As the year continues, I am starting to feel this game is underrated and/or under shadow of games that came after and might steal goty from it which would be a shame. It should win something,
I loved it so much. It is very relaxing, chill game. And it's something completely new, kinda out of nowhere.
The most unique about this game is exactly that it doesn't take itself too seriously. It doesn't try to be hardcore and bone breaking hard.
it almost feels bold of the developers to make an "easy game" while every game nowadays gets criticized for being too easy... and people tell that about Elden Ring. wtf.
You can get into most mechanics and be rewarded but you don't have to. You can craft but you don't have to.
People were angry than you have to wait for plants to grow in room of requirement? I never noticed it as an issue. I just planted stuff when I was there
It's really weird this game won me over because I couldn't care less about Harry Potter but I wanted to feel excited for something since last year was so dry games-wise and so I've watched all the movies few days before release since I decided to go out of my comfort zone and try this big game.
And it was a great choice! The movies are fantastic. I've not seen them all back then but they capture that late 2000-2010 feel in some way. And you get to see Emma Watson get hot.
And the game does incredible job. The castle is amazing, music is amazing, spells are very fun and graphics blow your socks off. And the atmosphere is incredible even outside the castle.
The combat is very good and allows for some great combos.
I like the gear too. You can dress up like a real idiot lol.
The only problem that comes to mind is very forgettable main end boss. He is not exactly bad o anything. The idea is good but he is not fleshed out. Just a fkn goblin.
The trials of ancient magic and paintings are all good. This was good idea... only to fight goblin at the end.
The inventory is a bit bad. But it's not that big of a deal.
And yeah, there are a tons of stuff to do in open world but it's not mandatory. Even side quests are not needed. You will not be under leveled.
Side Quests are good though.
And not a lot of bugs.
lol Ima totally getting this next month

I am 34yo god damnit I can like HP if I want
Enjoy a spellbinding creative adventure building the first LEGO® brick model of the Hogwarts™ Castle and Grounds