Friday Update
Next patch is a QoL patch. Auction house will come later on (as in not next patch).
Swiss Booster Draft is coming next patch.
Like I said, It takes barely any time at all to create even with their coding inexperience and creates the most satisfying result for game activity for such little time spent. People are so obsessed over "being legend" in HS or before that being "Top 50". Same with ELO medals in LoL or any other game. More people on the game = more features tested and bugs found + more reason to buy from AH = progress on the game smoothing. More AH use also means more $$$ for them.
I'm contemplating making a bunny deck revolving around oath of valor. (the give all cards named x +2/+2 while this constant is in play) card.
sounds hilarious, might work. might just try it for giggles.
You mean concubunnies and then just give to the battle hoppers? Yeah that should work well. Get the battle hopper generating champ for extra wins.
I'm a big fan of battle hopper generating with command towers I'd add those for extra fun.
by bunnies I mean shin'hareso just pick the 0/1 bunny as the target of the oath to give all of them +2/+2 per oath in play.
Auction House tentatively scheduled for June 18th![]()
Also a way of earning PVP cards for free? A few at least I guess, for the starter decks so people can at least start messing around without paying.
...really? Set 2 before the game is even half complete. Doesn't compute for me.
I dunno about that. Auction house is coming within two weeks here. So for the most part PvP will be complete by then. This is a PvP set so it makes some measure of sense to keep things fresh for the beta players.
The only thing that will really be left to complete after auction house is PvE, some fluff stuff and additional features like Ai deckbuilder and stuff like that.
Um, trading for one, and doubleback. Think about doubleback and the engineering that goes into that. Now think about CZE, they don't exactly inspire confidence with their implementation.
Also, August is really soon. It took them nearly a year to get Set 1 in and relatively bug-free.
The reality is that lack of new cards is the surest way to kill a TCG, it's a pretty well know issue and a newbie mistake. Not a mistake I am willing to make, the core HEX community is our most valuable asset and they have been playing with the same cards for 7 months... And it will be even longer by the time set 2 is ready. I simply cannot allow this big a gap in new content. PVE is on the way and is being worked on by engineers everyday, the team that makes set 2 happen is not on PVE so it's not linked.
I appreciate the comments and I am sorry if this rubbed some of the community the wrong way, as I have said before you would be surprised how complicated even the easy looking decisions actually are...
Excited for new cards! Cory is right, keeping it fresh with new content is definitely important. Trading is as well, but that's coming even sooner. I feel a little for the PvE folks, but I'm sure they're working hard. The devs seem really genuine in their passion to me.
Trading will be out so soon as you expect to be. AH will have some auction fee, if they put out soon the trading, people will simply trade the card instead of putting them on the AH.
This game....THIS GAME!
It's been such a ball buster. I jumped in at King level and it is probably my biggest gaming regret from LAST YEAR. I don't think they made their kickstarter promises in bad faith and I do believe they are striving to create the project they pitched. That development time though - I can't believe we went from thinking we'd have Beta like 3 months or so after the KS finished!
I like PvP, but what sold me was the PvE aspect. Here we are, one year later, and there's nothing out yet. Had I known at the time, I would have jumped in at the $20 level. Yeah, TCGs are hard to make. I'm still doubtful that they'll fully realize all of the creative dreams they had at the start.
Oh well.
How are the draft modes? Are they fleshed out and reasonably popular? Are there any quick guides to drafting in Hex yet?
Lol no shit. Haven't touched the game in a long while. Obvious that CZE needed/needs money, rushed to closed beta