Counting the seconds for the expansion....
Cant stand playing against bs pirate warrior...
So do we only get these Quest cards from crafting or from a pack? Or is Blizzard going to give us Quest cards for each class?
Of course it would be better LOL! You aren't going to have more than 3 secrets in a Mage deck so that's basically saying "Choose whatever Secret you want to draw from your deck".Would arcanologist be better if it was discover a secret? I say yes.
Tar Creeper is going to be omnipresent in control decks.Kibler's Top 5:
Sunkeeper Tarim (Honorable Mention)
Tar Creeper
Fire Plume's Heart
Vilespine Slayer
Jeweled McCaw
Pretty solid list to be honest. All of these cards I have personally rated 4 or higher.
They're giving us all ~3200 dust, so we'll have some crafting power. I'm sitting on enough dust to craft a legendary right now, so I can craft 3 plus whatever the RNGoddess blesses me with.take the quest as a completely normal legendary, you can get them from a pack, you can craft them, and the won't be EVER gifted by blizzard.
so yeah, I don't know what blizzards really think about people not playing quests, but most people will probably get 1 or 2, and sometimes 0 because there are plenty other legendaries to deter from the quests
Of course it would be better LOL! You aren't going to have more than 3 secrets in a Mage deck so that's basically saying "Choose whatever Secret you want to draw from your deck".
Counting the seconds for the expansion....
Cant stand playing against bs pirate warrior...
Of course it would be better LOL! You aren't going to have more than 3 secrets in a Mage deck so that's basically saying "Choose whatever Secret you want to draw from your deck".
It would be nice if they gave everyone 1 free quest card
Lol I guess I've never been satisfied then. I think I've opened only like 50 packs on my computer.Opening packs on your phone is the last satisfying thing ever though.
Man since I was just spending and spending my gold after mean streets came out because that's what I would normally do until an adventure released and then started saving after. Once I found out there wouldn't be one I started saving but I only have 4k gold when I normally would've had 8k or soI just hope for some good Epic RNG in this set. I just want the good Epics, not the bad ones.
Please Blizzard. I got 64 packs lined up all paying the iron price (aka grinded gold).
Would arcanologist be better if it was discover a secret? I say yes.
Hearthstone |OT9| Jaraxxus Park
I have one friend who says, 'no way in hell', that Blizz is giving us Quest Cards and another who is super confident they'll include a rudimentary story mode like Gadgetzan and award them to us. If they don't that friend told me he'd buy me 10 packs, hahaha
There are so many bad secrets though. If a secret is good enough to include in your deck, then it's probably the best secret for your play style anyways.
Just like with C'Thun, it would be smart of Blizzard to give everyone a quest to start out with (ideally, we get to pick? HAHAHAHAHA).
I would pick priest (for wild) or mage for fun.
It's still going to be near the top of the meta.
I have one friend who says, 'no way in hell', that Blizz is giving us Quest Cards and another who is super confident they'll include a rudimentary story mode like Gadgetzan and award them to us. If they don't that friend told me he'd buy me 10 packs, hahaha
By giving each class 2 legendaries with the new expansion (quest and minion legendary) the odds of getting a legendary you want out of packs is going to be extremely low.
Yes but arcanologist I think would be an auto include in every mage deck as a discover card but as it is now it requires you to actually include them.
Tempo mage wouldn't play arcanologist as it is.
Yea Discard Zoo has been a thing since Karazhan.Is discard zoolock a thing? I imagine zoo is how you play discard. What wing are the Karazan lock cards?
Is discard zoolock a thing? I imagine zoo is how you play discard. What wing are the Karazan lock cards?
Hunter is going to be the best Arena class after the update. These common picks are insane.
Mage, Paladin, and Warrior look terrible for common drops.
The power of Arcanlogist also removes a "bad" card from your deck when you're top decking for the win later.
does the expansion goes online everywhere at the same time or us and Europe get them at different times?
Europe is at least 6 hours after US
Asia is.... I have no idea.... sometime before 2034?
I don't think so. I feel like if aggro will still be a top of the meta thing, it'll be with another deck, and pirate warrior will be played only by those who can't afford better decks. so basically just like it was in the MSoG meta before aggro Shaman was nerfed.It's still going to be near the top of the meta.
Hunter is going to be the best Arena class after the update. These common picks are insane.
Yea Discard Zoo has been a thing since Karazhan.
Malchezaar's Imp is all the way in the last Wing so you kinda need all of the Wings. That's probably the most important Discard synergy card.