Arcade port looks like Arcade port.
Exactly. No more, no less. Which is fine.
Arcade port looks like Arcade port.
I just realized, Sadira will be getting a classic costume. What will Shadow Jago look like?![]()
“We aren't throwing in anything off the wall when it comes to offensive character animations in combos,” he continues. “If a players uses a medium punch for their double after and opener, it will have the same range and animation as a standard medium punch. On the defensive side, however, we decided to implement different damage animations for the character being hit based on the strength of the move. How badly a character reels from a heavy punch is going to look much different from a jab. This helps the defensive player from feeling completely helpless or from resorting to a guessing game in order to break a combo. It will be a big payoff for players who spend even an hour a day playing the game and learning these intricacies.”
That is very interesting. I was thinking I was going to have to guess for the first month of the game in order to break combo. Very useful if this is true.
Thanks for posting a link to the Gamasutra article.
Shadow Jago isn't getting anything other than one alternate color. At least not right away. Maybe they'll have a change of heart in the future...
Seriously? I have been following the hell out of this game, but cant bring myself to spend $500+ for it. Maybe in a year when it's more complete and its depth has been validated by more people. Until then, Mame will suffice for my KI/KI2 fix (as well as this thread!).oh man... that KI arcade.
I'm spending $540 to play KI3 and KI Arcade... and I don't regret a thing.
Iin the span of a week killer instinct is back and Sony is top dog again.....I must have got lucky and warped back to the 90s![]()
I said the same thing when KI and a Panzer Dragoon sequel were going to be launch titles.
I hope they take the pricing into account for the small roster.Word, feels like console launch.
Review predictions? It's really hard to tell imo - I hope they don't judge the roster too harsh, but I can see it happening.
Sabrewulf for sure. But I really want to learn Glacius - seems to be tough though.
Will be stuck with controller too for quite some time :/
***side note for discussion: What character, if any, have you guys chosen to start with?
That is a definite for Thunder and Sadira, but out of the two, i'm not exactly sure yet. It could be Sadira as I got the hang of Thunder quicker.
Controller player for life!![]()
That is one obnoxiously corny OT title.
IGN - 8.4
Mick Gordon ‏@Mick_Gordon 2m
Killer Instinct Music Suite 2: Begin Upload.
Killer Instinct music suite #2
Soooo good
this is too good ;________;
Killer Instinct music suite #2
Soooo good
Still no picture of the classic costumes ?
Last night I had a dream about the Fulgore reveal. He was no longer a robot, but like some Hotline Miami-esque mask wearing thug in a wife beater, and really hairy.
that was no dream
Killer Instinct has 94 Achievements
Iin the span of a week killer instinct is back and Sony is top dog again.....I must have got lucky and warped back to the 90s![]()
KI came out in 1994. Cute.
2000 matches as each character lol
Never 100%'ing this game lolol