Surely they won't...
They will.
They wouldn't...
They are, aren't they...
Don't forget 4X Kingdom Hearts 2 including such classic moments as earning money for pretzels.

Surely they won't...
They will.
They wouldn't...
They are, aren't they...
And you will lose our respect if you don't get that AP bonus!Don't forget 4X Kingdom Hearts 2 including such classic moments as earning money for pretzels.
The cheapest method people seem to bring up from time to time is to simply run away from her and wait while Donald and Goofy kill her. I'm too impatient for that.Question: Was there any "easy" way to beat Ursula, both fights, on proud? I found those fights to be the only real stinkers since underwater controls were lame. I remember trying to get behind her fat head and the constant thunder spam being super annoying.
The cheapest method people seem to bring up from time to time is to simply run away from her and wait while Donald and Goofy kill her. I'm too impatient for that.
Ursula's not really that tough but you need to get good at knowing how she telegraphs her moves and avoiding her Thundaga bolts. I still think that Clayton/Stealth Sneak's a much tougher Disney-boss fight (his shotgun is practically hitscan in terms of how fast it does damage to you, though at least he's eminently stunnable).
Eventually, I got pretty good at reading her moves, I guess I just hated the controls, making the battle harder and more frustrating that it should have been.
I don't remember having too much trouble with Clayton/Stealth Sneak. Though I did lose a couple of times. For some reason I had trouble dodging Steal Sneak's eye lasers.
I think it's just a thing that carries from the Clayton boss. Afaik it is invincible until it is visible/clayton is off it's back even if you go nuts with cheats.Can anyone explain why the Stealth (I think they actually go by a different name) Sneaks you fight in the Colosseum refuse to take damage/die after you knock 'em down to almost nothing/nothing? Some kind of weird glitch?
Felt like I was fighting a Breath of Fire 1 boss.
The eye lasers are possible to deflect if you have Guard or by using a well-timed swing, too.
I think it's just a thing that carries from the Clayton boss. Afaik it is invincible until it is visible/clayton is off it's back even if you go nuts with cheats.
Whoa. This is MY screenshot.Also there is the MP difference with staff.
Look at that MP bar... LOOK AT IT!
Whoa. This is MY screenshot.
I posted it on Twitter a few years ago.
I wonder how it got around, heh.
Not really. Have fun.I just picked up my first ever KH game (1.5 HD Remix). Anything I need to know before diving in?
Does it shoot ice when you swing it? I guess not!I really love having Sora's MP/HP bars match perfectly, and mine *are* of the same length but IIRC I went with the Ultima Weapon over Diamond Dust (because it's better, guys).
There are no missables.I just picked up my first ever KH game (1.5 HD Remix). Anything I need to know before diving in?
Goddamit the ending is pissed me off so much I'm about to break something. I just beat the winged demon, and now I have to beat a shit load of heartless. Every time I think I'm finally done, there's another wave of enemies that appears. I've never used the items in the game, but I've given everyone a bunch of mega-potions/ethers and megaelixers and I still can't beat them. If only they had put a save point after you beat the winged demon...
I tried, you can't. When you leave the volcano there's nowhere to go. I checked on a walk though and apparently after you beat all those enemies there's a save point since you have to beat Ansem.
I just picked up my first ever KH game (1.5 HD Remix). Anything I need to know before diving in?
You can actually rise up to the very very top of the volcano scene and go back to the Hundred Acre Wood green-column save point. It's just that, for some weird reason, you need to rise up REALLY REALLY FAR and it's hard to tell if you're moving or not.Yes there is a save point right after that. I could have sworn you can go back and save but maybe I remember wrong.
I tried, you can't. When you leave the volcano there's nowhere to go. I checked on a walk though and apparently after you beat all those enemies there's a save point since you have to beat Ansem.
chose Sword
Im just going to say it: Proud Mode is not fun. Every time I get to a new world I die in two hits. When I got Aero and its upgrades, that was up to three. Tink makes it 4, counting her one-time full-heal if you run out of HP when shes summoned. I powered through all the way to Hollow Bastion out of sheer spite and because my 8 year old is having as blast watching the cut scenes like its the best Disney Movie Ever, but fuck dude. Never again. All subsequent KH remixes will be played on normal.
Though Id mop up the Hades cup before I go synthesis component hunting? Nope. Cant get past Cerberus. Ok fine, Ill just grind some more then do it, went to my favorite grinding spot In hollow Bastion, got killed in three hits by that fucking invisible heartless. Reloaded, went back fully prepared for his ass this time, ran low on magic casting stop over and over, died. Reloaded, timed my casting better, focused on the invisible guy, kept getting pelted by all the other enemies, tried to cure, but chose Sword 30 hours ago so I dont have Leaf Bracer, died.
Went back to Traverse Town to grind.
Fuck Proud Mode.
Release order. Go from left to right in the game selection screen.What order should this be played/watched?
What order should this be played/watched?
True story: I never beat KH 1 on PS2 because my little brother deleted my saved game. I got to the last boss. I was pretty damn upset. Never felt like playing through the game again.
So i'm really looking to finally finishing the game this time.
I almost feel like watching 358/2 Days before KH2 is *better* because it does a much better job of making a bunch of the Organization members far more interesting or at least well fleshed-out. They're... mostly pretty boring and poorly defined in KH2, honestly.
The only thing it "spoils" in KH2 is what's going on during the prologue and what the Organization's goal for the Keyblade and its wielder(s) is (that is, outside of some of DDD's revelations/retcons to that effect). Apart from that, it mostly makes KH2's narrative better and less sloppy for the most part (especially with the added KH2FM cutscenes teasing things about BBS and the Chambers of Repose/Awakening).
I wouldn't call it sloppy. I think they told Roxas' story out of order on purpose so that the player would be able to relate to how confusing jumbling around your memories is for the protagonists. It definitely does help to solidify the plot at the cost of mystery, though.
I think they mostly told Roxas' story out of order because people would have been like "what the fuck is this bullshit" if we got a second handheld game before KH2 that starred some weepy kid instead of Sora. Back when KH fans were used to the series being on consoles, I mean.
Thy only real moment of awesome wasI think they would've been fine. The post-credits cinematic from KH 1 had everyone hyped for the black coat battle so fans would've instantly assumed that it would be featured in the Roxas game, then gotten disappointed at the level of BS that you had to go through to get to that short moment of awesome.
I think they would've been fine. The post-credits cinematic from KH 1 had everyone hyped for the black coat battle so fans would've instantly assumed that it would be featured in the Roxas game, then gotten disappointed at the level of BS that you had to go through to get to that short moment of awesome.
That's true. But I still don't think the story was told out of order in this case because the story for KH2 is necessary before the story for 358/2 Days - and the 1.5 HD Remix confirms that Nomura believes that it makes sense to have 358/2 Days come first. I think they just wanted to go ahead and make KH2 happen right after KH1 was made, and Chain of Memories for the GBA was basically a placeholder to tide people over.
Couple of questions.
One, did the keyblade change appearances in the original kingdom hearts whenever you changed keychains? I don't think it did, did it? How about in the original Final Mix?
Two, does this game support DTS sound? I know it says it on the box, but does it work during gameplay?
Couple of questions.
One, did the keyblade change appearances in the original kingdom hearts whenever you changed keychains? I don't think it did, did it? How about in the original Final Mix?
Two, does this game support DTS sound? I know it says it on the box, but does it work during gameplay?
Man, my memory sucks then. I could have sworn it was always the regular keyblade. Either that or I was an idiot and played with the kingdom key the entire game.
Oh, and I figured out my own question, it does indeed support DTS.
I feel the same. I was blasting trough my way to platinum, but started getting burned out on the gummi missions. Then FFXIV released. The rest is history.