I'm... enjoying this way more than I expected to. Amazing how much elements of this are like Persona 4, but with, y'know, animation!

Hopping and Rolling, and loads of on-wakeup hop and fireball crossups and command normals... all atop a funky juggle system.
I'm playing Mahariah, Joseph, and Avdol, generally. On XBLA, it really feels like I'm playing a new, never released fighter with a load of people who are also just learning it at the same time (in ranked play). None of the few Petshops I've fought have seemed OP at all (Just annoying), Hol Horse's unblockable(?!) shot seems like much more of an issue at this level of knowledge...
I don't even remember "JoJo" being in the game back in the Dreamcast time, and man, does he look like a Joseph Spriterip. It's actually quite comical.
Slash Sound effects from Darkstalkers... The desert, City at Night, and "Dio's Coffin" stages look like direct nods to DS stages.... it feels so nice to have a console-centric way to play a game like this. (GGPO's never worked well for me, and I just don't like playing unofficial emus much in the end...)
I do miss the bonuses of 3SOE, though, especially the possibility of a Gallery. And I still wish this included Red Earth / Warzard as a collection.
While I think it's overall pretty stupid to release a niche game for a higher price (maybe limiting it's purchasers), I have to say, personally, I don't mind paying a small bit more, in order to get the more "Niche" fighters onto XBLA / PSN. I'd love to see things like Martial Masters (Or even as random as Dark Legend) pop up on these services. (And a proper complimation of Asura Blade + Buster!)
Are the sounds effects dropping out for anyone else? happens quite a bit for me
Don't seem to be. At least not in any way that sounds unusual.