Alessy makes Kan become a cow.
I guess you're not familiar with the matchup concept?
You mean tiers & matchups right.
If I remember it works something this I think.
If 2 players of high equal skill play 10 times that then ratio of how many wins determines the how that matchup should "hypothetically" play out every time in a best of 10.
Very familiar with the concept thanks. I personally don't believe in it. Nor does it hold any weight for one reason...THE RANDOM FACTOR!!! No matchup knowledge, tier list or just plain skill can account for that. Ever. Things will happen to defy set logic. And unlike others I account for that fact because it is a variable that does and will continue to exist. So in this case even a character that posts a 9-1 against Petshop has that 1 chance and I take it completely as Petshop isn't as unbeatable as everybody paints that situation to be like. If Petshop 10-0 the whole cast I wouldn't have a thing to say. But since that isn't the case then I'll continue to say that the alleged "battle that can't be won" can in fact be won.
So by your logic, Gill in 3S shouldn't be tournament banned as well as Kliff and Justice in GG. Oh and all the unlimited characters in BB.
Again: no, it's not there.Please check if it has SUPER STORY MODE
The Dreamcast version had both arcade games. This one is only the second arcade game.JoJo's HD is both arcade versions like the Dreamcast version was.
Very familiar with the concept thanks. I personally don't believe in it. Nor does it hold any weight for one reason...THE RANDOM FACTOR!!! No matchup knowledge, tier list or just plain skill can account for that. Ever. Things will happen to defy set logic. And unlike others I account for that fact because it is a variable that does and will continue to exist. So in this case even a character that posts a 9-1 against Petshop has that 1 chance and I take it completely as Petshop isn't as unbeatable as everybody paints that situation to be like. If Petshop 10-0 the whole cast I wouldn't have a thing to say. But since that isn't the case then I'll continue to say that the alleged "battle that can't be won" can in fact be won.
So by your logic, Gill in 3S shouldn't be tournament banned as well as Kliff and Justice in GG. Oh and all the unlimited characters in BB.
Didn't say that either. Not that it matters anyway. When it comes to tourneys and what not what's good and what's bad is determined by the people in charge. And for the most part things like what you named are banned for a reason. The same with Petshop. These characters are banned because people feel with those characters off the table that true skill and who's the best on that day will prevail. My standpoint is lot more scientific than actually practical but that's what I do.
All fans of Jojo's Bizarre Adventure should check this out.
All fans of Jojo's Bizarre Adventure should check this out.
You know what, I really need to actually read through all of Jojo's Bizarre Adventure.
That'll be my task for the rest of the week.
And then I'll get this!
Nah man, I did this for One Piece back in 2007, and it made me want more!
I just have this problem of getting to Battle Tendency, and stopping about halfway through there, I dunno why.
It's happened three times now.
So how is the online population on PSN? is it at least decent?
Lots of Jotaros and Dios online.
If I get a hold of it for cheapI will play it. I'm probably gonna play Hol horse/Young Jospeh or Polnareff.
Seems like everyone wants a piece of DAT ZA WARUDO. Can you save replays? Post them to youtube like 3SO?
yep, you even get an achievement for doing it.
Ok no forget what I said earlier. Tons of character variety on Ranked PSN.
Have only fought one Petshop so far, but I bodied him because he sucked anyway.
I love this game. Jotaro is so much fun.
First, thanks for caring about my mental health. Just know that feeling isn't reciprocated and you can get in line with everybody else who's ever told me that. And that line is pretty long.
Second, I've played plenty of JJBA to know about Petshop and his brokeness. Kaillera be good times. So you can drop that line.
Third, I subscribe to a different logic than everybody else. I used to be down with the logic you subscribe to but since I don't do anything that even corresponds to it anymore I'm able to see things from a different standpoint. If the logic I choose to follow makes you choose to label me a troll then whatever. Not going to lose sleep over it.
I do wanna thank you though. You're just another stark reminder that I'm doing it right.
I reaaaaally doubt you have changed/can change a thing about the way I played/play. Actually, I'm not playing anymore, I retired long ago due to personal issues, I even sold my consoles 6 months ago. Being with my son makes it so much easier but I learned to let go some things. Maybe you can learn that too?You enjoy playing. And I'll continue to enjoy finding ways that change how you play it.
I might just take the plunge and buy the full version even though I know Ill forget about it in a day or so.
EDIT: Got the game. I can feel buyers remorse coming in already...
jojo's is up on xbox, do a search for 'bizarre' in the games section and you'll find it
Well I found it thanks.
But there is no freaking demo.
Something is wrong.
It may be partially about greed but it's not a very popular license that they redid and maybe this is the best way they can recoup the money they spent on it.I think this is the one time the 'HD' filter does positively improve the graphics.
I want to buy Jojo, but fuck man that price.
Fuck you Capcpom, you greedy scumbags.
I can not play this demo at all. ZA WARUDOing is impossible. 6H+L+6+S is lolwutpear.jpg on trying to understand what they mean. Go forward, hit H+L and at the same time? Go forward hit S? IMPOSSIBLE.