For those people that like Tlop and Yeezus, did you grow up listening to hip-hop as your main genre of music?
This may com off as elitist bullshit and it may be but I can't imagine growing up with hip-hop and having such high praise for the 2 albums. It might just be my age.
I also know that since I didn't grow up with rock as my main genre and folks ask me "How in the hell do I like Creed? I understand. Then people put me on to stuff they think is better yet in the same vain and I listen and we build.
Grew up listening to my daddy play Big Daddy Kane, Wu-Tang, Eric B & Rakim, Biggie, Slick Rick, ATCQ, DMX, Busta Rhymes, and 50 on his speakers. Yeezus is one of my favorite hip-hop albums of the 2010s. On Sight, Black Skinhead, Blood on the Leaves, New Slaves, I'm In It, Hold My Liquor, and Bound 2 are all certified bops. Sorry if you can't keep up with the game in 2017.