I think I'm mostly done buying games for mobile. This is not okay. I would be fine if Apple would stop pestering me to update my device. Fucking horrible.
1. How do we determine if a game is 32-bit?
2. Is there a way to look up which games are getting the boot?
Apple offers no questions asked refunds on purchases years after you made them and including games which are delisted. While the compatibility thing will lose you access to some games you can get your money back if you want.
I take the chance to add one you forgot tough...actually...THE one, where the genre started.
Magic Duels.
Are you able to login to Krosmaga okay? I created an account and it works fine on the web site, but the app itself just fails login every time.
I've been playing from day 1 too, though I've spent probably around US$120 or so. I think it is the only F2P game I ever spent money on.
I think that is huge value for money though as I have spent literally hundreds of hours on the game, with between 30 minutes to 2 hours of play every day since launch. Think the only real gaps in play I've had are when I've been stuck on long haul flights.
Such an amazing game. The opportunity and pressure is there to monetize, but it isn't necessary. I actually got to the final arena (4000 trophies at the time?) without spending anything and as a level 9. The key is getting yourself into an active clan with generous donations and which is proactive at getting the clan challenge chests to accelerate your leveling.
Apple offers no questions asked refunds on purchases years after you made them and including games which are delisted. While the compatibility thing will lose you access to some games you can get your money back if you want.
That's not the case in the US. Sure if you ask for one or two it's fine but they stop issuing refunds after a certain number.
Then make it harder, especially more than a month or two later. If you have dozens of games that no longer work due to the 32-bit change, I doubt they will refund all of them years later.
[I think I've spent about $15 on Clash Royale so far. As much as I enjoy the game I don't think I'll be spending any more. I recently bought the $5 special that came with the Arena 5 Super Magical Chest and I was very unimpressed with my draws.
If you are patient and play every day you do get tons of cards for free. But getting cards you don't have can take ages while you continue to get dupes for cards you don't use. That might be normal for a CCG but it's a far more pronounced problem in Clash Royale due to its very small card pool. Having to rely on RNG even for the card shop can be rough. Other CCGs allow you to craft the cards you want, that option is not available in CR at any price.
I'd never received the X-Bow after opening hundreds of chests, nor did I see one in the store until the other day when I finally bought 2 for a hefty 3,000 gold.
The Legendaries are another issue. They are OP by design and unlike other CCGs you are redrawing the same 8 cards over and over so they are a huge advantage if you have one. I have personally never gotten one.
I also think leveling makes the game much more pay to win. Someone who spends a lot will have higher level units that will stomp a mirror match. I think it's particularly unfair to be matched with someone of a higher crown level as their towers do more damage and have more HP. A person who spends a lot will reach higher Crown levels faster because they upgrade a lot of cards.
Then there's the obnoxious chest timers...
I like a game like Krosmaga because even though spending a lot gives you access to a bigger card pool, it doesn't change the fact that you can only have 5 legendaries in a deck that must be exactly 45 cards. The legendary drop rate is also good enough that a F2P player can have a few after a week or so.
I've only been playing Elder Scrolls, Krosmaga and Faeria for about a week and I already have at least 2 of the highest-rarity cards in each game. Compare that to Clash Royale in which I've been play for far longer, have opened waaaay more packs and have spent more money and yet I still don't have one Legendary.
I used to play Magic a long time ago, started when Ice Age was still fairly new. I quit after high school but it fostered my love of CCGs.
I was very excited when Magic Duels released but I have a lot of problems with its implementation, some of which may be fixed by now, I don't know.
The biggest issue is (or was?) no universal account system. I can't use the same account on PC that I use on iOS and Android isn't even supported yet (it's been at least a year).
I felt earning new packs for free felt kind of stingy.
Outside of that, I just feel like the entire interface is clumsy and awkward. Magic doesn't adapt well to digital IMO.
I spent maybe a bit more than you (arena 8 and 9 offers) and gotten so far every card except Lava Hound, Sparky and Bandit. And even have EWiz and Ice Wiz and Lumberjack at level 2. The thing is: be very active, contribute, donate, be nice to customer support... i gotten a lot of legendaries out of crown chests and clan chest. You have to keep at it soldier, you will get what you want soon enough if you work for it. This game is designed to last years anyways so im not in a hurry. Everything will come eventually. This game is so much better than the rest that is worth it
Oh, i definitely will keep playing, the game is very fun. I just don't think i want to spend more money on it. I feel like you have to spend a lot of money to make spending any money worthwhile. If that makes sense...
I just think the prices are insane for what you get. A Super Magical Chest costs almost $30! The Legendary drop rate for it is only 40%. That's ridiculous! At that price it should be a damn garauntee.
I think $5 is a much more sensible price. The chests should be priced similar to other CCGs. $2 basic, $3 better $5 premium. That's reasonable.
Maybe they price it the way they do so that when they offer you the Special Bundle offers for each Arena you feel like you would be an idiot not to spend the money, but if those were the normal prices I'd probably buy a few chests a month.
That's pretty lucky with the crown chests, i usually get the same old crap.
I just got a Giant Chest as a victory reward. Maybe that'll give me something nice (in 12 hours). I received a Magical Chest randomly last week and it didn't give me anything particularly great.
Buy arena 8 or 10 offers. 100,000 gold is worth around 30 for Supercell... so is a good offer. Also, check statsroyale.com and sign in with your Clash Royale ID to view when you will get your chests (super magical, legendary, epic, giant, magical, silver, gold) in the cycle. Helps a lot. Im 74 chests from a legendary chest drop. Just had a magical chest drop. Also, try to stick with one deck and never spend gold on troops or spells or buildings you are never going to use (i wasted a lot of gold this way). And never ever buy any chest from the shop apart from Epic and Legendary offers. I seen a guy spend 10,000$ and got a lot of crap. Those are the ripoffs the game has, the rest is fair and square... if you play a lot. A clan is your best option to level cards. Commons are easy and rares not so much, but they are doable. Even 3 or 4 epics a week. Thats the way. Chests give you nothing you need. It gives whats not in your deck. (You are probably in a clan already but worth mentioning)
Sorcery 2 has my favorite setting in the series, but don't worry, 3 and 4 are even bigger and broader than 1 and 2Holy shit, you guys were right about Sorcery! 2. It's a huge step above the first, and feels so broad and epic for an installment that takes place entirely in a massive city of thieves and killers. I feel like there's more players agency and room for experimentation/calculated risk without constantly being punished and hitting wall after wall. There's also more flexibility with spell casting.
This is fucking great!!
In the first game, you get the first two chapters free, then $1.99 each for remaining three. Plus an IAP to remove adsSo those all look like excellent recommendations. Question about Zombie Exodus, though. It says "in-app purchases", which is usually a turnoff for me as I prefer to just buy the games outright. What is their monetization structure for this one?
In the first game, you get the first two chapters free, then $1.99 each for remaining three. Plus an IAP to remove ads
In Safe Haven, it's $4.99 to unlock the Part One. Don't be worried by the "Part One", it's already a huge amount of content, as the game is much expanded from the first
I'm already hip to everything you mentioned except the ID thing. I'm on Arena 6 right now, may have to get that Arena 8 award after all, we'll see. Gotta get there first!
But yeah, i tend to just stick with one deck until it starts losing more and then I try tweaking it to counter what people are using.
I haven't done any research at all into deck building and strategies. Maybe I should but I like figuring things out on my own.
I wish there was a way to experiment with decks without risking your rank. I've tried to initiate friendly clan battles but no one ever accepts. I'd settle for the AI just to get a feel for a deck's flow.
Safe Haven is separate from the first game. Not like SorceryAre they insulated from each other or does progress carry over from one to the next like in Sorcery! ?
I appreciate getting a taste and feel for it with the first two chapters before deciding if I want to invest in the others. That's not so bad.
IAP is to unlock the rest of the game's heroes, each with their own unique aspects, weapons, and attacks
Thanks for the heads up. I've never heard that complaint and have only seen people be successful (including seeing getting refunds recently on some of our games which we took off the store over 3 years ago).
Personally I've never asked for a refund on any premium title, even those I didn't like, so I don't have my own experience with refunds.
I guess if you want a refund you can always try.
Yeah I wish the AI to be smarter. What i do is that if none of my tower gets hit or only a little, my deck is ready. If they get one tower something is wrong. I tweak it until something clicks. Then i usually win on ladder.
You can join one of NeoGAF clans. They are pretty active and good clans with great people. Mine is the one with the heart icon. Has an open spot if you want in
Laytons Mystery Journey: Katrielle and The Millionaires Conspiracy (formerly Lady Layton) is coming July 20th for $15/16 worldwide:
Laytons Mystery Journey: Katrielle and The Millionaires Conspiracy (formerly Lady Layton) is coming July 20th for $15/16 worldwide:
Lots of cool card games suggested recently, anybody have one that doesn't require internet connection? Like. A travel friendly ccg
Holy shit, Fez is finally coming to iOS:
It was announced a couple of years ago but with the lack of news and the meltdown of Phil Fish I thought it wouldn't see the light of day! This is absolutely amazing.
Premium gaming is dead, long live premium gaming!
Holy shit, Fez is finally coming to iOS:
It was announced a couple of years ago but with the lack of news and the meltdown of Phil Fish I thought it wouldn't see the light of day! This is absolutely amazing.
Premium gaming is dead, long live premium gaming!
Whatever happened to The Witness btw?
Do you like deck building games? Have you tried Ascension on iOS?
Is Card Thief pause friendly? Could I play it a few minutes at a time if needed? I'm looking for a somewhat casual game that I can play while walking or on the toilet once in a while. I've been enjoying Kami 2 for this recently but the difficulty has ramped up and is getting a bit less fun.
I tried to get into Shadowverse but the same thing happened as when I try other card games, I see how many cards I have to learn and end up walking away. I really wish I could get into more CCG's, but I haven't been able to since I got burnt out on Hearthstone about 2 years ago.
Card Thief takes about 2-3 minutes to play, it the perfect short-session game. It's a brilliant design, nothing else like it.
With a pretty steep learning curve.
I had to go through the tutorials three times and still there's things I don't quite understand why are happening.
Still, pretty great game.![]()
I tried ascension before, but didn't really like it too much... maybe i'll try it again.
Card City Nights is an offline single-player CCG for $1. It's just one long story-driven campaign where you go around fighting NPCs and acquiring new cards, like Pokemon TCG! The gameplay is Triple Triad inspired and the artwork is charming as heck. No MP.
Great post. Anyone else played Card City Nights? Seems the simplest and easiest to get into, so I might get this personally.
What I've always wanted is something like Hearthstone's single-player expansions, but without me having to build the deck. I enjoy the puzzle-like challenge of having to overcome the obstacles the game puts in my way, but without having to bother with the minutiae of worrying about which exact cards I need to take with me or leave behind. Anyone know of anything like this?
Magic Duels, the single player campaigns (there are seven).
All free, all with fixed decks.
You don't have to worry about deck building, you just need to learn how to play (tutorial is excellent with onscreen helps for EVERYTHING) and use the deck you are provided with to defeat the opponent.
It's exactly a CCG but single player, without the collecting part.
Some quests are exactly huge puzzles...at the beginning you seem to have a really weak deck compared to the opponent till it clicks and you defeat him.
Personally I love it, the story follow the Magic the Gathering story and each new real life expansion is added in the digital app.
You can play it offline too (you need to be online to sync eventual devices of course, via Game Center ).
Keep in mind you have to start from the bottom (Origins campaign, it's a 5 parts campaign, each part focusing on a single deck/type of mana/planeswalker).
Following campaigns are more varied and add other elements (multi-colored decks, artifacts, pure magic, etc...).