking about Barnabus? He was the Druid Quest reward.
Missed most of the stream. Have they revealed any more Paladin cards? I'm not seeing anything on hearthpwn.