Well, right now i'm reading a thread about a guy who is not happy about the draft because in his match he was mana flooded.
Things are getting really ridiculous from both part.
I just lost a draft match because I had 0 seconds left, my opponent had only 1 HP left, no creatures, and I was already in my turn and could see the "attack" button. I would have needed 5 more seconds to win the match and both of us were under 1:30 minutes left.
... The time limit is kinda cutting it close for 3 match tournaments and I am really angry about this right now.
I was reading that thread earlier, I literally could not believe it was a real post at first. The fact he was attacking the draft format for an inherit part of the game... I just don't know.
On one hand I feel your pain, that does suck when it happens. On the other hand, with the current timer you can have drafts that last up to 4 hours, which is a pretty crazy window to get invested in. Even a bump up to 40 minutes per player would increase that time by another potential hour.
14 hour stream! *dies*
some CRAZY awesome games were had, in the 4 drafts I did today I came 2nd 3 times and 1st once.
Thanks to everyone who came and joined in the fun and congrats to the winners of the giveaways
Yeah, but... 5 minutes more would already be WAY more reasonable than 25. If both players are below 1:30 in a normal play session of 3 matches... Or how about not making the 25 minutes per tournament round? 10-15 minutes per match would make more sense.
I was reading that thread earlier, I literally could not believe it was a real post at first. The fact he was attacking the draft format for an inherit part of the game... I just don't know.
Jumped right into it - after trying out each of the starter sets vs. AI to get an idea of some cards and the UI, I joined a draft. Ended up actually winning and even got a primal pack from it - quite the start!
The final match ended on a low though, my opponent claimed he bugged out. Not sure if that was true or if he was just angry cause I was about to force him to kill off creatures, including a Flock of Seagulls, by blocking a creature with the -1/-1 to blockers gem in it via Pheromones, but I wasn't going to concede just because he says he is bugged.
If an actual bug caused him to lose, he can just submit a ticket and get his full draft entry refunded. Losing to bugs goes both ways. What did he say was bugged? What was he trying to do?
After I attacked with my creatures (including the one with Pheromones, so all of his minions had to block that one), he claimed he could neither assign blockers nor end blocker step (2nd one makes sense since he was forced to block). Claimed he also couldn't concede the game.
Probably not a bug. When you have troops out that are forced to attack each turn, the game will do it automatically when the correct step begins. I'd imagine it's the same for Pheromones.
After I attacked with my creatures (including the one with Pheromones, so all of his minions had to block that one), he claimed he could neither assign blockers nor end blocker step (2nd one makes sense since he was forced to block). Claimed he also couldn't concede the game.
I lost a game in draft today due to the same bug, client didn't let me assign blockers either.
I lost a game in draft today due to the same bug, client didn't let me assign blockers either.
Could you concede though? Sounds to me like he just picked a known bug to make it seem real and then made an excuse why HE couldn't concede (but yoooooouuuuu cannnn!)
So there were no blockers at all or were all the blockers assigned for you?
Didn't bother since he could kill me next turn because of it, just moved on and went to support.
no blockers at all, clicking on them did nothing and they wouldn't highlight on mouseover. Keep feeling like the Mac version has issues the windows one doesn't.
Fuck this card.
Why the fuck does it cost one.
I love it. God knows I suck at drafts, but I love it so much. I like Swiss better (more games to play and better rewards since I'm bad), but nobody seems to be doing Swiss (yet?)
Swiss drafts is coming in a few weeks, according to the official @HexTCG Twitter account.
It's already there though, isn't it? I thought it was just nobody using it. It's just labelled... uh... not ingame right now, but it's not labelled Swiss Draft. It's labelled... Sealed Draft I think? But then it says that it's a Swiss draft.
It's sealed swiss, which is not draft. Sealed uses 6 packs where you build your deck from opening your 6 packs.
Did they say how much draft tix are/can we buy them already? I think I've used two of the three free ones I was given at the start...
Drafts costs $1 (100 platinum) and 3 booster packs, so $7 if you buy from the store.
Awesome dude!
I definitely have to go through the broadcast and put a bunch of stuff on youtube, a bunch of amazing games, especially that one
anyway, time to finally sleep xD
Hoiw the fuck do you switch back to global chat after whispering someone?
Really curious if anyone has figured this out, heh.
my game crashed during the deckbuilding part of draft
now neither my opponent nor me can get into a game and we're stuck staring at the tournament lobby :lol
Is there any plans for people to buy into closed beta? I tried signing up/applying, but you're forced to accept their newsletter spam, so I just avoided it.
Well boosters I got enough of... when you start a draft it only lists the draft ticket as an entry price though? and 0 plat...
Drew him in both games and also had a Chlorophyll to speed up the mana growth in both games, two 8/1 flyers on turn 4 is good.
Welp, no more of Hex for a bit at least on the tourney side. I had the issue last night and then the next tourney I played today I got stuck with a champ that had an ability I couldn't use for my deck because the game wouldn't let me change it. Showed it changed in the deck screen but didn't do anything when I actually got into the game. :/
I did draft some nice rares and legendaries though. Got the Kraken and two Cosmic Transmogifiers in one draft last night.![]()
Submit a ticket and you get the draft cost refunded if it bugged out.
Really upset I didn't back this.
Card games are my secret passion.
it's funny how i've 13 Argus, Herald of Doom but only 1 Vampire King.
Let's hope they are valuable in the AH
13?? How many boosters have you opened?
I've got 7x Jadiim as my most owned Legendary and I've opened around 350 boosters