To be fair, they're also doing a lot more. Set rotation, Hall of Fame, free dust calculations... Probably more to it than just died again for me. got kicked after win can't login back. Msog didn't lag at all, I guess this expansion has much more hype.
Constructed the following decks (after crafting Kalimos, Lakkari Sacrifice, Clutch Mother as Legendaries):
Classic Handlock
Quest Warrior
Standard Zoo (with the new Egg, Zavas, Pterodactyl, Tar Creeper)
Lakkari Zoo (more Discard, uses the new Felhound card, otherwise very similar to Standard Zoo)
Midrange Hunter (standard stuff with 2 Hyrdras at 5 mana slot)
Elemental Jade Shaman (curvestone reimagined)
Yeah I am using the quest in Lakkari (hence Lakkari in the name lol).Do you use the quest on lakkari?
Yeah I am using the quest in Lakkari (hence Lakkari in the name lol).
That's not news, it was predicted by a bunch of people in this thread alone I think. Unless you were being sarcastic.In other news, Pirate Warrior is destroying all these janky decks.
You can use mine.
I posted it on Hearthpwn but Hearthpwn isn't loading like the game client so I will just type it out.
Mortal Coil
Mixtress of Mixtures
Sunfury Protector x2
Doomsayer x2
Ancient Watcher x2
Humongous Razor Leaf x2
Shadow Bolt
Earthen Ring Farseer x2
Defender of Argus x2
Faceless Shambler x2
Twilight Drake x2
Shadowflame x2
Cult Apothecary
Siphon Soul x2
Abyssal Enforcer
Mountain Giant x2
I really like a Spellbreaker in this if you can fit it in.
25 packs and all I got was the junky mage quest.. Never again!
that's actually a good one
Is there an ETA for EU launch?
25 packs and all I got was the junky mage quest.. Never again!
I had only 3 legendaries in 80 packs. Only 1 quest. Only plain Tyrantus. So you're at least luckier than me!62 packs:
Golden Tyrantus
Rogue Quest
Paladin Quest
i don't think i did that well. No golden epics, only 4 epics, but at least i got a primordial dragon and gluttonous ooze.
Kinda feels bad, i have to use this Golden Tyrantus so it feels like my packs weren't a mistake.
Dog has done it. Here it is, exodia.
I had only 3 legendaries in 80 packs. Only 1 quest. Only plain Tyrantus. So you're at least luckier than me!
Of the decks i've played so far i'm actually having the best luck with quest rogue.
i keep turning out my quests super early and that just wins me the game.
Yeah it looks strong already, once it gets optimised it's going to be disgusting.
The biggest question for me: What will Kripp do with his Fatigue Warrior?
Time to start playing...
I would be surprised if this is a joke deck in the end, his deck is still janky and he gets there so fast already... against face decks no less.
How many packs? I only got 3 legendaries in 80 packs, so if you opened less you're lucky.look at the only 3 legendaries I got. is this real? Can I get my gold back? Help?
goodbye everyone, uninstall button is ready
I would be surprised if this is a joke deck in the end, his deck is still janky and he gets there so fast already... against face decks no less.
How many packs? I only got 3 legendaries in 80 packs, so if you opened less you're lucky.
You got 1 old good legendary, 1 new good legendary, and 1 legendary of your choice. What's wrong with that?