Currently this is 15% off at GMG with an additional 20% off with their current code.
For early access, is this still fairly active?
WWAUT - The Tools Of A Demo
As we work towards the upcoming big content update, new systems and weapons continue to come online. Today I would like to talk about the weapons of the Demolitions Perk. Ill be going down the list in order from tier 1 to 4 adding additional information about the known weapons as well as delving into the new ones. As always keep in mind that everything is subject to change as development continues, so let us begin!
Leading this explosive charge is the tier 1 starting weapon, the HX 25 grenade pistol. Designed for close encounters of the enemy (and zed) kind, it was developed to shoot either a cluster of submunitions or a 20mm grenade for a bit of additional reach. The submunitions will shoot out in a spread and explode on contact with any surface at any range. While Horzine tried pitching this weapon as the ultimate in close-in home defense, it was later relegated to security force use only within the company. Something to do with the complaints about sub-intestinal splatter patterns on the curtains.
Next on the field is the old fashioned C4, with a few modern upgrades thanks to the cheap and easy to use Horzino motherboard. This allows any budding demo to lay out up to 8 C4 and detonate them in the order in which they were laid.
A blast from the past, is what many in Horzine security teams call the M79 grenade launcher. But this trusty old favorite of militaries and security forces can get the job done. Point it at the enemy, push a round down range and watch it all explode!
And to round things off every demo should be prepared for the worst with access to something designed to take down a tank. Cue the RPG-7, used by insurgents and (cheap) militaries the world over, its no surprise that many of these found their ways into the hands of Horzines private security forces as a cheap but effective security measure. But one should always keep in mind that ammo for this weapon is limited, and it may have other dangers (all users are requested to fully read the manual, specifically the section on back blasts and safety).
For those who like numbers, we have updated our dev days left graph with the latest. As always please remember what these numbers represent (you can find that here: ).
Hope they have a less intrusive Night Vision figured out by the time that hits!
The new map looks neat, I haven't really played this in a while so hopefully some new classes come soon.
Next big update, which will probably come next month, will add the Firebug and Demolition classes, they've been showing them off and their weapons recently, and looks like some other changes, including a rehaul of the Beserker skill tree, changes in combat audio, and I think(?) the two maps they've been shown, Evacuation Point and Catacombs, will be included as well.
Been tempted to get this for the past several months, but development seems to be moving really slow. Is there a guesstimate on an official release date or is this another "when it's done" scenario?
Edit: Just saw something about aiming for end of 2015.
I think because a few things went slower than they expected, it'll be pushed into 2016. Also keep in mind the game's price will increase by $10 I believe when it goes out of Early Access.
WWAUT - Lighting Up The Night
If it moves, burn it. If it burns and is still moving, let it burn. If the firebug had a motto, this would likely be it. Weve been hard at work bringing the Firebug perk tree online and I want to share that progress with the community.
Tier 1 - Supplies
Fully Stocked: Weapons start fully loaded with ammo when purchased from the trader
Flaritov: Molotovs have a flare component that lingers longer to light the environment
Tier 2 - Spicy
Fuse: Firebug weapons burn 20% longer adding to the damage over time
Heat Wave: Hits at point blank with a firebug weapon will stumble back zeds
Tier 3 - Burn
Zed Shrapnel: Zeds killed by fire weapons have a 20% chance to explode, damaging other zeds nearby
Zed Napalm: Zeds on fire will set other zeds on fire if they make contact with them
Tier 4 - Flame
Range: Increased range on all firebug weapons
Splash Damage: Increased splash damage on firebug weapons
Tier 5 - Advanced Training
Zed Time Combustion: Any Zed that dies from fire weapons in zed time will explode into a fireball setting anything in the explosion on fire
Zed Time Scorch: Firebug weapons will fire at close to real time speed in zed time
As a Firebug levels up the following stats will also increase as their passive bonuses:
- FIrebug Weapon Damage
- Firebug Weapon Reload Speed
- Fire Resistance
- Personal Fire Resistance
- Starting Ammo Amount
And the last weapon joining the arsenal for the Firebug is the Microwave gun. This Horzine prototype has only recently reached the hands of those fighting the Zed hoards and it is being used as a field test.
As an added bonus, someone was recently discovered in a players recent romp through Volter Manor: Anton Strasser, soldier of the German Wehrmacht. Strasser was wounded in action in Gumrak and evacuated but then went missing and was presumed AWOL, until now. An unwitting test subject for Hans cryogenic tests, Strasser is now awake and seeking his revenge. Owners of Red Orchestra 2 (and Rising Storm) will find Anton available to select as a character when this update goes live.
Before I present the Dev Days chart for this week I would like to let everybody know about a change on this chart versus previous charts. In previous charts we would update the previous week numbers to include changes from Friday (up and down) at the end of the day. This week we have not done so in hopes of causing less confusion.
No it won't' Also keep in mind the game's price will increase by $10 I believe when it goes out of Early Access.
tell that to BohemiaNo it won't
tell that to Bohemia
From KF2 store pageWill the game be priced differently during and after Early Access?
“No, we're not going to mess about with the pricing. It is one price now and for release. The Early Access version will steadily expand until it is the full release version. And then you'll get all the usual free Tripwire content and events. For the life of the game. For free. And we'll produce other content for sale for the game, just as we did with the first Killing Floor, to help keep all that free stuff funded.”
Click, Boom! Those who need Click, Click, Boom! havent done their work properly and are more prone to fieldwork injury when working as a Demo. The Demo is the second perk coming online in our upcoming Incinerate N Detonate update, and weve finalized the first pass of the Demo skill tree. Below you will find all the explosive details:
Tier 1 - Technique
Grenade Supplier: Team can receive an extra grenade from you one per wave
On Contact: Your dynamite blows up on contact with a zed
Tier 2 - Resistance
Resistance: Reduce damage taken from explosives (for you and your team if they are close enough)
Sacrifice: When you die, you trigger an explosion, hopefully getting your revenge
Tier 3 - Advanced Techniques
Door Traps: Weld slower, but doors you weld will explode when broken
Siren Resistance: Grenades have a chance of not being destroyed by Siren screams
Tier 4 - Weapon Techniques
Off Perk: Do extra damage with off perk weapons
On Perk: Increase reaction, stumble and knock down power for demo weapons
Tier 5 - Advanced Explosives
Zed Time Nuke: Explosives dish out massive radiation damage in zed time, poisoning zeds
Zed Time Concussive Force: Explosions have a massive knockdown force in zed time
As a Demo levels up the following stats will also increase as their passive bonuses:
- Demo Weapon Damage
- Explosive Resistance
- Extra explosive ammo
I am also pleased to let the community know that something else will be coming in the update. While the main focus of this update is of course the Demo and the Firebug we have been prototyping how dual pistols will work. When this update goes live players will now be able to purchase dual 9mm pistols from the trader (fill out that extra slot in your build, or go nuts and challenge Hans with dualies only)!
And to top things off for the week I will once again present our Dev Days Left chart. Things to note: Several devs are no longer working towards this update (their work on this update is done and they have moved onto future content). Once all work is wrapped up on content the build goes into a full QA mode (make sure we did not introduce new crashes, check for new bugs and fix, or break old systems).
The Firebug's new Microwave Gun looks amazing:
I can't wait to see what the sharpshooter is going to be like.we need sharpshooter to take out those scrakes
The Firebug's new Microwave Gun looks amazing:
Any update for the ps4 version? I liked the first one, but would rather play it with a controller (blasphemy I know to some).
If only you could use a controller on the PC.
Perhaps they will add that functionality someday.
Can someone explain the thread title. It bothers me not knowing for some reason.
Just like last week, I am starting this weeks What We Are Up To post a bit differently. As many of you know, the new development work on the build has been wrapped up and we have branched off into a release candidate with QA working it through its final paces. This past week we’ve identified and fixed several crashes as well as critical and major bugs. What does that mean for you, the fan? We feel the build, while not quite ready for “prime time”, is just about ready for you to help. We are hoping to have this ready by early next week, and it will be put up as an opt-in beta.
This beta will include all the new work we have been doing for this update as well as some recent tweaks we have been working on for gameplay and player economy. When this beta goes live you can opt into it by right clicking on the game in your Steam Library and selecting Properties. From the Properties menu choose the Betas tab and use the drop down box to select the available beta.
I have some exciting new developments for the modding community to talk about. With this update we are expanding modding support in two ways. For mappers we are bringing Landscape support online, which will allow them to create better outdoors areas with the full supported KF feature set (such as blood). Secondly we are turning on code/mutator support which will allow modders to start changing Killing Floor 2 in all new ways (though some of the more enterprising members of the modding community have gotten a head start on that anyway)!
We’ve also been making some more changes/additions based on player feedback. First off we’ve been upgrading the Eviscerator so players can now block and parry with it. We’ve also tuned it to feel more responsive and it also includes a laser sight to help with the saw blade. We have also been watching all those requests from players to see how well they have done, so I am pleased to announce the After Action Report (AAR for short) is also coming to the game with this update. It will list out your top weapons, where you have gained experience, and who has done best in the server (and if you have reached a new personal best) across several categories. Feel free to let your friends know that you are doing better than them! (I’m looking at you, Justin)
Before I sign off, I would like to mention one last thing (that isn’t us bringing short and long game waves more in line with the medium experience or the M4 shotgun carrying more shells, or....). The fine folks over at Torn Banner decided to enhance the Killing Floor 2 experience the best way they know how: with a sword-wielding Knight! Players who own Chivalry will find a new character in game: Tom Banner, with his trusty Zweihander ready to fend off the Zed horde! You can find the Zed inspired weapons you’ll have access to in Chivalry here.
And that isn’t all, anybody who owns Chivalry will also make the Zweihander (a new Berserker tier 3) available for everybody in the server that they are playing on! Yes, important point here - if one player on the server owns the Zweihander, then everyone on the server gets to play with it. What does this mean for you, the player? If one player on your team (random person, good friend, clanmate, etc.) everybody in the server will have access to the Zweihander to use and purchase from the trader pod. If nobody in the server owns that content, it will not show up in the trader pod.
Look for more on players “sharing” equipment as time goes on!
Increased Berserker Weapon Damage
Increased Melee Attack Speed
Increased Movement Speed
Increased Damage Resistance
Not being able to be grabbed by clots
Awesome, any word when this coming to ps4? and if its coming to xbone?
Thanks!Update is out now as well. You need to opt in via the beta tab for Killing Floor 2.