I need a new game that plays like Warhammer Quest. :| I can't find anything good.
Funny you mention that.
As a matter of fact, I started another hardcore play through 10 days ago...it was a while (like over a year).
I'm already over 30 hours in, completed Stirland and Reikland, and now I'm roaming Averland looking for legendary sets.
It is still, hands down, one of my favorite games ever, on any platform.
I still can't believe I have the Old World and my favorite boardgame ever in my pocket.
And I really can't believe after probably over 400 hours with the game, I'm still amazed and thrilled to enter another dungeon.
Despite I completed the game on hardcore several times already, I'm still finding never seen loot.
And I saw Sigmar hammer and Gotrek axe just once, years ago.
I just found (like minutes ago) a Chaos armour that I never saw before, now looking for the matching helm. (It's black, like the GW chaos warriors).
Same with the others.
What a masterpiece, I can play it forever....
It's still one of the best looking game too.
The level of details is AMAZING....when you have the gold fire rune armour for the dwarf and see the runes etched with shadows when you pan the light around....I'm still amazed.
One of the reason I'm so glad about Perchang success is because I hope in a year Rodeo will get together again and publish new quests for it.
I would pay hard cash.
Even a Silver Tower new game would do