It would be funny if blizzard suspended his account for win trading.
Toast is facing himself during his 4 simultaneous arena runs.
I agree that, long term, the only solution is to go back and redo the classic set so that there is a somewhat even level of power between all classes. This doesn't have to be a total nerf and remove either -- they could do it by tastefully rotating expansion cards into and out of classic.
As long as classic remains a baseline then certain classes will always be either busted or terrible. See priest and shaman as an example -- priest is predicted to return to the dumpster after the rotation, while shaman is basically propped up by it's expansion set and in constant danger of being in the dumpster unless they get some majorly powerful cards every rotation. That's no way to keep the game balanced.
Kripp salty in that video about arena? He playing too many god decks? lol
Arena too hard for him now ?![]()
Merps from the Lightforge was saying similar things about the current Arena meta on their podcast today.
Heh, I also did the same. Word for word. I left like a year ago came back now with this expansion
7k gold is 70 packs. It's more than your usual 50
Except that's not what he or the guys at Lightforge are saying.We know avg power level in arena went up. That was intended. Him being salty would just fit him tho.
Except that's not what he or the guys at Lightforge are saying.
They are saying that now in Arena more than ever deck quality matters more than player skill. This is what is making it frustrating for pro players.. not that they have worse averages than before. This was predicted to be the case before the new Arena even came. Power level of Arena has gone up every expansion but that usually does not impact the play of the top players. When the meta is threat and response, then the person with more threats/response wins.
I can see how someone would think otherwise from hearing the Kripp rants. He didn't articulate his point across very well, it just looks like he's salty because he is losing more than before.
Hunter will only be top tier in the classic "a top streamer plays hunter so everyone plays hunter so it is the top" sense.
The card draw just isn't there and there are a lot of taunts to get through. Even a best case swarm of 3/2s will basically be nowhere near as good as a quickshot to the face when you are out of steam.
The degenerate aggro shenanigans will likely still be some sort of warrior/rogue.
I have the spectator quest today. Would anyone mind me adding them so I can get a free pack?
They mean that even the drafting process has been made simpler and less skillful. It's about drafting highest value rather than drafting smartly. That means that you can just use those drafting sites to better carry you better now.I'm gonna spend all my dust on NZoth priest then go to wild with it if it sucks.
but that's a positive. Deck quality is an extension of player skill
Even with Jeweled Macaw, Stampede and the quest Raptors' Deathrattles?
I'm gonna spend all my dust on NZoth priest then go to wild with it if it sucks.
but that's a positive. Deck quality is an extension of player skill
I'm starting to wonder if maybe Paladin has the best quest.
It might be the best quest reward in the sense that it can easily win you the game straight out with no additional cards needed for quest reward synergy, and there's a good mix of one drop buffs and good value buffs to choose from. The main question is what minions to buff and which buffs to use, but I feel like there's enough options that someone might find the right answer there.
Druid on the other hand I'm not super impressed with after trying to build a deck for it. Early 5 attack minions are so limited, and the quest is so slow if you don't start early.
My current Quest ranking is probably something like:
And for the record, I'm personally happy with anyone using my posts like these against me in the future, though I respect the fact that others might not want the same.
I didn't know that the new arena made it somehow less skillful. Could have sworn the sentiment was it was more skillful during the first couple weeks of the newly standard arena with spell bonuses.
What made it worse?
someone gonna made Druid Quest work just because malygos exist
Okay Deathrattle Kazakus priest is a bust, it's difficult to find even 7 different deathrattles to run.
Biggest question for me now is what to replace Finley with in Pirate Warrior. Finley is actually a very significant game-winning card in the deck and it might be a lot weaker without it.
Okay Deathrattle Kazakus priest is a bust, it's difficult to find even 7 different deathrattles to run.
Is HGG a LAN event?
All 9 classes and standard 5 days after JUG? That looks fun.
I'm hoping to get good rogue or warlock cards. Warlock without Reno is a bummer though.
I'm really interested in how a slower Warlock will adapt. It's kinda fun because back in the day vanilla Handlock lists would only run 2x Farseer. And since we're getting some really well statted taunts this expansion it might bring back some gravitas to playing with your life total instead of barely caring because you play Reno.
We just not play any kind of slow warlock
After thinking more about post-rotation matchups and Finley rotating out, I'm starting to think that Pirate Warrior might not be that dangerous and the top tier meta might end up being very draw-dependent 50/50 matchups between Taunt Warrior, Hunter, Pirate Warrior and Jade Druid.