Byronic Hero
Weird. Hopefully it won't be anything significant.From KHInsider
Whatever plot relevance Chi has will probably be able to be summed up in once sentence.
Like Re:Coded then.
Weird. Hopefully it won't be anything significant.From KHInsider
Whatever plot relevance Chi has will probably be able to be summed up in once sentence.
I'll laugh if Chi is more cannon than Coded.
only a few more hours!!!!
Shield is theoretically the best for getting Lucky Strike earliest. After that the Staff with Sword being the worst (as usual :3)
edit: Actually wait... the synyhesis stuff might be tied to Journal only in KH2 :lol. Anyway it supposedly makes the trophies lil faster for Ultima Weapon ect.
I have never played a Kingdom Hearts game before and am not sure whether I should jump in on this one.
I do like platformers though. I'm hoping this isn't too easy or simplistic.
KH is an action RPG.
Hah, I didn't even realise it was an RPG.
Hah, I didn't even realise it was an RPG.
I have never played a Kingdom Hearts game before and am not sure whether I should jump in on this one.
I do like platformers though. I'm hoping this isn't too easy or simplistic.
Tonight!! So pumped! I'm doing nothing after work but play this. No eating, breathing or sleeping.
Sleep is for the weak. If you get it at 8, you can probably get 12 hours of gameplay in before work or school the next day.I will get it today too, but mostly like around 8pm or so, my UPS man is usually late.Hopefully I can play a couple hours before bed.
And it's platforming sections are quite bad anyway, personally. Camera is quite...well, bad.
Also, how difficult is the Proud (or Critical?) mode in this compared to say, Proud and Critical in KHII and BbS? Found those to be pretty decent minus the blind shots.
The difficulty trophies do not stack, so you will be looking at 3 separate playthroughs - one on each difficulty. For this step you mainly want to speed through each difficulty with no concern for trophies at this time. Between these playthroughs you are also looking at 3 miscellaneous tasks, which are as follow:
Between the three the Shield is easily the best one as it grants you defensive abilities early and the infamous Leaf Bracer ability exclusive to the final mix version of the game which will make each of your playthroughs much easier in the later parts of the game.
Everyone in here is saying staff?
Was bad.
Proud is harder than KH2 Proud by far, but easier than critical, save for a few moments here and there. I won't compare it to BBS's critical because this game actually has balance.
Yeah, thing is, KH series has terrible camera throughout so I don't see FM being a massive improvement.
I wonder if you can get the trophy for never dying by just never selecting "Continue" and just reloading your save each time instead. Seems like that should work. I'll probably try it and see... it's not that much more inconvenient than just selecting "Continue."
I'm playing on Final Mix: Proud Mode, so I expect to be dying a lot. I already have once, in fact, against, the first boss. Proud Mode in FM does not fuck around, damn.Guard Armor
With the Staff you get an extra 2 MP that you can't get by any other means, so it's by far the best for people who use a lot of magic. The Shield seems to be better for those who want to worry less about/work less hard to stay alive on higher difficulties, as you get the all-important Second Chance and Leaf Bracer abilities at much earlier levels. Also, the Shield gives you two extra item slots that you can't get any other way, if you're into using lots of items.
As this is my first time playing Final Mix (a) at all and (b) on Proud (I finished the original US release of Kingdom Hearts on Normal difficulty way back when), I very quickly went with the Shield. And even with the extra Defense you get from that, the going's still been pretty rough so far, though I do expect it to get easier as I level up.
Yeah, this will be a hard game to platinum. I probably won't do it.
Not hard at all. Just time consuming.Yeah, this will be a hard game to platinum. I probably won't do it.
So proud mode in FM is harder than it was originally? Oh well I've always played KH on proud and i'm not gonna stop today. Gonna be a long day of work.
It was Expert in the original version. Proud is exclusive to FM and is harder than Expert. Final Mix Normal is a lil bit harder than the old Standard and the new Final Mix Beginner is much easier than the old Standard.
Trophy guides' priority is speed. #teamStaff's priority is fun. And being awesome.Everyone in here is saying staff?
It's in 1080p. Please be excited.Is Deep Dive left intact in this?
The guide linked on this page says you can.I wonder if you can get the trophy for never dying by just never selecting "Continue" and just reloading your save each time instead. Seems like that should work. I'll probably try it and see... it's not that much more inconvenient than just selecting "Continue."
I think shield is the way to go for 100% runs (early Lucky Strike) and for players who don't want to work as hard. Early Second Chance and Leaf Bracer are amazing. The staff has more offensive power, but requires the player to perform better since they won't have good lifesaving abilities until much later.
WTF, this is bullshit!
I just received an email from Amazon telling me that they cannot locate my order and it has been delayed.
I pre ordered on May 5th! D: (Limited Version).
So what's the consensus on what to save/sacrifice in the beginning of the save. I wanna tackle proud mode with limited effort![]()
WTF, this is bullshit!
I just received an email from Amazon telling me that they cannot locate my order and it has been delayed.
I pre ordered on May 5th! D: (Limited Version).
Is Deep Dive left intact in this?
I hope there will be a 2.5 HD remix down the road that includes Birth by Sleep.