As for variety in Lost Socks....believe me, you won't be bored.
I'm not at least, and I just finished a 2 hours session replaying previous levels.
Later on for example there is ice covering jump pads that you may or may not want to use (different paths and some are traps) and gears that if shoot at (or not) change fundamentally the level you will have to be VERY precise in what to shoot at...bashing the buttons madly is not an option anymore expecially if you aim for a particular task.
I finally unlocked the Serpent gun, dripping with venom that evaporates enemies.
It's super hard reach the shadow world you have to break all cages and even get the high score achievement almost anywhere.
The serpent weapon really helps (I just 3 starred a bunch of levels that I thought impossible before) and I finally found where the hell some cages were hidden (yes there are secrets routes later on).
I didn't know this was a dev first effort.
I find it hard to believe.
The game would be at home on a PS4 or a XBOXONE.
And while at first I found the socks idea a bit weird for my tastes I must say the characters have a lot of personality.
Some enemies are pretty memorable least I know I hate some of them with a real passion.
Almost 3 am here playing...I must sleep.
EDIT: I know I'm doing a great disservice to the game being so hyped and writing about it, so I'll probably just be silent now and just play

If you are interested and buy it, I really hope you will like it like I do.
As for pure action game, this is my first tentative GOTY already, even if I'm halfway or so.