I should really stop playing for a minute so that I can go through that spreadsheet.
Hit Alt fire with melee weapons. If you time it just right you get a parry, negating most damage and stunning the zed.
I really should try this. Really wish there was a tutorial but hey that's why this is in early access.
You can practice it offline with console commands. But it's a bit too "high-risk/low-reward" for me. You make the bigger ones with the chainsaw bounce off for a few milliseconds or eat damage for failing it. Might as well keep moving backwards and firing on them than risking it.
Reached level 5 support. I think I'm done with leveling up until Tripwire says they aren't going to reset everyone since it took me ~4 hours to get to 5 support, so another 4 hours for the other classes and then being told "LOL WE'RE GONNA RESET YOU GUYS" doesn't really sit with me.
It says that Tripwire will ban you for racism, sexism, etc. People are pissed.
It says that Tripwire will ban you for racism, sexism, etc. People are pissed.
Isn't that an obvious good thing that Tripwire will ban people for that?
Ban from what? Playing the game on Tripwire servers?
no, that would mean you can still play solo or on a persons dedicated server. tripwire said they reserve the right to revoke your cd key.
Just got my gift copy of Killing Floor 1 from buying the Deluxe Edition
Oh wow. I had no idea publishers could have this power on Steam.
Basically... Don't act like a total jackass around strangers.Same. Good move on their part to make it a gift to not screw owners of the game previously over.
It's essentially the same as doing a VAC ban now a days. VAC bans are per-game bans now. Which means you can't join VAC-enabled servers for that game. This is just an old-school method of doing it.
As it is, I seriously doubt they'll enforce that EULA term and people are freaking out over nothing. Just don't be a dick and I doubt Tripwire will care. Though if you're going to be a person that types "NIGGER NIGGER NIGGER NIGGER..." over and over and over in chat, I'm pretty sure reporting you will probably start to get infractions now.
Same. Good move on their part to make it a gift to not screw owners of the game previously over.
It's essentially the same as doing a VAC ban now a days. VAC bans are per-game bans now. Which means you can't join VAC-enabled servers for that game. This is just an old-school method of doing it.
As it is, I seriously doubt they'll enforce that EULA term and people are freaking out over nothing. Just don't be a dick and I doubt Tripwire will care. Though if you're going to be a person that types "NIGGER NIGGER NIGGER NIGGER..." over and over and over in chat, I'm pretty sure reporting you will probably start to get infractions now.
Is is worth dropping the medic smg for the assault rifle? It seems like the smg would be the better choice as you can carry the medic smg and shotgun and you still have enough room for another shotgun or rifle.
Question for others though. Is there a toggle for changing the sprint so that I don't have to hold it? I've tried looking for it in controls and keybinds, but could not find it. Don't want to have to hold the sprint button the entire time![]()
And a toggle to remove HUD. Cause it's a really pretty game!Unfortunately there isn't. You can only toggle ADS. Hopefully they add it in soon.
Unfortunately there isn't. You can only toggle ADS. Hopefully they add it in soon.
There's something to be said for being good in the early game. I typically played Commando in the early waves until I picked up a cheap SCAR. Then switched to sharpshooter for the SCAR crossbow combo.
Granted I never ended up playing seriously on 'Hell' difficulty
Unfortunately there isn't. You can only toggle ADS. Hopefully they add it in soon.
Aw yeah! I won a code for the Dosh Jacket. It looks awesome.
Check the keybindings, there is a setting for hold ADS and toggle.
It's there in the key binds already, same for a hold crouch.
Suicidal Burning Paris 10 waves
During the last few waves we had like seven Scrakes chasing our asses at the same time. Almost had a heart attack when I narrowly dodged five Scrakes and came out with 6 hp left.
Suicidal Burning Paris 10 waves
During the last few waves we had like seven Scrakes chasing our asses at the same time. Almost had a heart attack when I narrowly dodged five Scrakes and came out with 6 hp left.
Solo'd Labs on Normal difficulty, got lucky with Hans deciding not to chase so often like he usually does with groups. I just got a shotgun and actually found that to do damage, gonna try selling everything and just buying an AA12 in multiplayer and I think he'll actually die. Sawblade seems to do nothing aside from spin kiting him.
I'll probably mess with each weapon some more but at the moment I don't see any strong reason to switch out the medic smg for the assault rifle.Personally, I don't think any of the ARs prior to the AK are that great, and not worth it for a medic.
Base AA12(level 0 support too) seems to be better, reloads faster shoots faster has bigger spread and seems to do more damage.As a 'zerker (I assume you are based on the saw blade comment) I go hammer + nail gun. They seem to deal a lot of damage to him.
<3 the guns in this, everything feels so good to destroy zeds with. Commando and Support are as fun as they have always been, haven't got the chance to play medic or zerker yet. Is zerker hard to get into at all?
It seems some people are just sliding into basically being a melee specialist. Which class is good for melee? Berserker?
Nah, 'zerker is easy to get into. Save up for the pulverizer and you'll be able to solo normal easily.
How the fuck are you suppose to take on the boss as a Zerker tho?
Also, how much of the content will be erased every reset?
So is this fun or what?
Just wondering because I've been disappointed by EA games int the past.Yes?
Just wondering because I've been disappointed by EA games int the past.
Just wondering because I've been disappointed by EA games int the past.
It's essentially the same as doing a VAC ban now a days. VAC bans are per-game bans now. Which means you can't join VAC-enabled servers for that game. This is just an old-school method of doing it.
As it is, I seriously doubt they'll enforce that EULA term and people are freaking out over nothing. Just don't be a dick and I doubt Tripwire will care. Though if you're going to be a person that types "NIGGER NIGGER NIGGER NIGGER..." over and over and over in chat, I'm pretty sure reporting you will probably start to get infractions now.