It's cool. At least I can keep all my cards and play with my friends.Everything is going to be untradeable when WOTC shut this game down. ABANDON SHIP
So why the fuck do I now have "card portrait missing" on lots of cards? I tried repair install, but that didn't fix anything.
So why the fuck do I now have "card portrait missing" on lots of cards? I tried repair install, but that didn't fix anything.
and in my 21st draft I finally get an Angel of Dawn. yay!
Still no Vampire King though.
Blue/White is BY FAR my most commonly drafted deck in drafts.
I feel like they should have a different word than "counter" for what gets put on something like Soul Marble.
Because "counter" really sounds like something that should fall off if something happens to the card (ie it gets bounced or killed or whatever). But those things stay on. Though I guess they already used "charge". Most of the other stuff that affects the card in all zones will say "permanently".
Okay?It falls off when it transforms.
Really that feels like something that shouldn't happen either. When you say that you put a "counter" on a card it sounds like just that. You have something sitting on top of the card that isn't part of the card. So if it changes to something else the counters should stay, but if the card flies back into your hand it falls off.
It doesn't sound like most of the other effects in the game that change a card permanently since they all change the text of the card, either by adding +1/+1 or changing it's casting cost or giving it some ability. It makes sense that those effects stick with the card, because they are actually changing the text of the card instead of just placing something on it.
It obviously isn't a big deal, but I like discussing minutiae of rules text for some reason.
While we're discussing Soul Marble and other foibles, can I also say that the flavor text is pretty terrible?
Are you guys still spending money after the lawsuit announcement? This might end up being a very short lived party.
I just realized that there was no weekly update report on Friday.
I get some kind of strange message. Is this really working?
Supposed to get a statement/update "early this week".
I'm not spending anymore money until we get some color on the lawsuit and CZE's plans. Still have packs and plat from earlier purchases, but holding off on anything new.
Cryptozoic Entertainment said:Hi HEXers! It’s your (belated) Friday update.
First, a message from Cory Jones to you, our community:
To our family of HEX supporters…
I have been chasing a dream for the last three years, a dream to produce an innovative trading card game: a game that combines the strategy of a TCG with the community and progression of an MMO. Something amazing and new, something you would love. We presented that dream to you, our community, and you responded with such mind-blowing support to help us launch HEX.
Sadly, the potential of that innovation has driven WOTC to file a meritless lawsuit in an attempt to kill a competitor before it delivers on that promise. HEX has a chance to give gamers a better and completely different experience from a digital-only TCG than a paper TCG can. Sometimes being small and independent makes you seem like an easy target to the bullies, and that’s not an easy place to be, but rest assured we are ready to defend the dream.
Yes, WOTC, and its even larger parent, Hasbro, are much bigger than Hex Entertainment. But the size of their bank accounts doesn’t make them right, and we will fight to deliver the game that you supported throughout this journey. We will not allow this frivolous legal action to damage our ability to deliver a quality game experience to you.
I appreciate the outpouring of support on our forums and I can understand the need to speculate on the specifics of the case. Clearly, I cannot address these posts in detail, but rest assured we have retained legal counsel that is very experienced in these types of matters and I feel 100% confident in a positive outcome for HEX. I will say that it’s important for the HEX community to remember we are all part of the same tribe. We are all gamers, so even if someone isn’t into HEX, please treat them with kindness and respect. We must all stick together as a tribe; gamers have it hard enough as it is without tearing each other down.
I will not allow the dream we shared as a community to be crushed. You believed in me, made the Kickstarter an amazing success, and stuck by us as we slogged through the alpha client. It is unfortunate that this hurdle has been thrust upon us. But, we will prevail; we have come too far to let the dream die now.
Lastly, I must ask that you respect the obligations of the HEX team members during this time and direct all questions or comments to myself and legal at [email protected]. We will read all inquires but remember that because of the nature of this situation we may not be able to respond at this time. But, we will continue to keep all of you, our fans and support, apprised of the developments as we have strived to do so from the very beginning.
Thank you,
Cory Jones and HEX team
You can read this message posted again on the HEXTCG website here and our official statement here.
HEX Nobles
We’ve brought on some new people to the HEXTCG team: Nobles. Nobles will be in the game chat room at various times, answering questions and directing people to the proper resources in order to help players with any issues they may be experiencing. They’ll also be collecting feedback, giving our team a general sense of what our players are discussing and how we can better communicate with you. So, if you see NobleReverter or NobleDreamleaf in the chat, know that person is there to help you and the HEX community with whatever you need.
Beta Keys
We’ve had lots of players ask us about beta keys and getting their friends into the game. You know our community is a special one, and you want your friends to see what HEX has to offer both as a fully digital TCG and as a family. We’ve heard your request and we’re going to send out a beta key to all our Kickstarter and PayPal backers tonight via email!
We also ask that everyone be friendly and awesome to all the new players coming into the game. Help them with the questions they’ll inevitably have, play some pickup games in the Proving Grounds, point them to some basic articles on HEX strategy, engage them in friendly chat during matches, and everything else you’re already doing to make this the best game community around. Ultimately, individual matches come and go, but the friendships and connections you make through online communities can last a lifetime. Trading Card Games can be tough, so please help your friends learn the game and make sure they get the full HEX experience!
Just got it
All backers get a free beta-key to give away? That's pretty sweet.
Hey if anyone can get one of those extra keys my way it would be greatly appreciated. I wanna give this a shot because Hearthstone is kinda of getting stale for me.
You've a PM
How/where can I get/buy more tournament tokens after I used up my 3 free ones?
I am a bit confused. How do I get new cards if I don't want to spend money. I did an AI match and a match against another player but it doesn't look like that got me anything. Didn't even get some form of currency.
The PVP is not F2P, only the PVE, which isn't released (and quite a bit off, maybe another year +).
Also the cards from the PVE part that is F2P do not work in PVP, unless you're customizing the rules in the match to specifically allow PVE cards which are normally banned from PVP games.
You can earn gold by playing the free PVE content coming later this year. You can use gold or sell it on the AH to purchase new Pvp or PVE cards.
For now though you can buy Platinum from the store and acquire new cards from the soon to be released AH.
I also have a cpl extra keys if anyone needs. First 2 to quote me gets them.
True, but the gold may or may not be in your favor. Like buying a legendary PVP card, like say that vampire king card... let's say a pack costs $2, and he goes for $30 (being very desirable). If $10 buys 1,000 platinum, then he'll sell for 3,000 platinum.
Now if you want to buy him in gold, well, good luck, first you have to even find someone wanting to part with a Vampire King for gold in the first place, then the ratio of goldlatinum will not be very nice. If it's 1,000 gold to 1 platinum, you would need 3,000,000 gold to buy the card... and it's very possible that 3,000,000 gold takes months or more in PVE to acquire, of grinding for hours and hours a day.
I also have a cpl extra keys if anyone needs. First 2 to quote me gets them.
I also have a cpl extra keys if anyone needs. First 2 to quote me gets them.