God, the weirdest part of the Pride Lands is when Nala's suddenly like AND ALSO, I AM PREGNANT
Considering the state of the other worlds I'm guessing it's only been like, a few days between visits? They move pretty fast. I'm probably putting too much thought into this.
Also, is there a reason that the end of every world has the disney characters going "HEY LOOK AT HOW MUCH WE LOVE EACH OTHER AND ARE TOTALLY IN A RELATIONSHIP"? I get that Sora and Kairi might as well be married to each other by now it's kind of weird.
Also, I'm always flipping horizontal camera control from the default because I like it better that way, but during 1st person segments the right analog stick flips as well and I'm panning left when I'm guiding the stick to the right.
I Was KH1 this bad? I don't remember if it was a problem on PSP... maybe, but got used to it I guess..
Noticed this. Probably an oversight considering PSP version didn't have right stick.
edit: At least by DDD they finally had Horizontal flipped by default :V
Forged a D-Link with Snow White
Actually it's like this in all versions of KH2, too. Not just BBS. It bothered me 6+ years ago, and it still bothers me now.
How much better is DDD with the Circle Pad Pro? I'd imagine right stick camera is a godsend.
Any time I play KH2 I skip Pride Lands scenes because the world is awful and I want to get through it as fast as possible.
YES I FUCKING DID IT OMG!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Final is the easiest one as you will need to kill nobodies over and over and over again anyway. Start in Twilight Town computer room, Thundaga kills them real fast in Final form, and as you level up you get the awesome form boost which allows you to stay in Final longer to Thundaga spam in TWTNW.Made some good process with the Form/Summon leveling up last night. Just got Master and Final left to get to 7 now. Not looking forward to doing it with Final. So tedious. The rest have good places to cheese at least.
Were you planning to platinum BBS? Because Ice Cream Beat lol
Well if they are going to save Lea, they will have to defeat his heartless.I'm hoping we'll have to defeat the heartless of the organization members to be honest ;(
Would be cool and it's a kinda big missed opportunity if we don't.
Also Demyx needs to be reborn somehow, he's too great to be wasted like he was!
UhmmmAny time I play KH2 I skip Pride Lands scenes because the world is awful and I want to get through it as fast as possible.
Well if they are going to save Lea, they will have to defeat his heartless.
So there is at least one.
Got to level 99 last night.
Mushrooms is pissin me off tbh. Do I need to S rank all of them to get the secret ending or could I just get the B rank?
You just need a B rank.
So uh quick question. Playing KH 2 for the first time and all. The question is should I put all the AP,DEF,STR etc. boosts all into Sora or should I put some on Donald and Goofy as well? I know it sounds dumb, but I thought I'd ask.
So uh quick question. Playing KH 2 for the first time and all. The question is should I put all the AP,DEF,STR etc. boosts all into Sora or should I put some on Donald and Goofy as well? I know it sounds dumb, but I thought I'd ask.
So uh quick question. Playing KH 2 for the first time and all. The question is should I put all the AP,DEF,STR etc. boosts all into Sora or should I put some on Donald and Goofy as well? I know it sounds dumb, but I thought I'd ask.
So uh quick question. Playing KH 2 for the first time and all. The question is should I put all the AP,DEF,STR etc. boosts all into Sora or should I put some on Donald and Goofy as well? I know it sounds dumb, but I thought I'd ask.
Sora. Donald and Goofy are useless outside of letting you drive and use limits.
Dolan is a pretty good healer.
Dolan is a pretty good healer.
All on Sora.
Sora is the only one that needs to eat.
Sora. Donald and Goofy are useless outside of letting you drive and use limits.
Yeah, that's what I thought would be the logical choice. Thanks for your input.Sora all the way. Donald and Goofy will be dead most of the time no matter what you do.
did i say something weirdUhmmm
did i say something weird
If you're not going for 100% you can skip the Pride Lands completely.
If you're not going for 100% you can skip the Pride Lands completely.
I completely agree. It took awhile and I got used to it but they really should have pulled it back a littlebit for 2.5 considering it's on a console now and not a handheld.and then there's the camera. In BBS the camera is WAY too close for comfort, feels awkward after how spacious it was in KH2FM. Was KH1 this bad? I don't remember if it was a problem on PSP... maybe, but got used to it I guess.
Isn't there a Tron like level in DDD? I think there is.
Playing through the Tron level in KH2, made me search for everything Tron. I just had to order the original movie, the evolution(even the game getting slight below average review scores, it was cheap!) game, and the legacy movie.The original movie has always been a favorite of mine, grew up with that classic. Don't really remember much about legacy other than the all CG character.
Isn't there a Tron like level in DDD? I think there is.